This is only my second Trip Report, and it's still intimidating, specially when there are many great Trip Reports going on right now! I had the pleasure of meeting some of my most admired Trip Reporters on this trip, and let me tell you: All of them are as kind and fun as you would imagine!

The When:
August 19 - August 27
The Where:
Pop Century Resort
The Why:
I've always wondered about Solo Trips to WDW. I've had the opportunity to visit with DH Frank 2 or 3 times a year for about 20 years now and on occasion, with other family members too.
Just about a month before my trip, Frank and I became empty nesters, our JC got his own place, and even though we are very proud of him and happy, I got nostalgic too. I guess Frank noticed, so he suggested that a visit to our favorite place, would be a good thing for me at this time. How could I say "no", right?

So, I have to warn y'all, one of the many rookie reporter mistakes I made (and others to come), is that I wish I'd taken notes for each day, I didn't! So I'll have to rely on my pictures and my sometimes lacking memory.
This is me at The Flower and Garden Festival, last April/May.
Thank you for being here!