Photos and Video - New UK Pavilion band - The English Channel

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
As a musician on stage, or as an audience member?
Sadly on stage, about 15 years ago, maybe longer, it tends to blur, but I do go and see concerts of my favorite artists 3 to 4 times a year. Many of whom you all probably have never heard of.

As a karaoke virtuoso and top class DJ I too have my years of public performance to draw on. However in the case of this thread too many of the type who probably salivate at the work of boy wonder Gaga and other such pop mediocrity seem to be keen to pontificate more for the sake of bumping gums than any musical related reasoning.

As far as I am aware the UK pavilion doesnt have a museum theme, so I see no need to have the one genuine entertainment element it presents tied to one act, and act that while influential in their day werent that great beyond being innovative and whos life as a band had ceased before I even started school. I know that the US is whom to small c conservatism but to say bands like the Who, Floyd and the Clash have no place at Epcot is quite frankly hoop talk.

As for bands I may never have heard of, I am familiar of the concept of jangly guitar Indy music where the artiste becomes uncool the minute more than a handful of hairy palms have heard of them, but as someone who follows the more mainstream of rock I am happy to tie my bandanna, if I were crass enough to wear one, to the musings of Motorhead, Marillion and Airbourne.

It is after all a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll.

Empress Room

Active Member
and one of your best acts gives notice that they are leaving (Disney did not initiate this) after 15 years. A group of creative people, led (no Zeppelin pun intented :-)) by you, have been sitting around a table drinking coffee and tossing around ideas, but you get the final call. What exactly would you put there?

Is this true? Do we know for certain that the British Invasion came to Disney and decided, after fifteen years, that they no longer wished to perform at Epcot? Wow, that's a pretty big career decision, given that their website absolutely promoted themselves as Epcot's UK band, with hundreds/thousands of performances over the years.

Disney is many things to many folks, and the uniqueness of entertainment and those "small details" are often what we remember most about our visits. For me, watching the British Invasion perform, holding a half yard of ale (when you still could buy them!) from the UK beer stand was truly a "happy place." Something about their attempt to recreate the sixties, the mop top wigs, the suits and custume changes, all made the experience very unique, very fun and very Disney in execution. Having not seen the English Channel yet, I cannot critique the experience, but the video sure seems to be providing a different kind of feel, doesn't it?

To answer your question, if I were Disney and I were making the decision to put an act in that venue, I would attempt to duplicate the British Invasion experience as closely as possible. There are certainly other tribute bands doing what the British Invasion do, and if the decision was the band's and not Disney's (and it obviously was working), why wouldn't Disney attempt to execute the same type of experience for their guests? It certainly was popular by all indications.

Now if the decision was Disney's and not the band, and Disney decided to go in an entirely different direction with the experience, that is a different question, and it remains to be seen if that different direction will ultimately be as memorable for their guests.


Well-Known Member
As a karaoke virtuoso and top class DJ I too have my years of public performance to draw on. However in the case of this thread too many of the type who probably salivate at the work of boy wonder Gaga and other such pop mediocrity seem to be keen to pontificate more for the sake of bumping gums than any musical related reasoning.

As far as I am aware the UK pavilion doesnt have a museum theme, so I see no need to have the one genuine entertainment element it presents tied to one act, and act that while influential in their day werent that great beyond being innovative and whos life as a band had ceased before I even started school. I know that the US is whom to small c conservatism but to say bands like the Who, Floyd and the Clash have no place at Epcot is quite frankly hoop talk.

As for bands I may never have heard of, I am familiar of the concept of jangly guitar Indy music where the artiste becomes uncool the minute more than a handful of hairy palms have heard of them, but as someone who follows the more mainstream of rock I am happy to tie my bandanna, if I were crass enough to wear one, to the musings of Motorhead, Marillion and Airbourne.

It is after all a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll.
I think we could really have a good time talking off line about this stuff, but it wouldn't be appropriate here, or it might if we wanted to hijack the entire thread, which in itself might be entertaining, at least to us.
No, my interests are in Buddy Guy, the Three Kings, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Eric Clapton, Luther Allison, Derek Trucks, Muddy Waters, John Lee Hooker, Albert Collins, Son House, and on and on...........

