Pleasure Island Clubs To Close?


Well-Known Member
As soon as the fireworks factory left, the place went downhill. Yummy Corn Bread and ribs :slurp:, Miss you fireworks factory:cry:.


Well-Known Member
Well, the nail in the coffin was right around Sept 11th 2007. Now, I do not suggest that the events that day had anything to do with it. But, they were to me the real "start" of it all going downhill.

PI Live Dancers Go Away. 2001
Cut down fireworks/confetti
Cut down bands on west end stage.
Open up the island, remove gates.
Remove west end stage
21 and up clubs go to 18 and up.
The whole island gets rehabbed
Fights break out, bad press, tourists do not feel safe.
That leads us up to today.... 2007

It's a sad time indeed to work at PI. I've said all along, if they are going to close it. Then close it, just do it and get it over with. Don't keep saying it's not going to be closed, only to whittle it down year after year. Just get it over with and let everyone move on with his or her lives.

Oh and BTW- The locals ARE the only thing keeping PI alive.. Or at least keeping the staff entertained at night.

I think a few things have killed Pleasure Island.

The venues used to be more diversified.
Allowing children in
The Townies took over.

There should just be a club in each Resort in my opinion that only allow resort guests in. That would allow guests to check out other resorts and resort hop and enjoy a few cocktails at the same time.
The locals have lots of places to go outside of the parks. They don't need to go to Disney Bars.

Just my opinion, don't flame me please.


The locals have lots of places to go outside of the parks. They don't need to go to Disney Bars.

Excuse us for using the local entertainment available to us. It's not the fact that locals also enjoy going dancing there or visiting fellow adventurers, it's the teenagers and parents with tired and cranky children that take over what is supposed to be a party area and turn it into a fun-free nightmare.


New Member
To be honest, I kind of like the idea of reducing the number of dance clubs and bringing in a bit more diversity in terms of things to do on the Island.

Have you ever been to a bowling alley? That's pretty much the complete description. ;)

:lol: True true... but I guess I'm only in one during the day :)...but 5 o'clock somewhere


New Member
Bring back the Merriweather Pleasure Stories and theming again!

its still there... there is not much of it... but I don't think Pleasure Island really needs or has a theme now...But anyway I'm digressing... the stuff is still up... if you look carefully there are signs still at some enterences with the storyline of how that "club" came to be. I noticed this last time I was at the comedy club working or also at A-tacks


One thing missing in this thread is Church Street Station. This was *the place to be* for Orlando area night-lifers, and a *must do* for those visiting WDW sans kids. Disney, in its neverending (and proper) desire to keep guests and their money on property, developed Pleasure Island to prevent the nightime exodus up I-4. Church Street Station is a shell of its former self, as is now PI. Now, to bring transparency to my post, I've only visited Church Street once and it was for lunch. If anybody else has any older or more current observations I'd love to hear them.


Well-Known Member
How is the attendance doing over at Universal City Walk? Is that also down??

The problem is that Citywalk was built so that each park dumps out right into it. You have to walk thur citywalk, you have no chioce. So it's a bit hard to say as it's attendence is very much related to the attendence of both parks.

However that being said, I do hear that they are doing pretty well these days.

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
One reason for the fireworks being cut back was SSR just across the lake, imagine your sound asleep then suddenly it sounds like the war has started, and you jump right out of bed and dive under it. :ROFLOL:But I personally vote to keep the AC, if that ever goes the place will really fall apart, even though the basic show is the same it never goes off that way every night, when we were there this past Nov., it had to be the most fun we have ever had, so many unexpected things happened, we all were busting a gut the whole time we were there. :lol:


New Member
One reason for the fireworks being cut back was SSR just across the lake, imagine your sound asleep then suddenly it sounds like the war has started, and you jump right out of bed and dive under it. :ROFLOL:But I personally vote to keep the AC, if that ever goes the place will really fall apart, even though the basic show is the same it never goes off that way every night, when we were there this past Nov., it had to be the most fun we have ever had, so many unexpected things happened, we all were busting a gut the whole time we were there. :lol:

But the Boardwalk and the Beach Club are also right under Epcot.


Well-Known Member
One reason for the fireworks being cut back was SSR just across the lake, imagine your sound asleep then suddenly it sounds like the war has started, and you jump right out of bed and dive under it. :ROFLOL:But I personally vote to keep the AC, if that ever goes the place will really fall apart, even though the basic show is the same it never goes off that way every night, when we were there this past Nov., it had to be the most fun we have ever had, so many unexpected things happened, we all were busting a gut the whole time we were there. :lol:

I don't believe that is accurate. I think its more to do with $$$$ and the 9 month renovation of PI that included the demolition of the west-end stage, moving the bridge as well as all the other renovations of stores that occured. Disney doesn't care if their fireworks wake you up as you can hear Wishes at all the lagoon resorts and Illuminations at all the Epcot area resorts. Besides, the NYE style fireworks at PI were very low level, very small and very short in duration.


Well-Known Member
Gee and I recall being told that they had installed special glass over there to prevent just this from happening. Then, they also installed a "Fireworks Overlook" for guests staying to look at the PI fireworks at midnight.

So... no I don't buy any of the "Noise" thing either..

As I said.. I wish they would just close it down and get it over with.
It's this whole "Wink, Wink, Nudge, Nudge" game that gets me sick... "wink, wink, no PI is being "Remade!"..... wink wink, nudge, nudge.. no the jazz club isn't closeing.....oh the new bridge will give better guest flow and bring MORE guests onto the island... nudge nudge.."

I don't believe that is accurate. I think its more to do with $$$$ and the 9 month renovation of PI that included the demolition of the west-end stage, moving the bridge as well as all the other renovations of stores that occured. Disney doesn't care if their fireworks wake you up as you can hear Wishes at all the lagoon resorts and Illuminations at all the Epcot area resorts. Besides, the NYE style fireworks at PI were very low level, very small and very short in duration.


Active Member
What A downer!

I worked very hard to convince my wife to go to WDW for our vacation this year. You see she has gone twice in her life and has had very bad times on both. I have been about A dozen times and absolutly love the place. I haven`t been in A long time though and the last time I was there they still had live acts on the west end stage and the New Years everynight.I had A blast. We still enjoy clubbing every once in awhile and my storys of PI were A big part of the convincing. I already told her that SPM will be closed, how do I drop this bomb? Please help, I don`t want to have to get Dr. Phil involved.


Well-Known Member
History of This Rumor

Here's a brief rundown about this. Just remember, the OP quoted Screamscape (no offense, OP), so don't take the deadline too seriously...yet.

In 2005, the PI management was told that PI has not been profitable for years, and the area would slowly become more family-friendly. Eventually all the dance clubs would be phased out, with only AC and CC remaining. Disney finally conceded that they cannot compete with the new Church Street Station atmosphere without losing its family-friendly status. Although the announcements were made, rumors soon circulated that the changes would not be as dramatic as Disney originally implied.

In 2006, various parts of PI were refurbed and opened to allow better Guest traffic through the area. Guests were essentially forced to go through the area, both to unify the West Side and Marketplace, and to (hopefully) bring more traffic to PI. The first part of the plan worked. The second didn't.

Now, in late 2007, PI managers have been reminded of the coming changes, and the changes appear to be dramatic again...for now. No timeframe has been finalized.


New Member
I'm scared to go downtown. The reason why I like PI is because I trust the CM's and Security there. Last time I needed OCPD, they were there within 2 minutes. Downtown, heck no.

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