Pop Century room fridges?

Red devil

I am staying in Pop Century in sept. and I am pretty sure that they don't have mini fridges in the rooms but please correct me if I am wrong. However if they don't in fact have them does anyone know if it is possible to rent one for your room?


New Member
Instead of starting a whole new forum I have question about pop that I hope can be answered. Do the rooms have dvd players in them I know alot of times the tvs are built with one but we were trying to bring some movies t watch if they did. Thank You!

If someone advises you to buy one at Wal-mart and then return it when you're done, I'll scream!!!
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The Mom

Premium Member
Red Devil, when you get there buy a mini fridge from Walmart and return it when you leave! I got that from this site!

Many people post things on this site which are NOT approved by the webmaster/moderators.

Purposely going into a store and buying something KNOWING YOU WILL BE RETURNING IT AFTER YOU USE IT is fraud. I don't know how some people can sleep at night. If you only need something for a short time, please rent it.
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New Member
I am staying in Pop Century in sept. and I am pretty sure that they don't have mini fridges in the rooms but please correct me if I am wrong. However if they don't in fact have them does anyone know if it is possible to rent one for your room?
Hi. I recently made reservations to ASM for our first ever trip to WDW. I requested a fridge and they said it is $10.75 a day. Maybe it has gone up a bit or maybe it is just that resort. ?? I would love to just bring my own but I think our car will be pretty packed out. Can't wait though!!

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Well-Known Member
A fridge isn't a problem, it's the appliances that cook that are the ones not permitted in the rooms because it is a safety issue (microwaves, toaster ovens, hot plates). Since they are willing to put a fridge in the room for a charge, it's not a problem to bring your own.

That is what I thought too originally. Thanks for reaffirming it for me! :wave:
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Well-Known Member
Rather than watching a DVD you could always watch Stacy. Ahhh...nothing tells you've arrived like watching that little show over and over again.

I like how they always say "we'll be right back to the Top 7 Must Sees of Walt Disney World" but they don't show any commercials in that broadcast so they actually haven't cut to anything...they just keep moving along... (i didn't realize truck with ing at the end was going to get edited! sry!)
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Active Member
Wow! I guess I would just never try to pull a scam like that with ANY store. We can argue the theft part as you have devalued the item as Walmart can now no-longer sell it as "new" or if you returned it "defective" then they or the vendor incure the expense for the shipping return. You are guilty of fraud as you are purchasing the item with the intent to use it and return it. It is rather extreemly dishonest unless you do return it and tell them you are returning it because you no longer have a use for it. The cost of your scam is most likely anticipated by stores like Walmart and the cost is then spread to the rest of us. I hope to heaven you don't have kids and are teaching them that this is acceptible behavior.:mad:

Kevin and Mona

Trust me they still sell it as new
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New Member
Please keep in mind that it's not just Walmart that people do this at. A friend of mine did it at target and another did it at K-Mart (when it was still around).

Also in regards to my above post, I am not saying that I agree with buying an item then a few days later return it. It's just that in today's world people will do almost anything to save a buck.

Disneykidder, your friend should have NEVER returned those pizza pans. For all she knew, the pizza she cooked could have caused food poisoning or something worse. A TV is one thing but a food product is another.

OK I'm done ranting. Sorry for the long post.

In all honesty, I don't care if your cousin's uncle twice removed by marriage that was somehow related to your nephew's girlfriend's accountant did it at Circle K. It's the act itself that is classless, but it certainly was NOT surprising to see this type of scam and "Walmart" in the same suggestion originally. Coincidence? I think not.

I simply cannot see how one could justify doing something that classless with any item, regardless of whether it was a TV or a 20 cent rubbermaid container that they maybe needed for lunch one day. The general principle is the same.

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Active Member
Just curious......about the fridge for medical reasons. Someone mentioned that they got a fridge to store ice packs for an injury. My friend is going at the same time as me and her husband had a recent back injury and he may need to use ice packs at the end of the day after walking.......my question is, what do you say to the CM's to get a fridge? Do you just outright say, "I have an injury and need to store ice packs.....by the way is that free" or do you just ask for a fridge telling them about the injury and hope they don't charge you???
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Well-Known Member
In all honesty, I don't care if your cousin's uncle twice removed by marriage that was somehow related to your nephew's girlfriend's accountant did it at Circle K. It's the act itself that is classless, but it certainly was NOT surprising to see this type of scam and "Walmart" in the same suggestion originally. Coincidence? I think not.

I simply cannot see how one could justify doing something that classless with any item, regardless of whether it was a TV or a 20 cent rubbermaid container that they maybe needed for lunch one day. The general principle is the same.

I totally agree that it is classless, but this mentality is not limited to WalMart, and I for one resent the implication there.
A few years ago, we needed to replace our toaster oven, so we found one we liked at a department store here at the mall (aka not WalMart). The box was sealed up and seemed to be OK. When we opened it at home, much to our disgust we found a highly-used, greasy smelly toaster oven in the box, so we immediately returned it to the store. It took us quite a while to convince them that we were not trying to scam them, since apparently it had happened there before.
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New Member
Just curious......about the fridge for medical reasons. Someone mentioned that they got a fridge to store ice packs for an injury. My friend is going at the same time as me and her husband had a recent back injury and he may need to use ice packs at the end of the day after walking.......my question is, what do you say to the CM's to get a fridge? Do you just outright say, "I have an injury and need to store ice packs.....by the way is that free" or do you just ask for a fridge telling them about the injury and hope they don't charge you???

When we checked in, I told them that we needed a fridge. The Cm asked if it was for medical purposes and I said it was for ice packs for a bad back. When we got the bill, we were never charged.
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Well-Known Member
I needed a fridge for medicines and they told me that it is a small lunch bag sized cooler size. I said sure since I didn't need it bigger than that for the meds. I no longer need it for the meds so I did call to cancel that. However, when I get to the resort on Sat, we will be renting a fridge.
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Active Member
I think we are gonna get one of those styrofoam cooler thingys. It serves the purpose of what we need it for and I only have to spend a few dollars not $10 a day.
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