Well-Known Member
Yeah, dunno what was up with that. Got some crazy teeth whitening going on there! He was snapping fast as he could and kept chimping his pics. Very very annoying.
As for a cheap P&S being able to capture a dark ride or that recital environment, that's just not going to happen in the near future. You still need fast glass and larger less noisy sensors. I was shooting my 7D at ISO6400 (max native) with a 70-200 2.8 wide open and could barely get a shutter speed fast enough to stop action. Just don't want to get anyones hopes up that a cheap P&S will be able to capture the low light photos that proper DSLR or Mirrorless system will.
From last years recital, but same gear. 7D @ 6400, 2.8, 1/800. No flash of course.
IMG_6459 by smerrick, on Flickr
Oh, and something Disney related of course!!
IMG_6734 by smerrick, on Flickr
all based on expectations of course no cheap Point and shoot will but a decent higher end (but still a point and shoot) or more politely called a travel zoom i think now? its in its own "class" right below entry SLR. and of course were not talking perfection were talking enjoyable. two very different things.
admitting many of our photos taken by our cam were blurred due to motion and shutter speed....and i know it will never be as good as having a lens for that "specific" occasion. with that said i also did not play with shutter speed or ISO and only used auto the entire trip even though the 260HS has fully adjustable shutter speeds.