My point being more about the rebranding and will it work. For decades Sea world was the stadium shows with the killer whales and those shows. I'm just not sure how it will work. It might not miss a beat, it might do better, or it might never find its way. It looks like this has been a good year esp after 2016-2017 so hopefully they have figured it out.
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Not to continue off topic to this thread, but I think it will work. They seem to be turning around with attendance up 9% this year so far. And they have the right focus. A marine life based theme park, but really sell the rides and attractions and most importantly the value for the money. They ignored Blackfish and thought it wouldn't touch them which was a mistake. From marketing to messaging to operating, they are now confronting it. And think about it, there is not a park in Orlando yet that really the coasters or other thrill rides. Sea World has the only Giga and beats Universal's two parks in true inverting coasters with two of them. If they continue down that path they will have success.