Photos and Video - New UK Pavilion band - The English Channel


Well-Known Member
As someone who is 21 and loves music... I'm confused where all this "Young people don't listen to Led Zeppelin as much as the Beatles." Um, wha?? I can honestly say I have lots of LedZepp, Queen, The Who, Police, etc on my phone where as the Beatles? Nah. There was a bit of Beatles love going around with people my age when Across the Universe came out, but it's subsided again. Led Zeppelin on the other hand has gained a lot of ground with my age group. Maybe it seems more so to me because I'm in the middle of it... but I don't see Beatles > Led Zeppelin when it comes to the college crowd.

Why is it that no one on the internet understands generalities?


New Member
Why is it that no one on the internet understands generalities?

I understand that the Beatles have a wider audience, but I don't agree with the Beatles appealing to younger generations more than Led Zeppelin. Maybe I should have just got to the point. I just have always thought long-winded posts weaving around and about the point were the standard on the interwebz. Mah bad. ;)

Granted, my post was a bit anecdotal as well. *Shrug*

I personally think they should cover bands like Arctic Monkeys, Florence and the Machine, and Snow Patrol. Especially Arctic Monkeys. :p


Well-Known Member
I saw The British Invasion a few months ago, and I could swear there were a few non-Beatle songs in the mix. Granted the majority was Beatles stuff, but it seems like there were a few songs from other bands. Am I off on this one? :veryconfu

No, you're not off on this. TBI started mixing in non-Beatles music quite a while back, and they were pretty good at it.


Well-Known Member
I saw The British Invasion a few months ago, and I could swear there were a few non-Beatle songs in the mix. Granted the majority was Beatles stuff, but it seems like there were a few songs from other bands. Am I off on this one? :veryconfu

You are correct. In fact, it got tiresone every show hearing them say "We are the British Invasion, not the Beatles Invasion..." But the music that they chose to play that was not Beatles was still very recognizable 60's music with the same basic sound (i.e. Doo Wah Diddy, Wild Thing, etc.).


I understand that the Beatles have a wider audience, but I don't agree with the Beatles appealing to younger generations more than Led Zeppelin. Maybe I should have just got to the point. I just have always thought long-winded posts weaving around and about the point were the standard on the interwebz. Mah bad. ;)

Granted, my post was a bit anecdotal as well. *Shrug*

I personally think they should cover bands like Arctic Monkeys, Florence and the Machine, and Snow Patrol. Especially Arctic Monkeys. :p

see i'm the exact opposite. i feel as The Beatles are more universally known among all age groups. i can tell you that there are probably more people who are willing/able to sing along with "I Want To Hold Your Hand" than "D'Yer Mak'er".

im not saying that your friends dont like zeppelin more than the Beatles, im just saying that the Beatles are more universally known.

plus i think The Beatles fit the gazebo/garden better. i just didnt feel Baba O'Riley being pumped out of those tiny speaker on that tiny stage. sure, it'll do fine, i just think The Beatles fit better


Well-Known Member
As someone who is 21 and loves music... I'm confused where all this "Young people don't listen to Led Zeppelin as much as the Beatles." Um, wha?? I can honestly say I have lots of LedZepp, Queen, The Who, Police, etc on my phone where as the Beatles? Nah. There was a bit of Beatles love going around with people my age when Across the Universe came out, but it's subsided again. Led Zeppelin on the other hand has gained a lot of ground with my age group. Maybe it seems more so to me because I'm in the middle of it... but I don't see Beatles > Led Zeppelin when it comes to the college crowd.

People who are really into music tend to have a wider range of musical tastes. It's as simple as that. I love those bands, but if I am being honest, I know that those bands do not have the mass appeal. If any sort of random polling was done (at WDW, for example) is there really any doubt that The Beatles would be more recognizable and a more popular sound across the age groups?


New Member
People who are really into music tend to have a wider range of musical tastes. It's as simple as that. I love those bands, but if I am being honest, I know that those bands do not have the mass appeal. If any sort of random polling was done (at WDW, for example) is there really any doubt that The Beatles would be more recognizable and a more popular sound across the age groups?

