Please delete.


Well-Known Member
He broke rules of propriety and Master Gracey caught him in love’s embrace with the Lady of the House. Gracey alerted the Lord of the Manor who then, unfortunately, had to let his butler go.

The Hollywood Tower, on the other hand, is always hiring, especially post-pandemic.
WDW is hiring but for the anti vax don’t waste Disney’s time. Only vax candidates are being hired.

"El Gran Magnifico"

Can I borrow five dollars
Premium Member
WDW is hiring but for the anti vax don’t waste Disney’s time. Only vax candidates are being hired.

Might work in CA. Won't work in FL. Unless they want to open themselves up to litigation. Which if they my guest. They can always move the resort - if they want to.

"El Gran Magnifico"

Can I borrow five dollars
Premium Member
Then we need to find another country that supplies 75% of our meds annually. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.

Considering how much Disney merch is made in China.....they ain’t going to bite. They won’t even nibble. Not a political statement. Just a fact.

The post I’m replying to is very ironic though.


Well-Known Member
That place has been going downhill for years. Dust everywhere, power outages, elevators not working etc

Not surprised to hear employees are dropping everything and ghosting the place.
WDI making their magic! Some think the ToT hotel lobby cobwebs, dust are real! ( Hint - they're fake ).

No Name

Well-Known Member
Yeah, as I leave the 239th comment in this conversation about how activity here is down, I’m inclined to think you’re completely wrong, and you’re trying to see things that don’t exist in order to justify your opinions.


Well-Known Member
Doesn’t change your original position. Think about how we are so dependent.
We do not have to be so dependent . in regards to your post of merch made there , we can be independent if we choose but is one ready to pay for a merchandise item going to be made stateside? Passing higher labor costs to the consumer, that Disney merchandise previously made there now here, that T-shirt at MK price will be far north of the current price. That's reality.


Well-Known Member
Revenge travel is a stupid name but I think the concept is sound, it’s not so much that people are traveling more often, they’re just all going at the same time and to the same places rather than being spread out.

For example, say there’s 3 families that normally go for a week once every couple years, pre-Covid they ended up spread out so 1 family went per year over a 3 year period, family A missed 2020 so they are going this year, family B missed 2021 so they are going this year, family C would normally go this year so they’re going this year also. No one’s going more often than normal but because A and B have changed their schedule it’s 3 times the normal demand.

The other big factor is it’s still harder to travel outside the US. We used to rotate between WDW and Europe every other year, with Europe so difficult we’ve been to WDW in 2019, 2020, 2021, and we have another trip planned for Jan 2023. We haven’t travelled more (less actually) but with our other destinations so hard to get to we’ve spent twice as much time at WDW as normal.

I don’t think this will last long but 2022 and 2023 will probably see more demand than they’d have seen without Covid.
Agreed. People aren't traveling as "revenge" against a disease, but to make up for lost time and missed vacation opportunities during COVID. Still, whatever it's called, the surge is obvious (particularly according to my travel agent friends, who say they've never been busier).

Nonetheless, there _is_ an emotional component to it, even if it has nothing to do with vengeance and can't easily be captured in a single phrase, because we've all been psychologically impacted by being cooped up, and many of us are itching to "get out there into the world again." For my kids, the last thing our family did before COVID hit -- before we even realized it was a thing looming on the horizon -- was to go to Disney World over February break in 2020. The very first thing my kids (and husband) wanted to do after we were all vaccinated and things were starting to normalize (which ended up being August of 2021) was to go back to Disney World. As they explained it to me, their desperation to do that wasn't because they missed Disney World so much per se, but because they felt like going back would serve as a "bookend" to their pandemic experience, reminding them what life was like before COVID hit, and helping them feel encouraged that life really could feel normal again.


Well-Known Member
The Disney hype machine was firing on all cylinders during the second half of the 2010s as several projects were announced and under construction simultaneously and this board was fueling the hype with the buzz of what was to come, and the idea that we would get even more all leading up to the resort's 50th anniversary (which people began speculating about more than 5 years out).

But then things started opening and the hit or miss quality of these new projects became apparent while others started getting cancelled or delayed quite a bit. The big thing for the 50th anniversary turned out to be paying for something that was free the last 20 years. We collectively built up the excitement of a new WDW that was going to see the most expansion the resort had yet to receive this century and what we got was more repeal and replace that didn't always achieve what it set out to do, make the most of their resources, or solve ongoing operational issues. We're now all stuck waiting for things just to get back to where they were in 2019, all while hoping the price hikes don't get beyond what we're willing to pay. The idea that the overall experience may have, in hindsight, been better and not as overpriced as before the mid-2010s is kind of hard to swallow after more than half a decade of buildup.

While we wait for Disney to finish moving dirt with a spoon in the middle of EPCOT, the news releases are increasingly more about changes to prices and policies than anything to actually get excited about. I think many here expect some big response to Universal adding another theme park, but it's increasingly looking like it's gonna be Summer 2010 and they think they don't need to do much of anything.

