Well-Known Member
I think this is where the disconnect is. The FLE was never intended to be an addition for teens and thrill seekers. It was meant to add capacity for younger families which was sorely lacking at this park. They had spent billions on property building and adding capacity for older audiences to expand their demographic base while neglecting their core audience, especially at the MK. This is why they are skewing the FLE towards families and adding things like interactive queues that appeal mainly to the shorter attention spans of children. The MK just was not magical enough for this demo and the FLE seeks to correct this major flaw. It seems to be working. Someone posted a letter from Mr Lasseter that explained all this.
Unfortunately some people only see life through a "what's in it for me" prisim and are therefore potentially dissatisfied with the FLE. But judging from the buzz of the crowd, the laughter in the air and the long lines, I would say Disney is getting this one perfectly correct. Because if they decided they don't want younger families then other parks will fill the void. See Legoland for example.
JT, you are a hoot (hey Lee ... you got an owl smiley handy?) ... do I have to bring out the Walt quote about 'if you aim for kids, you're dead?'
The MK has gone from being a place where MOST of the park was fit for ages 7-97 to one where everything has to appeal to impressionable 5-year-olds. It is NOT at all what the MK was supposed to be about. It's laughable when you say there wasn't enough for the younger demos when that is what the park has become. What attractions are unfit for most children?
And where has Disney spent billions on things for older demos? They shuttered PI (as I'm sure you must have noticed

It's just your typical schtick of trying to be argumentative just for the sake of it.
~Some people should go work for Disney Social Media!~