Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....where do I start?????????????
First of all, thanks to the few people that defended my picture (you know who you are :sohappy: )
Currently, that is the only picture of myself that I have online and I'll admit that "Me in Action" was not a very good warning.
I really don't put much thought into pictures like that offending people because down here in Louisiana, Hunting & Fishing are very common and I been raised with Hunting & Fishing for 17 years.
If it makes anyone feel better, my family and I eat everything we catch and kill and we don't hunt for the antlers. The deer was harvested under fair chase conditions, shot 230 yds away (pretty impressive shot), and had a quick death.
I am very proud of my buck and recieve great satisfaction from completing the "Circle of Life" and putting food on the table for my family.
Hunting is a conservation tool. If hunters did not harvest deer and other animals, they would overpopulate, run out of food and room, and die from disease.
Next time I shall warn you and if I can figure out how to post pictures from my computer, I will put a different picture.
Side note, someone here has an avatar of a naked guy with an exposed erect p****, I believe that that is more innappropriate.
Please don't hold my lifestyle against me and I won't hold anything against ya'll.
Again, thanks to those who defended me.