Pre-COVID, my two obsessions were College Football and Disney Parks. Now, I've essentially lost all of the passion that I held for both, and it's mostly due to the fact that those in charge either don't understand the product (at best) or flat out loathe me and my peasant family (at worst).
Pre-COVID/Pre-kids, my wife and I both traveled for work, so we had APs and would take advantage of work flex travel to spend countless weekends down there, not to mentioned 1-2 full weeks/year (as well as many other locations).
Now, a lot of things have changed for me as well since 2019 (mainly that I have two kids now), but I hold very little excitement in regards to going to WDW. If it weren't for the nostalgia or my girls, I probably wouldn't go back. My eldest loves it there (obviously), so there is still value in taking her, since we can afford it. Yet, I don't get excited like I used to. I mean, I even loved the preplanning and spreadsheeting. However, now, we just go down without a plan really, since it wasn't really worth it / able to pre-plan much anymore. We have a trip booked for the Fall, but looking to audible to Disneyland, or just head to the mountains instead.
Back in the day, it was relaxing for us. We'd tell people all the time how laid-back a WDW trip really could be. That doesn't seem true now. Either you have to diligently plan AND micromanage by the minute or wing it and accept that you probably won't be able to do anything you really want.
Is it more challenging now with a family of 4, as opposed to just two childless adults? Sure, but I don't think becoming a dad is the reason I lost passion for my hobbies (at least not entirely). It probably has more to do with getting punched in the gut continuously and then be told that puking up blood is part of the experience and then being billed for it.