I really don't mind that show. When it had the water vortex, that was always the coolest part. I loved walking through and hearing people react to it who have never seen it before. Now that it's gone, it's pretty embarrassing on Universal's part.
What sucks is Universal's explanation for it being gone. "Doing it to save money." It's a special effects show. The whole theme of the show is that you go DEEPER into the ocean, hence the water vortex. Them turning off a VITAL story element to the show is like saying "Spiderman costs too much to have the vehicles move around and bounce and spin, so it'll just go through on a straight track with no other movement."
Also like when they decided to eliminate the 2nd track at Men in Black. Wow. What a horrible idea. The main thing from a creative perspective is that the entire 2nd half of the ride is meant to have you "dueling" against the other vehicle. From the scanners that have you line up to face the other car, to the scores with Will Smith, to meeting the Coach or getting the Suit, up to the Final Ranking. Also, to have guests wait in an hour line, to get to the load platform and see an entire fleet of vehicles just sitting there, not running, looks REALLY bad. It makes Universal look very cheap, and with these decisions, they earned that reputation.
I don't know. It just seems like those who make these decisions have never been on any of these rides. It's like they just went over how much everything costs and took out all the extreme "reds" as they could. Harry Potter better not get budget cut like this. I doubt Rowling would allow it.