PLEASE stop the bumping of ancient threads


Well-Known Member
icorsix said:
Another case of "danged if you do and danged if you don't". What we need around here is a little less "insider" attitude from the Vets and a little more patience with the newbies. I myself have been tempted to add my 2 cents worth to an old thread because I thought it would add to what had already been posted but fear of the tongue lashing kept me at bay. Yes, unnecessarily reviving an old thread should not happen but when it does, let's not climb such a high stump and be so quick to thump those who are new and learning. Everyone was new at some point. Thanks.



Well-Known Member
wdwishes2005 said:
but the person bumping is not new.

To add to that, when someone bumps a thread and says, "well so much for that" it contributes zero to that thread. And the recent trend of bumping has been falling into that category lately.


Well-Known Member
Pongo said:
I'm sure that about 1% of the ancient threads that have been bumped lately were bumped not because the user was using the search function, but because they were looking at old threads and decided to make a witty comment on a subject that died years ago.

I do that sometimes in daily conversation, but I try to do it as infrequently as I can on these boards. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Think we can create a 'Great Moments of WDWMagic History' thread to put links to the really good stuff that seems to be bumped a lot (like any thread with MaElStRoM RoCkS' posts)? It wouldn't be that bad of a solution...


Well-Known Member
There are times when bumping is done intentionally to move offensive threads to the second, third or fourth pages. This occurs when a moderator or Steve is unavailable to take immediate action against the thread in question. So many of longtime members take the initiative to move the thread in question out of the way. We have a diverse crowd on these boards and the ages range from single digits to the old farts, like myself. It's important that we all keep a sense of decorum and decency.


New Member
Original Poster
I have done that before, although it is hard to convince people to stop posting in the thread ( this thread is disgusting, or I can't wait for you to get banned ).


New Member
I have no problem with people bumping old threads, cause I know that when people make new threads of subjects that have been discussed before there are always people that jump down thier throats and tell them why did they not just do a search. So people stop complaining about people bumping old threads when I know you are the first to start screaming about people not doing searches!:p


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
darthdarrel said:
I have no problem with people bumping old threads, cause I know that when people make new threads of subjects that have been discussed before there are always people that jump down thier throats and tell them why did they not just do a search. So people stop complaining about people bumping old threads when I know you are the first to start screaming about people not doing searches!:p


darthdarrel said:
I have no problem with people bumping old threads, cause I know that when people make new threads of subjects that have been discussed before there are always people that jump down thier throats and tell them why did they not just do a search. So people stop complaining about people bumping old threads when I know you are the first to start screaming about people not doing searches!:p

Unfortunately people are not bumping to add something or ask something; they are doing it just for the sake of bumping.

and the most important person in relation to WDWMAGIC has asked for it to stop, that would be Steve.


New Member
Iakona said:
Unfortunately people are not bumping to add something or ask something; they are doing it just for the sake of bumping.

and the most important person in relation to WDWMAGIC has asked for it to stop, that would be Steve.
Well then if it trully is being bumped just for the sake of bumping something and Steve does not like it, Steve will do something about it!:wave:

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