Pictures of the backstage area of ToT


Active Member
The funny thing about this thread is that the pictures in the original post that seem to have caused an uproar can basically be taken by anyone who visits the Playhouse Disney - Live on Stage event. Its literally right next to where the pictures in question were taken. So its a "backstage area" that a LOT of guests see, nothing that is strived to be "top secret"m like the MK tunnels.

Also, almost all convention goers at MGM enter the park through this area.

Yeah. It's a whole lotta nothin back there. There's a thin 'wall' of plants with an opening. It's not like they're trying to prevent you from seeing back there--just going there.


It's nice to know that :)

I thought they'd throw a party after I left :lol:

Back to watching my Red Sox now

I don't think I'll ever understand your addiction (for lack of a better word) to that place..... haha

and I think..... that you definitely stole a line from zane. I'm waiting for him to jump in on this any minute.

I still stand by what I told you a few hours ago.... GO ROCKIES!!!:sohappy:

that being said, worse pictures of backstage could have been taken and posted. this is pretty harmless

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
Backstage is a treat for us guests, we are curious, and are fasinated by how things look and work behind the scenes. My DW and I were stuck on Splash and they had to have us walk off. Well we got to see just how far they go to make the side you see look as 3-d as possible. We were walked out thru the laughing place and then out behind it where we could see the parade flaots and the plants that are growing up behind, the water pumps, holding tanks, it was amazing. I don't go out of my way to get a view and if there is something to keep you from seeing I don't try to catch a view, but if a chance comes about I won't let it pass.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
Like What????
character head jack-o-lanterns for one :D

backstage skateboarding, me riding around onstage on a bicycle, private character sets for kids who actually deserved them that didn't go through Guest Relations or management, turning Alien Encounter into a dance hall by pumping house and trance music through the attraction, changing the AA character animation, and taking advantage of the lights, drag races in company vehicles (what? Those vans have a V8!), pulling over to call the police after seeing a car accident occur onstage, etc.

People would only think I did bad things that Disney didn't know about. I did a few gooduns ;)


Well-Known Member
character head jack-o-lanterns for one :D

backstage skateboarding, me riding around onstage on a bicycle, private character sets for kids who actually deserved them that didn't go through Guest Relations or management, turning Alien Encounter into a dance hall by pumping house and trance music through the attraction, changing the AA character animation, and taking advantage of the lights, drag races in company vehicles (what? Those vans have a V8!), pulling over to call the police after seeing a car accident occur onstage, etc.

People would only think I did bad things that Disney didn't know about. I did a few gooduns ;)

Rob, you make me laugh!!!!!!

I wish I could've seen the Alien Encounter Dance Hall!


Well-Known Member
You're kidding right? Cast Members aren't even allowed backstage on their off days, no Guest has a right to go backstage, even you should know that. If they get hurt back there, or god forbid see something they shouldn't be seeing (i've had it happen) then they can get in serious trouble.

Does this happen often?


Premium Member
The funny thing about this thread is that the pictures in the original post that seem to have caused an uproar can basically be taken by anyone who visits the Playhouse Disney - Live on Stage event. Its literally right next to where the pictures in question were taken. So its a "backstage area" that a LOT of guests see, nothing that is strived to be kept "top secret" like the MK tunnels.

Also, almost all convention goers at MGM enter the park through this area.

Yep you have hit the nail right on the head with this one. Disney have been funneling guests right past this area for a long time, and more recently the gate at RNR has been wide open while you enter the area to wait for Playhouse Disney. It is no way being attempted to be kept secret.

Talking of backstage access, not only are Disney willing to allow guests to see parts of MGM, they also very frequently exit thousands of guests via large parts of the Magic Kingdom. I have exited there behind Main Street USA several times, including one very long backstage march from around by CoProgress to the front entrance.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Garbage, mostly. Picture a dumpster full of popcorn, half-finished sodas, hamburgers and turkey legs. Throw in the odd protein spill (don't forget the Voban!) and a dozen or so used diapers. Then, sit it out in the sun and humidity for a few hours. Yummy.