Actually, bumping gums is an appropriate phrase as there isn't a thing any of us can do to alter the decisions made by Disney, so it's all academic anyway. In the end, it's just an internet forum and while we all have our opinions, they really don't mean anything to anyone but us! ;) As said before, music is subjective and people like what they like. They can argue who's better or worse, but it's still just an opinion, and an opinion on the internet at that! I should have actually saved my opinions and comments for a music forum because I wasn't looking at this from the perspective of a passerby, patron, or gaga fan, but more from a musician or promoter looking to book a professional gig.


Well-Known Member
All that is missing behind the UK Pavillion now is a wedding in progress. A wedding band that plays the gig dressed like they would for practice in the basement. Come on Disney, wake up.

A redneck wedding.

Face it folks - Disney cheaped their way out of another problem.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I think we could really have a good time talking off line about this stuff, but it wouldn't be appropriate here, or it might if we wanted to hijack the entire thread, which in itself might be entertaining, at least to us.
No, my interests are in Buddy Guy, the Three Kings, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Eric Clapton, Luther Allison, Derek Trucks, Muddy Waters, John Lee Hooker, Albert Collins, Son House, and on and on...........

Joe Bonamassa, Ashley Lister, Johnny Lang, The late Jeff Healey are more my tastes in that genre. Joe being exceptional live.

As for thread drift, it happens.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
So, I've read all the posts, and although I respect everyone's right to express, let's have all the 'naysyaers' try something:

You are in charge of Epcot entertainment, and one of your best acts gives notice that they are leaving (Disney did not initiate this) after 15 years. A group of creative people, led (no Zeppelin pun intented :-)) by you, have been sitting around a table drinking coffee and tossing around ideas, but you get the final call. What exactly would you put there?
Disney should just pass out LSD before the show. That way the fanboys can see whomever they want to see.:D

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Is this true? Do we know for certain that the British Invasion came to Disney and decided, after fifteen years, that they no longer wished to perform at Epcot? Wow, that's a pretty big career decision, given that their website absolutely promoted themselves as Epcot's UK band, with hundreds/thousands of performances over the years.

Disney is many things to many folks, and the uniqueness of entertainment and those "small details" are often what we remember most about our visits. For me, watching the British Invasion perform, holding a half yard of ale (when you still could buy them!) from the UK beer stand was truly a "happy place." Something about their attempt to recreate the sixties, the mop top wigs, the suits and custume changes, all made the experience very unique, very fun and very Disney in execution. Having not seen the English Channel yet, I cannot critique the experience, but the video sure seems to be providing a different kind of feel, doesn't it?

To answer your question, if I were Disney and I were making the decision to put an act in that venue, I would attempt to duplicate the British Invasion experience as closely as possible. There are certainly other tribute bands doing what the British Invasion do, and if the decision was the band's and not Disney's (and it obviously was working), why wouldn't Disney attempt to execute the same type of experience for their guests? It certainly was popular by all indications.
Now if the decision was Disney's and not the band, and Disney decided to go in an entirely different direction with the experience, that is a different question, and it remains to be seen if that different direction will ultimately be as memorable for their guests.

Why do the same exact thing? So many people love to talk about the pureness of Walt on this board, but unless I am mistaken he himeself was a big believer in change and progress. I don't know exactly what it is, but people tend to let their emotions and memories get in the way of a situation at hand. Don't get me wrong, I at times find myself in a similar position when something that I have strong ties to gets changed or removed. However, I then try to look at it from the other side and see that sometimes change is good and if I look at something with an open mind then I will learn to enjoy it as well.

As far as this band goes, I firmly believe that these performances are nothing more than test and adjust trials. I could be wrong, but I think that you will see costumes and more show added to their performance once Disney gets things sorted out. For now I think they are just trying to guage the guest reaction to the music and selection before they decide which direction they are taking.


Well-Known Member
Why do the same exact thing? So many people love to talk about the pureness of Walt on this board, but unless I am mistaken he himeself was a big believer in change and progress. I don't know exactly what it is, but people tend to let their emotions and memories get in the way of a situation at hand. Don't get me wrong, I at times find myself in a similar position when something that I have strong ties to gets changed or removed. However, I then try to look at it from the other side and see that sometimes change is good and if I look at something with an open mind then I will learn to enjoy it as well.

