Saw it. Welcome back Pixar, I missed you since 2010. A great return to form for them, hopefully they can keep the pace up from here on out. Enjoyed it immensely and glad to see that it has been so successful (especially being an original IP and not a sequel). I actually started tearing up in parts (especially near the end), not many movies are able to get such a strong emotional reaction from me.
I also think adults will get far more out of this movie than children. Children will still love it too of course given its broad appeal, fun characters and humor. But I do think the target audience are adults.
It's hard to pin down where i'd personally rank this movie among the other Pixar movies. I don't think it's my absolute favorite among their work, but it's definitely up to par with their prior high quality (before Cars 2, Monster U and Brave left a bad taste in my mouth). So i'll just say that it's a fantastic Pixar movie that is what I expect of them, that's all that really matters. And it's great to see something original again. Even initially reminding me of Cranium Command, it definitely ended up feeling completely original and didn't rely on rehashing that premise.
I also fully expect this to be milked with sequels by the way. Not sure how I feel about that, but I would imagine it's pretty inevitable.
We would both recommend it to anyone with kids, but I wonder if the concept would resonate as strongly with adults who haven't been parents. I would put it right alongside my favorite Pixar films.
I don't have children and loved it. I also can't imagine that having children would impact my opinion either. In fact I get the feeling I liked it more than my mom did (she thought it was great as well, but I just think I enjoyed it a bit more than she did).