Sigh. Yeah, I see. I still feel like Led is gaining ground, but I'll back off my stance.

Side note, the new 2011 Mustang V6 commercial uses a song by a UK band. It's amazing how many bands people are exposed to through commercials, yet they never know who it is or what song they're hearing. But they sure as heck could sing you the sample that is played in the commercial.


Well-Known Member
Sorry but I'm going to disagree. I have yet to meet anyone, young or old, that doesn't know songs by Led Zeppelin or The Who.

Hi, it's nice to meet you, I'm TP2000 and I have no idea what songs The Who or Led Zeppelin played. :wave:

I'm a fan of 60's music otherwise, but The Who and Led Zeppelin is a genre I have no interest in and have no knowledge of. I only have this faint foggy idea that Led Zeppelin recently did a Cadillac commercial (I read that somewhere), or something. But The Who? I have no idea what songs they sang or what their albums are called. :confused:

This new band looked to be trying hard to get the crowd going in the video, but their overall look falls very flat in a mega theme park like Epcot. They look like any struggling cover band playing in any cheap roadhouse or college dive bar in America. I wouldn't stop to hear them play even if I knew who The Who was, there's just very little showmanship there. :(

They should change the name of their band to The Middle-Aged Men In Need Of A Barber.



Well-Known Member
Several other forum sites have reported that the replacement band for the British Invasion was going to be "The British Airwaves," yet this seems to suggest that the replacement band is actually "The English Channel." Is this a change of plans/bands, or were folks simply misinformed? Is The English Channel the exclusive band that will play the United Kingdom stage in Epcot or is it possible that it will be splitting time with The British Airwaves?

This is the British Airwaves, just like every other band in Disney, they have to change their name while performing inside the parks vs outside.


Well-Known Member
I too enjoyed The British Invasion, but from what I understand, they chose to leave and gave notice to Disney. If this was the case, the question for Disney is how do you replace 'The British Invasion'.

The answer, of course, is that you really can't. I don't know what I would have done to try to replace that group. Do you get another single group cover band, another Beatles cover band or a 'multi group' cover band like The English Channel? I'm not sure. I really feel that this might be the best solution given the present circumstances, and I really do like their music and song choices.


Well-Known Member
I too enjoyed The British Invasion, but from what I understand, they chose to leave and gave notice to Disney. If this was the case, the question for Disney is how do you replace 'The British Invasion'.

The answer, of course, is that you really can't. I don't know what I would have done to try to replace that group. Do you get another single group cover band, another Beatles cover band or a 'multi group' cover band like The English Channel? I'm not sure. I really feel that this might be the best solution given the present circumstances, and I really do like their music and song choices.

Well, I suppose it is the job of whoever is Entertainment Director at EPCOT to listen, look at research they may choose to do after shows, and then meet with the band to discuss what direction they should go. When you work for Disney, I don't think you get much say in the final product. If the talent department wants them to start doing all Beatles music or 60's music, I have a feeling they will...


Well-Known Member
Ya know, hooked up my computer to the tv and showed some of the band's set to half a dozen of my friends and family who were at the house. Every single person said they liked the change from The British Invasion and would definitely prefer to see these guys over them. I then found this Youtube link (below), and although it's a new post and comments are few, again people seem to really enjoy the new band.

What this does is continue to remind me that those of us on these boards really are not 'normal'. I'm sure that the stuff we discuss and debate on here is not even noticed by 99.99999% of the general public or typical WDW visitors. I think that the vast majority of WDW visitors will just think "Hey cool, there's a band at the UK playing a bunch of great songs by UK bands. Fun!"

BTW, I think I like this set better. :)


Active Member
^ I agree with this. This new band will get me to go to see that pavillion more than the British Invasion did. I consider myself extremely well-versed in all types of music, and I appreciate anything except country. But I can probably only name 5 songs by the Beatles. Led Zeppelin and The Who and Queen are a much bigger draw for anyone under 35.


Well-Known Member
Looks and sounds like something I would expect to find at Six Flags or some other regional amusement park.

Keep wowing me, Disney.

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