Point well stated, BUT why would you change something that is working? That your audience is clearly finding entertaining? Disney management is not there to entertain themselves. If they see something is working and packing an area that otherwise would be deserted, why would they think they know better?

Empress Room

Active Member
Why do the same exact thing? So many people love to talk about the pureness of Walt on this board, but unless I am mistaken he himeself was a big believer in change and progress. I don't know exactly what it is, but people tend to let their emotions and memories get in the way of a situation at hand. Don't get me wrong, I at times find myself in a similar position when something that I have strong ties to gets changed or removed. However, I then try to look at it from the other side and see that sometimes change is good and if I look at something with an open mind then I will learn to enjoy it as well.

As far as this band goes, I firmly believe that these performances are nothing more than test and adjust trials. I could be wrong, but I think that you will see costumes and more show added to their performance once Disney gets things sorted out. For now I think they are just trying to guage the guest reaction to the music and selection before they decide which direction they are taking.

I think you've missed my point. If Disney did, in fact, make the decision not to renew the British Invasion's contract because it decided to go in a different direction, then I have no problem with that at all. Disney is in the best position to determine what it feels works best in its parks (despite what many of us posters feel). But I was responding to the OP, who claimed that it was the band's, and not Disney's, decision. It that is true, and the formula was otherwise working, I would think that Disney would not opt to change the experience, but rather would attempt to duplicate it for a seemless transition.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Point well stated, BUT why would you change something that is working? That your audience is clearly finding entertaining? Disney management is not there to entertain themselves. If they see something is working and packing an area that otherwise would be deserted, why would they think they know better?

No matter what gets said here, none of us were at the table where the decision was made to end the show. We don't know who's choice it was for the end of this relationship and how mutual it may have been. Without details it is wrong to make assumptions as to who made this decision and if they are actually the bad guys here. Unfortunately, it seems that people here like to make some harsh assumptions that Disney is at fault when something that they liked changed. I personally feel that is the wrong attitude to have.


Well-Known Member
Is this true? Do we know for certain that the British Invasion came to Disney and decided, after fifteen years, that they no longer wished to perform at Epcot? Wow, that's a pretty big career decision, given that their website absolutely promoted themselves as Epcot's UK band, with hundreds/thousands of performances over the years.
Yes, they said so on their Facebook page. Their leaving was out of a simple desire to branch out, and there were no hard feelings between TBI and Disney about their departure. In fact, TBI stated that they will be playing at WDW in the future for special events.


Well-Known Member
No matter what gets said here, none of us were at the table where the decision was made to end the show. We don't know who's choice it was for the end of this relationship and how mutual it may have been. Without details it is wrong to make assumptions as to who made this decision and if they are actually the bad guys here. Unfortunately, it seems that people here like to make some harsh assumptions that Disney is at fault when something that they liked changed. I personally feel that is the wrong attitude to have.

I am in complete agreement with that. I think the point I am more interested in is the direction of the new act. And don't misunderstand me, I am a firm believer that something is better than nothing (which a lot of us feared would be the case when BI announced they were leaving). But the question does remain - if BI stated that they gave there notice quite awhile ago to Disney, why would the talent department make a deliberate decision to try something different with the new act coming in? Why not hire another one of the dozens of Beatles/60's British rock bands that are looking for work? I have to admit - I am not personally upset by the change - I love The Who and Zepplin as much as the Beatles, but I am puzzled as to why they wouldn't duplicate what was as successful as they could hope for that type of entertainment.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
I am in complete agreement with that. I think the point I am more interested in is the direction of the new act. And don't misunderstand me, I am a firm believer that something is better than nothing (which a lot of us feared would be the case when BI announced they were leaving). But the question does remain - if BI stated that they gave there notice quite awhile ago to Disney, why would the talent department made a deliberate decision to try something different with the new act coming in? Why not hire another one of the dozens of Beatles/60's British rock bands that are looking for work? I have to admit - I am not personally upset by the change - I love The Who and Zepplin as much as the Beatles, but I am puzzled as to why they wouldn't duplicate what was as successful as they could hope for that type of entertainment.

