After being slightly disturbed by a minced Heimlich, Nicole finally left, and Paul and I spent the rest of the day between the two parks doing things that I can't exactly remember. I think we attempted to watch Remember... Dreams Come True that night, and we had perfect seats for it (PERFECT, FRONT ROW CENTER MAIN STREET), but since the winds were over -7 MPH, they didn't actually show it. So we waited a hundred years for nothing.
Then everyone rushed over to New Orleans Square for Fantasmic! Which we also managed to find really good seats for since it was the later show. All I can say about this show is that it BLEW the Florida version away. After we saw it that night, we saw it every night following, I loved it that much. I actually think the Florida version is really boring, but the DL version actually had me nervous! How weird! I loved the Peter Pan portion so much. It was so quick and so fleeting and so much happened all a once that I could see that show a hundred times and STILL see something new. Actually, that's probably true for the whole show. Loved it.
So now we'll move on to the next day.
Chapter Four: Did You Get Those From the Tortilla Factory?
We started the day sleeping in a little bit and going to California Adventure first. Made a stop by the free continental breakfast first, though. The plan was to spend most of the day in DCA (including dinner) and then make our way over to DL for the fireworks we missed the night before and Fantasmic! afterward.
We pretty much did everything. As I stated earlier, I really don't think DCA gets the credit it deserves. I had a ton of fun there, and there are parts of it that I really enjoyed more than DL. I really liked the atmosphere around Paradise Pier and a lot of the attractions, though not necessarily themed well, were very fun.
I loved the Maliboomer. We ended up riding that a LOT, only because it never had a long line, we were always walking past it, and it was just a ton of fun.
California Screamin' is one of the most fun roller coasters I've ever been on. Every single time we rode it I always anticipated the first take off and the music and just everything. I can't compare it to Rock 'n' Roller Coaster at ALL. They're totally different experiences. The take-off on the lagoon was just so cool for me. I love things like that. I know, I'm strange. I get all jazzed up about nothing in particular.
One of the rides I was really looking forward to was the Golden Zephyr (strange, right? Who looks forward to that? Me, that's who), and when we finally rode it it completely met my expectations, which weren't very high to begin with :lol: But it was still fun, if short. I guess we were lucky the wind wasn't blowing too hard...
I really liked the Golden Dreams movie. I thought it was... an interesting look at California, but I thought Whoopi was great in it (she's kind of great at everything she does, though). And I'm glad I got to see it just a few weeks before they closed it down. Whoop!
The Sun Wheel was really entertaining for me. I had watched videos of people freaking out on it before we went to DLR, and I was really excited to freak out myself, and it was certainly freaky! Very disorienting, but so much fun.
Some Paradise Pier Pictures:
Loved that place. It's so photogenic.
Somewhere in the day we went to the Tortilla Factory for the millionth time (MASECA!). As an aside, my birthday was August 30th, and I decided on the second day on the trip that it was going to be my "birthday trip," so I got a button. And after that I pretty much wore it 24/7 (no lie, I left it on my shirt when I went to bed one night... that's how tired I was. It was kind of embarassing). So as we were leaving the tortilla factory, I grabbed my free tortilla, and all of a sudden the cast member working it hands me a bag of TWELVE tortillas. ? He says "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" and I'm like halfway out the door before I realized what happened. It was very quick.
So it's not like 3:30 and I have to carry tortillas around the rest of the day. Awesome. No really, awesome. I guess I could have dropped them off at the hotel (since it WAS across the street), but why waste that time?
Delish. Notice that I'm wearing a different pair of glasses from previous pictures. That's because my other pair broke on the second day. And I had only bought them like two weeks prior. Quality. Fortunately there was a Fossil store in Downtown Disney and I still had my receipt from when I bought the broken pair. So I went and exchanged them for this pair.
Wow, that was useless information. Sorry to waste the 14 seconds it took you to read that paragraph.
Next up: Downtown Disney!