Near restaraunts you have the big containers of used kitchen grease which smell glorious of their own accord.
wow, all someone needs to do is read this before each meal and it will probably eat half as much... cheapest diet one could ever be on

Yep you have hit the nail right on the head with this one. Disney have been funneling guests right past this area for a long time, and more recently the gate at RNR has been wide open while you enter the area to wait for Playhouse Disney. It is no way being attempted to be kept secret.

Talking of backstage access, not only are Disney willing to allow guests to see parts of MGM, they also very frequently exit thousands of guests via large parts of the Magic Kingdom. I have exited there behind Main Street USA several times, including one very long backstage march from around by CoProgress to the front entrance.
i havent been so lucky yet..... maybe one day


Well-Known Member
wow, all someone needs to do is read this before each meal and it will probably eat half as much... cheapest diet one could ever be on

i havent been so lucky yet..... maybe one day

Its the Main Street divert. Usually used around christmas week. You go through the gate by expo hall and come out by the plaza resturant. There's nothing interesting back there whatsoever.


Well-Known Member
However, the difference is that on tours and for MMD the people have clearance to go backstage and they're with CM's who know what they're doing.

In '96, my high school band played for Magic Music Days at Epcot, and other than showing us where to change and where to walk out, we were not accompanied by a CM at all times (there is no way one CM could have watched us the whole time anyway...there were more than 100 of us).

We were told not to take any pictures, but all we saw was garbage anyway...not very exciting.

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
I think the major difference between going backstage with a convention, Magic Music Days, or as a crowd control measure, versus just wandering back there, is that the former are all controlled circumstances, expected by the company. In those, an escort of some sort is provided (or crowd control CM's), and guests probably won't see too much that they "shouldn't." Guests also won't be put into potentially dangerous situations, and, for the most part, they won't be intruding on the CM's time backstage, away from Guests.

However, if a guest just wanders backstage, all sorts of glorious possibilities pop up. There are some potentially hazardous areas backstage (crazy pargo drivers, machinery, chemicals, etc.) that the CM's expect and may have training for; however guests wouldn't be expecting any of that. There's also the "magic" quotient: seeing a half-dressed character taking a smoke break or seeing a huge dumpster full of trash just isn't "magical." Finally, backstage is an opportunity for CM's to get away from the hectic onstage areas for a while. As a CM, you expect conventions, Magic Music Days, tours, crowd control, etc and you know that you don't have to take any action when you see them. But, when you see a random person walking around backstage, it is your responsibility to approach the person, ask why they're there, and escort them back onstage. Not my idea of a fun way to spend a break.

I realize that this has gone way beyond the original topic, and even beyond the posting of backstage pictures. However, in summary, if you aren't backstage because you were sent there by a representative of the company, please don't be back there. And please don't take pictures :) .


Premium Member
Its the Main Street divert. Usually used around christmas week. You go through the gate by expo hall and come out by the plaza resturant. There's nothing interesting back there whatsoever.

LOL you say that as someone who has seen it lots of times, so to you it isnt that interesting. However, for someone who hasnt seen it before, I think its very ineteresting. It's quite amazing that the parking lot is right there behind Main Street, and as a guest on Main Street, you have no idea all that stuff is going on just feet away from you. Having said all that, I dont agree with exiting guests backstage, specifically at MK, it is not the right way for a guest to end their day seeing all that stuff.


Premium Member

I realize that this has gone way beyond the original topic, and even beyond the posting of backstage pictures. However, in summary, if you aren't backstage because you were sent there by a representative of the company, please don't be back there. And please don't take pictures :) .

I was commenting on backstage opportunities that are forced on guests.

I believe the original poster was not venturing off on his own backstage, he was heading to the event area behind RnR.