What is the harm in trying something new though? We're talking about a show that the majority of visitors in Epcot pass up while they are certainly isn't the motivating reason for anyone to plan a visit to the park. Perhaps Disney saw something they liked in this group and decided to try a new direction. It isn't like they did a complete 180 and replaced the band with a puppet show or something...they just are trying a somewhat different style. I would be willing to bet that the same number of people will enjoy these shows as much as the british invasion. The only group that is going to probably even notice that the band changed is the .1% of the population that (like us) are uber Disney fans.


Well-Known Member
What is the harm in trying something new though? We're talking about a show that the majority of visitors in Epcot pass up while they are certainly isn't the motivating reason for anyone to plan a visit to the park. Perhaps Disney saw something they liked in this group and decided to try a new direction. It isn't like they did a complete 180 and replaced the band with a puppet show or something...they just are trying a somewhat different style. I would be willing to bet that the same number of people will enjoy these shows as much as the british invasion. The only group that is going to probably even notice that the band changed is the .1% of the population that (like us) are uber Disney fans.
I asked the same thing, sort of, in a thread about ADR's, meal plans, and holding back some tables at TS restaurants for walk up diners. Master Yoda made a good point and regardless if I agreed, it was true. "Why give up a sure thing for a possible thing". The old band formula worked, why change it? I'm don't really care what they use, but when you are in the business to make money, why change a formula that is already a proven success?


Well-Known Member
What is the harm in trying something new though? We're talking about a show that the majority of visitors in Epcot pass up while they are certainly isn't the motivating reason for anyone to plan a visit to the park. Perhaps Disney saw something they liked in this group and decided to try a new direction. It isn't like they did a complete 180 and replaced the band with a puppet show or something...they just are trying a somewhat different style. I would be willing to bet that the same number of people will enjoy these shows as much as the british invasion. The only group that is going to probably even notice that the band changed is the .1% of the population that (like us) are uber Disney fans.

Correct, and though it may not be a concern for Disney, it was obvious that the band brought locals in every weekend. I would say that almost 50% of the audience were faces I saw week after week (my parents were in that group, as well). Whether that older crowd will choose to spend their Saturdays at Epcot as frequently now - who knows? I can only say that my parents have mentioned that they probably won't be making special trips anymore. Now will Zepplin and The Who fans have the same kind of built-in fanbase that will flock week after week to watch the new band? I guess we will see...

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
I asked the same thing, sort of, in a thread about ADR's, meal plans, and holding back some tables at TS restaurants for walk up diners. Master Yoda made a good point and regardless if I agreed, it was true. "Why give up a sure thing for a possible thing". The old band formula worked, why change it? I'm don't really care what they use, but when you are in the business to make money, why change a formula that is already a proven success?

Correct, and though it may not be a concern for Disney, it was obvious that the band brought locals in every weekend. I would say that almost 50% of the audience were faces I saw week after week (my parents were in that group, as well). Whether that older crowd will choose to spend their Saturdays at Epcot as frequently now - who knows? I can only say that my parents have mentioned that they probably won't be making special trips anymore. Now will Zepplin and The Who fans have the same kind of built-in fanbase that will flock week after week to watch the new band? I guess we will see...

We can go back and forth for days on this and probably never come to a real agreement. I just believe in giving something a chance before it gets judged as a failure. Does anyone here remember the first week of the British Invasion? I know that I don't and can't tell you if it was a success from day 1.


Well-Known Member
I think we could really have a good time talking off line about this stuff, but it wouldn't be appropriate here, or it might if we wanted to hijack the entire thread, which in itself might be entertaining, at least to us.
No, my interests are in Buddy Guy, the Three Kings, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Eric Clapton, Luther Allison, Derek Trucks, Muddy Waters, John Lee Hooker, Albert Collins, Son House, and on and on...........
Actually, bumping gums is an appropriate phrase as there isn't a thing any of us can do to alter the decisions made by Disney, so it's all academic anyway. In the end, it's just an internet forum and while we all have our opinions, they really don't mean anything to anyone but us! ;) As said before, music is subjective and people like what they like. They can argue who's better or worse, but it's still just an opinion, and an opinion on the internet at that! I should have actually saved my opinions and comments for a music forum because I wasn't looking at this from the perspective of a passerby, patron, or gaga fan, but more from a musician or promoter looking to book a professional gig.

Never heard of these, (except Eric Clapton) are they British?:dazzle:

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