Pictures of the backstage area of ToT

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member

This isn't national security we're talking about here.

I think this being blown a little out of proportion.

Of course it isn't a matter of security...there most assuredly aren't any missiles in Cinderella Castle and certainly not a Marine simulator base behind RNRC. And anything you heard about a terrorist detention camp underneath IASW, complete fabrication! Nothing to see here. Just keep moving, folks. :lookaroun

(I agree.)


New Member
(He was agreeing with you) :lookaroun

Unless i'm reading it wrong, he's saying that the guest has every right to take pictures of the backstage area.

You know what, it isn't that big of a deal. However, i've seen guests peek backstage and play dumb when there was a sign saying, "CAST MEMBERS ONLY" and see things that they didn't want to see.


Active Member
Unless i'm reading it wrong, he's saying that the guest has every right to take pictures of the backstage area.

You know what, it isn't that big of a deal. However, i've seen guests peek backstage and play dumb when there was a sign saying, "CAST MEMBERS ONLY" and see things that they didn't want to see.

  • S: (n) sarcasm, irony, satire, caustic remark (witty language used to convey insults or scorn) "he used sarcasm to upset his opponent"; "irony is wasted on the stupid"; "Satire is a sort of glass, wherein beholders do generally discover everybody's face but their own"--Jonathan Swift

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
Oh, and I love these threads because cast members start crying bloody murder

"Bloody MURDER!!"

Seriously, though, I'm really not a fan of backstage pictures. Backstage is backstage for a reason. If you want to see it, take a tour. Otherwise, let the backstage cast do their job behind the scenes and provide the onstage cast a respite from guests.

And, really, it isn't that exciting. And it usually smells very, very bad.



back to topic. I think the pics are cool as they show that the foreground buildings are there only to make the entire structure look bigger and more robust than it is. From the angle in most of the parks view, you would think there is something solid between the foreground building and the tower. Also love how they stop the theming just out of normal sight lines. Cool pics. Not boring at all, shows how the artists think and think and reexamine angles for the final product.


Active Member
Oh, and I love these threads because cast members start crying bloody murder
Some of it may sound, shall we say, a tad over-protective. On the other hand, security is always a concern and really is in everyone's best interest.

The signs should read "Cast Members Only, please" and mean just that. I don't walk around back there any more and would suggest the same to any other guests (or cast on days off). Those curious about how things work, etc, should consider one of the tours, really. They would find it more interesting than any parking lot or support facility they might stumble across.

And please note these remarks are not intended to criticize the person who took the photos of TOT from a slightly backstage perspective. Not much different from what a person sees when leaving the MK after being directed to traverse a parking lot on a busy summer day.

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
Why does it smell?
Garbage, mostly. Picture a dumpster full of popcorn, half-finished sodas, hamburgers and turkey legs. Throw in the odd protein spill (don't forget the Voban!) and a dozen or so used diapers. Then, sit it out in the sun and humidity for a few hours. Yummy.

Near restaraunts you have the big containers of used kitchen grease which smell glorious of their own accord.


Well-Known Member
I don't see this as a big deal.Like the OP stated there wasn't a sign saying that it was Cast Members only,and to the poster saying that Disney would throw him out for doing that I think is a little to severe.I would imagine if anything Disney would say please do not come to that area first and then if the person kept sneaking around where they shouldn't be then yea I would think he could be kicked out.But to act like he is commiting a crime is outrageous.I mean we do pay alot to go to the Parks and I think Disney would not want to start kicking people out over taking a few pics.Just my humble opinion.


Are you pretending to be a bush here so you wouldn't get caught? :lol:

Seriously, most people on this board LOVE Disney and want to know everything about it. We see everyday how people in this community get EXCITED about a new light fixture being installed. So I can see why getting a special peek backstage would be a thrill.


New Member
Kat give it a rest will ya. you want to see backstage pics of sound stage 21 at universal florida. personally all i see is the same stuff you can see from google earth or any satellite besides when did you grow a moustache and became walt disney Kat hmm.



Active Member
Oh man, you're giving me flashbacks of walking through the MK tunnels and dodging "tunnel juice" while holding my breath as I passed the Frontierland dumpster...It's gonna be a while before I can sleep through the night again, haha.

Seriously though, mostly it's just boring backstage. The odds of you getting kicked out are incredibly small. The worst that will probably happen if you get caught is directed back onstage by a CM, and then complained about in the breakroom with some humorous embellishments. Still, being backstage is such a relief for CMs on breaks, it really isn't very nice to intrude on their personal time by making them escort you back onstage.

Plus, I've seen characters, including princesses, out taking smoke breaks still half in-costume. That's just not magical, folks. I'll never look at Cinderella the same way again. It's liable to ruin the magic for you, and definitely for any kids you might be towing along with you.


New Member
Kat give it a rest will ya. you want to see backstage pics of sound stage 21 at universal florida. personally all i see is the same stuff you can see from google earth or any satellite besides when did you grow a moustache and became walt disney Kat hmm.


Uh, it's Universal. Not Disney. Sorry for being a normal Cast Member and wanting to preserve the Magic, whether it be "taking a peek backstage" or actually doing something more than that. It's not only preserving the magic, but safety as well. Why do you think they don't allow cameras on the tours? Apparently on Sept. 11, they found someone in the tunnels taking pictures. So, that's all I have to say about that. Also, like redwingchick said, backstage is a place for Cast Members to get away from the hustle and bustle of the parks, a place where they can get time off stage. When you go wandering back there, it's up to them to take you back on stage because you "got lost". The pictures are the same as if you took pictures behind Wal-Mart. There's dumpsters, cars, etc. Nothing special. If you want to ruin the magic, be my guest. But, i'm done here.


Well-Known Member
Yep -- in case you ever have any doubt you're backstage, seeing a Dapper Dan on his cellphone and a headless rodent will quickly affirm the fact. Not to mention the fact that backstage is simply industrial. I still enjoy peeks whenever "legally" possible (standing on the "legal" side of open gates at world showcase, looking through the "portholes" on the TTA while passing over the Galaxy theatre, riding on Test Track, etc), but it's not something I'd go all ninja over to get access to.

/ no judgment on OP -- just stating my general beliefs, since I am most assuredly a spiritual leader on the boards. :lookaroun

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