One Little Spark...
It's best not to ask anything.
One time working for another mouse (not Disney, the one from New Jersey), I had a kid come through the front door with a bandage over his head.
Now, it was baseball season, and this kid was about 11 or 12 years old. We had a lot of visiting teams in, as the Little League World Series was in my city that year.
So, kid comes through the front door, and I figure it must be a baseball injury or something. The kid said, no it wasn't, and didn't seem terribly upset, but was rather quiet. So, I let it go, stamped their hands and wished them a magical day (yeah, the other mouse steals a lot from Disney)...
A few moments later the mother comes up to me (I was the manager on duty) and cusses me out for how rude and unprofessional I was.
See...turns out, the kid was born without an ear. He never liked to leave the house, and felt self conscious about it. His mother had convinced him that they could bandage it up, and no one would notice.
The visit to Chuck E. Cheese was supposed to be his grand treat for leaving the house.
Well...guess who was the first person all day to notice? Me...
Though, I sortof disagreed with her mother coddling the kid who is going to have to live with this deformity for the rest of his life, so he really shouldn't be ashamed of it...that's not my place. He's not my kid.
Anyhow, after that, I never again even tried to politely mention (even if well-meaning) anything out of the ordinary (along those lines) again.
One time working for another mouse (not Disney, the one from New Jersey), I had a kid come through the front door with a bandage over his head.
Now, it was baseball season, and this kid was about 11 or 12 years old. We had a lot of visiting teams in, as the Little League World Series was in my city that year.
So, kid comes through the front door, and I figure it must be a baseball injury or something. The kid said, no it wasn't, and didn't seem terribly upset, but was rather quiet. So, I let it go, stamped their hands and wished them a magical day (yeah, the other mouse steals a lot from Disney)...
A few moments later the mother comes up to me (I was the manager on duty) and cusses me out for how rude and unprofessional I was.
See...turns out, the kid was born without an ear. He never liked to leave the house, and felt self conscious about it. His mother had convinced him that they could bandage it up, and no one would notice.
The visit to Chuck E. Cheese was supposed to be his grand treat for leaving the house.
Well...guess who was the first person all day to notice? Me...
Though, I sortof disagreed with her mother coddling the kid who is going to have to live with this deformity for the rest of his life, so he really shouldn't be ashamed of it...that's not my place. He's not my kid.
Anyhow, after that, I never again even tried to politely mention (even if well-meaning) anything out of the ordinary (along those lines) again.