Well-Known Member
LOL you say that as someone who has seen it lots of times, so to you it isnt that interesting. However, for someone who hasnt seen it before, I think its very ineteresting. It's quite amazing that the parking lot is right there behind Main Street, and as a guest on Main Street, you have no idea all that stuff is going on just feet away from you. Having said all that, I dont agree with exiting guests backstage, specifically at MK, it is not the right way for a guest to end their day seeing all that stuff.

Steve, thats where i would talk on my phone during a break. LOL I see the whole "WOW" factor and the novilty bit, its really not as impressive. Now the stuff down by the money room or DACS.... thats impressive. Of course i could never get in those places.

And i agree totally, most guests shouldn't have to end their day by being walked backstage. The last things you really want to see are a dumpster (on the left), the ice machine / freezer (on the right), a set of sliding doors, a bus stop, Disney Security (upstairs, to the right), the baloon vender people (also, on the right) and potters full of empty cigarette butts. Kinda a buzz kill.


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
So, i'm curious. What part of "Backstage area is for Cast Members only" does not make sense to you? So what if there's no barricade, that's still a restricted area and you're lucky you weren't caught back there. If you were you could have been thrown out of the park.

I'm pretty sure this has been pointed out already, but this area is currently wide open to park guests due to the Play House Disney Live in Concert. The OP didn't venture off into a restricted area. I agree that guests shouldn't be sneaking off to take photos in restricted areas, but that wasn't the case here.


New Member
Original Poster
Yeah. It's a whole lotta nothin back there. There's a thin 'wall' of plants with an opening. It's not like they're trying to prevent you from seeing back there--just going there.

tom and mage, thank you, you understand that i didnt do anything egregious or highly offensive.

i understand wanting to preserve the sanctity of backstage, but there are some parts of the world that are not necessarily guarded or barricaded all that well.

also, while i think its noble that current and former cast members find it necessary to lambast those who are interested in the backstage area, boring or not, its still the internet and its still okay for those of us who are interested to seek out that information. i for one, am very interested in it and enjoy seeing backstage photos, no matter how boring current or former cast members deem them to be.

sometimes we forget that this is not an official walt disney world forum. members have the right to be interested in and post any and all information that they choose to post. they should be allowed to do so without fear of intimidation by those who are older posters or are former/current cms. remember, this is the internet and as long as they label the post correctly, like i did, backstage is fine if its something theyre interested in. if you dont like it, read the title of the thread and move on.


Well-Known Member
character head jack-o-lanterns for one :D

backstage skateboarding, me riding around onstage on a bicycle, private character sets for kids who actually deserved them that didn't go through Guest Relations or management, turning Alien Encounter into a dance hall by pumping house and trance music through the attraction, changing the AA character animation, and taking advantage of the lights, drag races in company vehicles (what? Those vans have a V8!), pulling over to call the police after seeing a car accident occur onstage, etc.

People would only think I did bad things that Disney didn't know about. I did a few gooduns ;)

Now see... THIS is the most interesting stuff I've read on the whole thread. In fact, me thinks you should start another thread on the topic!

Oh, and I hate the Red Sox. No offense. :lol:


Well-Known Member
character head jack-o-lanterns for one :D

backstage skateboarding, me riding around onstage on a bicycle, private character sets for kids who actually deserved them that didn't go through Guest Relations or management, turning Alien Encounter into a dance hall by pumping house and trance music through the attraction, changing the AA character animation, and taking advantage of the lights, drag races in company vehicles (what? Those vans have a V8!), pulling over to call the police after seeing a car accident occur onstage, etc.

People would only think I did bad things that Disney didn't know about. I did a few gooduns ;)

We have done/do similar things but since Rob is not employed by Disney and I still am.... I'd rather not say. :lookaroun

I will say though, if we could take some backstage pictures and put them on a site of their own, it would probably get more hits than Google.

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