I truly wish we had some hard numbers on the people that use it and don't need it. There is absolutely no way, based on today's laws, that we can verify any of it. You may be right, but, it is just as much of a guess as the other way. There might be more usage because those with legitimate needs are finding out it is available and are going to the parks more. I don't know if that is true or just that there are massive amounts of abusers out there. Sure we hear stories, and I don't doubt that they are true, in fact, I'm sure that they are true, but we don't really hear that many considering the hundreds of thousands that are in the parks every week. Again, I am not saying that this problem isn't as big as everyone is saying it is, I'm just skeptical because there is really no reliable way to know. That is what makes controlling the situation very difficult. I also refuse to blame it all on Disney. Having had to deal with ADA in the past, I know that if there is one thing about ADA it is that consequences of the laws for those trying to administer them are not a consideration. Safety isn't even a consideration in many instances. Their safety and especially the safety of others are not a consideration. The only thing that is considered is allow access at all costs, no excuses. That makes it difficult to rule with any form of iron hand.
Now, that said, I do agree that Disney could/should be able to come up with a different way to deal with it. That would involve the use of more CM's to do the necessary activity to make that change. In this case, for the good of those that most need the help, that is something where they need to buck up and do whatever is necessary. I don't see any problem with people waiting a certain amount of time to get to the ride (just like everyone else) and control how many times that a GAC card can be used on the same attraction. That is inherently not equal to everyone else. Once yes, twice no way. Regular guests have to either get a FP or get in Standby for that privilege. All those and more possible things that can be done, would involve more people to administer, but, I think it is getting to the point where Disney is going to have to do something.