Pirates Adventureland???


New Member
Hello everyone! Though I do not post often, I have been a lurker for a few years. I enjoy this board and thank you all for your opinions and information!

That said- I agree that a "healthy competition" between the parks (Universal and Disney) is good and does lead to improvements. However, I also agree that a whole pirate themed Adventureland would be overkill. Though- I would love to have a Black Pearl that could be explored (and my little boys would too). I realize the idea is not going to happen- but one can dream.
Anyway- JMO- thought I'd finally post something.


New Member
Disney would prefer to keep you all the days you're there. If you are buying food, souvineers, etc. That's one of the reasons for the meal plan. Don't think that everyone stays in a Disney hotel while visiting Universal or Tampa, most people don't.

i do.:p

have been doing for 5 years now since our 1st disney stay at corronado springs (which i am going back to this year woooooooo)

me and my family have the dining plan and ultimate disney tickets but we still go to universal and even seaworld.we love em.

we are still disney nuts though,we just like to break up the disney-ness a bit.:lol:


Well-Known Member
Disney would prefer to keep you all the days you're there. If you are buying food, souvineers, etc. That's one of the reasons for the meal plan. Don't think that everyone stays in a Disney hotel while visiting Universal or Tampa, most people don't.

Well, I can only speak from my own POV regarding my plans and experiences. But I disagree that those things cost Disney that much money.

Let's start with the meal plan that you mentioned. It's prepaid. So if I buy the dining plan, it makes little difference if I go to Universal or Magic Kingdom on Tuesday, because I've already paid for dining for that day, anyhow. So, if I go home with unused meal credits, that's my tough luck because I paid for it and now I'm losing out. In reality, what I would do (and plan to do next year) is use the unused TS credit from one of my off-property days and combine it with another one to eat at a signature restaraunt. So, buy purchasing the meal plan, Disney gets my food dollars no matter what.

As far as souveniers, I have six days of park admissions, in addition to any off property days I may have. So I have plenty of opportunities to buy any souvenier that I want. I am visiting all 4 parks, a couple of them more than once, in addition to my off property days. So any souveniers that I *MIGHT* have bought on, say, Monday, had I gone to Magic Kingdom instead of Universal, I can just buy on one of the days that I DO visit the Magic Kingdom. So Disney isn't really losing any money from me on souveniers either.


This massive of an overlay to Adventureland is HIGHLY UNLIKELY. Restaurant yes, Black Pearl replica maybe (but doubtful) and the conversion of Enchanted Tiki Room to Pirate'y' I see as no chance. There would be far too many inconsistencies. We know Jungle Cruise will remain and to stick in pirates engulfing it from both ends seems like far too much. I love the ride as well as the movies but it has to end somewhere. I feel that a far better way to capitalize on its success is the popular rumor of it taking over RC or the more plausible solution of it becoming incorporated into TL...Heck, go as far as a Pirates Resort...but don't strip Adventureland of what it really is.


New Member
how sure are you...
;) ;) :zipit:

I don't see it happening. Maybe adding a restaurant but that doesn't overlay the entire adventure land. You still have the carpet ride, tree house, and Jungle Cruise. I don't think they would alienate all the other rides. It will remain Adventureland, as Walt would have wanted.


Well-Known Member
I don't see it happening. Maybe adding a restaurant but that doesn't overlay the entire adventure land. You still have the carpet ride, tree house, and Jungle Cruise. I don't think they would alienate all the other rides. It will remain Adventureland, as Walt would have wanted.

as I said before
how sure are you?...
:zipit: :zipit: :zipit:


New Member
Disney shouldn't ignore Universal. They lost out on Potter and Universal won big. Potter gives them a family-friendly extremely popular franchise. Forget being able to hold their own "Potter Days"...which will bring in tons of people...kids will WANT to go Universal. KIDS. That's the Magic Kingdom crowd. Disney should be somewhat concerned.

Competition is good for the fan. So in a way I'm happy that Uni got Potter. It also helps Disney use Universal as an experiment for that type of themed atmosphere. Will it get old quick? Or get better with the years?

I agree Disney and Universal are not on the same level in terms of what they have to offer, but each one wants SOMETHING the other has....Universal just added more to that with acquiring the rights for Potter.


Honestly, I don't think Universal getting Harry Potter is going to hurt Disney all that much. The projected opening date is in 2009...by then, the movies will all be released. The books have all been written. It won't be too long before children don't know what Harry Potter is. I really don't see it as a good investment on Universal's part. Short term, yes, but in the long run it just doesn't make sense.


New Member
I'm not totally against making Adventureland a bit more pirate themed as long as they don't plaster Orlando and Depp all over the place. I think the taking out the Tree house and putting in The Black pearl is an awesome idea....honestly the Tree house just isn't that interesting, so I'd love to see that happen. But turning The Enchanted Tiki Room into pirate birds? PLEASE NO.


Well-Known Member
I think it's stupid.

I think Disney and Universal need to stop seeing themselves as competitors. They both need to open their eyes to the fact that Universal is not threat to Disney and probably never will be.