There's been disconnect between what fans have been expecting and what the company has ultimately delivered and this disappointment has been compounded by the slower than expected release of new things and the awkward calling out of long-time fan favorites by the company itself. With fewer things to talk about, people have either not seen the need to post or drifted towards other topics.

The forum would be significantly different if Disney was truly giving the fans what they want and not taking them for granted.

Pepper's Ghost

Well-Known Member
Right. That's my point. Disney was doing great right up until the pandemic started. And it's doing roughly the same now. So, whatever media term they've coined for people wanting to go on vacation again doesn't apply here. Nothing happening at Disney is different from early 2020. People just want to go to the parks.
I don't see how you can state this. You have no data to back your points any more than anyone else does. How can you explain factually millions of people's decision making process any more than @Goofyernmost can? He's making assumptions, but you are too. Btw, revenge spending is just a term to explain pent up demand. People have missed the parks after extreme restriction to those parks the last two years. It can be pent up demand, or it might be regular demand, but most likely something between. There's no denying though that many trips were booked and paid for several months before the pandemic that were waiting to be taken at the earliest possibility. That pent up demand definitely is inflating attendance numbers. The term used for that phenomenon is revenge spending. You can't state with any confidence or credibility that it "doesn't apply here".

Also, you can't say that changes at the parks are not affecting park attendance. We won't know that for months or even years. People have to use up the tickets they already purchased but never used. People need to experience the park changes for themselves, and will decide whether or not that will affect their decision to attend again. Some will, others won't, but those are decisions to be made months and even years in the future.
Isn't that just people going on vacation like they used to before a worldwide pandemic?

I've yet to see statistics showing that somehow that people are taking *more* or *longer* vacations now as... what? Revenge against COVID?

Has anyone here gone twice as often, or twice as long, or spent twice as much to take revenge over two years without a vacation? Or did y'all just resume the regular vacation schedule?
As someone else stated, revenge spending is a term used for the phenomenon of increased travel/spend after events like COVID. It's not revenge "against" something. It's pent up demand like I said above being released at once. More people trying to satisfy their demand in a condensed time frame.

Please don't take this response as talking down or 'splainin. Your post just suggests you don't know the term. If you do, my apologies.
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Pepper's Ghost

Well-Known Member
IMHO, the general Covid thread, and pretty much all Covid discussion, have been the death of this place. I'm not criticizing the mods. No one could have known how things would go over the past two years. But the Covid discussions have completely torn this community apart. You can even see it in this very thread.

In retrospect, there should have been absolutely no discussion of Covid at all save for those things *directly* related to the parks, such as when a park would reopen and with what restrictions. Anything else should have been saved for elsewhere. This is a Disney fan forum and even in the midst of a once-in-a-century pandemic, it should have been a respite from Covid, not a place to discuss and debate it ad nauseam.

Unfortunately, I'm afraid the damage is done. I'm not sure that the sense of community that once existed here can ever be recovered. And that's sad.
I don't understand the desire for extreme censorship about world changing events. These forums have different threads and everyone has the choice to participate or not in any topics. I agree with mods who have chosen to eliminate political debate given how toxic it makes everything, but you'd like them to censor discussion of a world changing event that has affected the parks so drastically that they closed for numerous months? If aliens attacked Earth, would we decide to censor any and all discussion of the affect of little green men flooding the parks to ride the HM and PotC and how the lines are now doubled because of it? Assume not, so why censor discussion of something that closed the parks for months and the effect it has/had?
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Pepper's Ghost

Well-Known Member
So you're okay with censorship, unless you're not? :)
🤣 Well, I can understand the rule of no politics in discussions. It's a hard fast rule that is applied in many venues including family dining rooms around the country. Everybody knows it's taboo discussion these days. A pandemic discussion which greatly affects the parks functioning SHOULDN'T be a toxic discussion. It should be medical/scientific, but it's a tricky one that for some idiotic reason has been infected by politics. I'm not taking sides. Just stating the fact.

So, IMO discussion of relevant topics including COVID, elimination of RC, etc. should be allowed until it boils over into political discussion. That's when the mods edit/delete posts due to a "no politics" policy, and IMO rightfully so. I would personally be fine with a political forum, but the problem with that is it spills over into other topics that are not in the political forum as people learn each others "leanings" and begin attacking each other outside of that forum. I find it very sad that people can't talk about politics without it getting so heated. I'm not telling anyone something they don't already know, but there's one side's opinion/stance, and the other side's. The truth normally lies somewhere in the middle of the two, but no one wants to budge an inch, so it gets heated. That's where censorship has to be used to some degree in regards to politics specifically.
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Well-Known Member
because we've all been psychologically impacted by being cooped up, and many of us are itching to "get out there into the world again."

our household felt some impact of it with some closed things we were used to in March and April of 2020. no biggie.
Come May none of us feared virus anymore and as far as we were concerned it was over. And by August we were doing recreational international travel on white sands for 1/3 of the normal costs.

when life throws lemons best to make lemonade spiked with silver tequila.

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