You know, I'm going to just stop this banter because for whatever reason you have you are not reading what I am saying but only what you think I am saying and thinking ahead for a solid comeback. I'm sorry that you were able to take from what I said and turn it into a judgement on my part. I'm trying to eliminate the judgement part not increase it. You for some reason cannot see that. Not using any system to distinguish between legitimate and non-legitimate need is the reason for the abuse. So far you haven't offered any ideas on how you eliminate the abuse. You are only defending the same people that I am..the disabled. It's obvious to me that you are not reading my posts with any form of effort to understand what is being said.
If I were disabled enough to NEED that assistance I would have no problem at all in documenting my need, if for no other reason then to stop the constant judgement of the rest of the "have a magical day" crowd that inhabits Disney Parks.The law can still exist that places provide access for people with disabilities without eliminating their right to be protected from people that abuse and capitalize on someone elses hardships. I cannot say anymore on this subject without repeating and repeating.
The problem isn't about you and what you would or wouldn't want, if you had some condition that made a GAC actually necessary.
The problem is that many people - other people, not you - prefer to keep that stuff private, especially if it is long and involved, gross or will cause people to pity them.
Many of us do not want those people to suffer the humiliation of disclosing their problems. YOU might not feel humiliated, but they would. And they have it hard enough, already.
Plus, a lot of it is long and involved...
Why can't you stand around a lot?
Well, my joints are hurting because I had a surgery to remove my thyroid and some parathyroids were sacrificed and the one in my muscle doesn't seem to be doing the work, so my calcium is for crap. I've been taking a lot of calcium, but I have no vitamin D in my body, because of the cancer and even though I take 10,000+ a day, so I can't absorb enough. Plus, my calcium levels fluctuate... So, my body is breaking down my bones to get the calcium it thinks it needs and when it does, there is a little too much for a while, so my hips and knees hurt. ... The pain comes on fairly suddenly, but other times, they feel okay, so I can stand sometimes and not others, unless I take a pain pill, but I can't take too many of those because I had a liver problem... Anyway, its easier to walk or sit than to stand...and standing in one spot makes the pain so much worse...I'm willing to suffer to do this, but I simply won't be able to carry on if I have to stand all the time. And the walking is good for me because it helps with getting the muscles to pull on my bones, stimulating my bones and they need stimulation because my body is attacking them, so a wheelchair is actually a bad idea...I have to actively fight it, not give in.
Or will disney be hiring doctors to understand it all, so we can can say "Low vitamin D due to cancer and temporary hypercalcemia due to bone resorbtion, following thryroidectomy with sacrificed parathyroids"? Because there is NO WAY the kids working the counter are familiar enough with the tens of thousands of medical problems they might hear to even have any idea how to help people. They have to take people's word for it! They don't know any better!
The CMs can sometimes tell who is lying. It isn't hard. I've witnessed it myself. And they know who is taking advantage, "Well, little Johnny - he doesn't do well when waiting in long lines." But actual medical stuff? They are clueless, as are most of the rest of us.
And people just don't want to tell their long, dumb stories to strangers and watch the stranger become confused, bored, uncomfortable and start to pity them...They just want to go to WDW with their family and heard there was help for them. Multiply the privacy issue by a million when the story is gross or involves something very personal.
That story was the SHORT version...and it wasn't even gross!
It's unfair to make people go through that. Maybe not YOU, but people who don't want to...they have enough crap to deal with.
I think people who have issues that require ADA stuff should receive a card. Issue the card only when the doctor approves it, like they do with handicapped parking. They made sure everyone can't take advantage of the parking, now they have to move this put into the rest of the world.
It is a damn shame that good manners and good sense didn't stop people from taking advantage of the GAC.