I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you on this. Now granted, I am a huge Disney freak and would go every week if I could. And I do think you're atleast half right. In the end, Disney will always come out on top.

But Universal/Harry Potter could really hurt Disney if Disney doesn't come up with an answer to it. I've read on some posts that some of ya'll feel like Harry Potter is just a fad. Well maybe it is, but it's a fad that has another 3 movies to make which will drag on for atleast another 7-10 years. And who knows if JK Rowling will sell out and decide to write some continuation book....or even introduce a new set of characters into the Harry Potter world.

Harry Potter and it's Franchise/mechandise is HUGE! And kids today love it. They eat, sleep, play, read, watch Harry Potter! I mentioned in an earlier post that most kids age 10-17 are way more familiar with Harry Potter than Dumbo, Peter Pan, Snow White, Winne the Pooh, and even Aladin, Stitch. It even spreads into the other parks with Indiana Jones, Star Tours based on the original Trilogy, etc. I think you get my point. HP is what kids know...not Dumbo.

I indirectly think that this is why Disney is Pixar-ing all of its theme parks, esp with Nemo... We all loved Nemo... 4 years ago.

I'm sure Disney has something up it's sleeve that they've been able to keep under wraps. There's no way they would let HP go unanswered. Cross our fingers to our Ace in the Sleeve.

And I have stuff to say about Pirate-ing out Adventure Land, but I want to see how this goes over with you guys. I know I'm gonna get some kind of "disney-hater" replies! Be nice!


Well-Known Member
What Disney really needs to do is to continue to come up with movies and characters that can captivate kids and create rides to compete. Just the fact that people are concerned about the Disney counter-punch shows that they are not capitalizing as much as they can on their own properties.


Well-Known Member
I was looking at a chart yesterday that had feature length animated movies. With the exception of a small few international films, Disney dominated the market for decades. Many years being the only studio to release a film. Today there is competition and anybody that doesn't understand that HP at Universal will take gobs of money away from Disney is not looking at the big picture. Taking 1 day away from disney on a 7 day trip will save a family of four less than $100. Adding a day to Universal Studios for a family of four will cost around $400. That's $300 of extra money Disney would lose out on. If a family of four goes every year to Florida for a week, that might be an entire WDW trip lost every few years. Besides the fact that many regulars will now take a Universal/Sea World/Beach trip and potentially leave out WDW completely. I know because some of my family did that very thing this year. If the competition becomes more attractive, and can fill a week, and offers the "FRONT OF LINE" pass to guests staying on their property -- Disney will lose more and more WHOLE VACATIONS. What Disney may be forced to to is make their parks even more emersive. Piratesland and BK are two options to to this. Imagination is another attraction that could be a big draw if done right. Studios now needs to do something to beef up as well.

Could be a wild 3-4 years for WDW -- Disney Decade 2 begins with the Harry Potter Deal at Universal.
What Disney really needs to do is to continue to come up with movies and characters that can captivate kids and create rides to compete. Just the fact that people are concerned about the Disney counter-punch shows that they are not capitalizing as much as they can on their own properties.
I think what makes Harry Potter exciting is the fact that you get to read it first and picture the scenarios in your head. Then, a few years later, you get to see the scenes you read about put on the big screen and discuss the differences between that version and your own. Maybe Disney should try making a good book series and then make movies and attractions off of that.


Well-Known Member
I think what makes Harry Potter exciting is the fact that you get to read it first and picture the scenarios in your head. Then, a few years later, you get to see the scenes you read about put on the big screen and discuss the differences between that version and your own. Maybe Disney should try making a good book series and then make movies and attractions off of that.

I like that...
It's like the people who love HP get to read it and imagine it. The movies later let them see the world and see how it holds up to their thoughts. Now the theme park will combine the the world they've imagined in their heads and seen in the movies.


Well-Known Member
I don't see it happening. Maybe adding a restaurant but that doesn't overlay the entire adventure land. You still have the carpet ride, tree house, and Jungle Cruise. I don't think they would alienate all the other rides. It will remain Adventureland, as Walt would have wanted.

With Jungle Cruise you could easily replace the Indian Scene with Pirates, The Tree House could be transformed to a Pirate Lair, or could be torn down to make room for the Black Pearl, and I'm sure they could easily turn the carpets into boats... I'm not saying it's the best idea, however it wouldn't be hard to change. I think they need to take the land on side and behind of POTC and build a Pirateland there, with a rollercoaster and walkthrough Black Pearl or Flying Dutchmen, but that's just me.


Well-Known Member
Can't see a Piratesland happening at MK. I could see FotLK moving to Adventureland if they decide not to keep it in AK for some reason and they develop CMM. They will also upgrade JC to cross promote the new movie based on the Jungle Cruise. Now a PotC themed Waterpark. Now there is a possibility!:)


Well-Known Member
They could make a playground out of the Pirate traps the Robinson family set up near there home. That way they could add more pirates but keep the treehouse.

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