phone cells at disney?


New Member
peter11435 said:
I don't care one or another. But seriously there was a time not that long ago when nobody had a cell phone. Funny thing is people got by fine for years without them.

Yep, it's like when I was back in High School, my parent's would email me to tell me it was time for dinner. I know that sounds like a joke, but it actually happened quite often... That was over 12 years ago, too!


Active Member
I've never understood the anti-cell phone argument. Unless you are in a movie theatre, library, WDW ride or some other place meant to be undisturbed or quiet, I really don't care how many people around me are using cell phones---honestly I don't really pay too much attention to them.

So, pertaining to cell phones and WDW parks...go for long as you turn them off when you are on a ride or in a sit-down restaurant.

The problem I have with cell phone usage in public areas in general is that people become extremely rude when they aren't paying attention to what's going on around them. Strollers plow into you, people walk into you, you have to wait in line behind them at food stands while they finish their conversation, etc. When driving they go out of turn at 4-way stops. When shopping they stop their carts in the way and just generally don't pay attention. AND....I really don't want to hear the details of your soap-opera life while I'm using a public restroom!

That being said I use my phone a fair amount when needed, but always try to be conscious of what is going on around me. I wish others would as well.


Well-Known Member
wdwishes2005 said:
But by that line of thinking why use cars? Aircraft? Guns? Computers? After all humanity has been around years and years without them.

There is a huge difference between a car and a cell phone. You said "how the heck else are you supposed to know if an emergancy takes place." My point was simply that people managed to do it for years without them.


Well-Known Member
NadieMasK2 said:
The problem I have with cell phone usage in public areas in general is that people become extremely rude when they aren't paying attention to what's going on around them. Strollers plow into you, people walk into you, you have to wait in line behind them at food stands while they finish their conversation, etc. When driving they go out of turn at 4-way stops. When shopping they stop their carts in the way and just generally don't pay attention. AND....I really don't want to hear the details of your soap-opera life while I'm using a public restroom!

That being said I use my phone a fair amount when needed, but always try to be conscious of what is going on around me. I wish others would as well.

There is a time and place where cell phone use is appropriate, but
Good post. :wave:

If someone can walk and talk without knocking me down or blocking the sidewalks, then I don't care if they talk on a cell phone out in the parks. I don't really want to hear their conversation, though. The times that I really get annoyed is on the rides, in attractions or while eating at a nice restaurant.

Please, turn off that irritatingly loud ringtone and don't talk where everyone in the place can hear you. Get up and go outside so we can enjoy our meal instead of listening to some high school soap opera. And don't get me started on the parents that let their tweens & teens sit at the table and talk the whole meal. :mad:


Well-Known Member
I have Verizon and get good reception pretty much everywhere except inside some attractions, however I can still send/receive text messages. It makes it nice for trying to meet back up with your party if you've split up.

Also I usually have poor reception inside my hotel room, regardless of which hotel I've been staying at (on property of course).


Well-Known Member
I have used both t-Mobile as well as Cingular cell phones within the parks and have never had a problem with reception with either one on the GSM system. There are dead zones throughout - most notably the southern portion of World Showcase (American, Moroccan, and Italian pavilions).

As to the should you or shouldn't you, that is not what this poster asked - they asked if there was service in the park.

Believe it or not, the definition of "Vacation" has changed significantly over the years, and it has nothing to do with pretending you can lose contact with the rest of the world. If it comes down to taking a call from work while on vacation, or getting fired, people will usually choose to answer their cellphones. A Vacation, for most carreers, no longer means you can just "disappear" for a week.


New Member
I'm still waiting to see what the OP actually meant? :lol: I, along with most of you, assume the OP meant cell phone towers.....but...... you never know:lookaroun .

People using cell phones don't bother me at all, except when they get LOUD, or use it in a theater, library or some other place like that. But, just loud people in general bother me, whether they are on a cell phone or not. It's rude.


Premium Member
Yoop33 said:
And when did this turn into a debate? I thought the question was if there were cell phone towers or not?

We all know that everything around here eventually turns into a debate :rolleyes:


New Member
wannab@dis said:
Good post. :wave:

If someone can walk and talk without knocking me down or blocking the sidewalks, then I don't care if they talk on a cell phone out in the parks. I don't really want to hear their conversation, though. The times that I really get annoyed is on the rides, in attractions or while eating at a nice restaurant.

Please, turn off that irritatingly loud ringtone and don't talk where everyone in the place can hear you. Get up and go outside so we can enjoy our meal instead of listening to some high school soap opera. And don't get me started on the parents that let their tweens & teens sit at the table and talk the whole meal. :mad:
I hate it when a idiots ruin something for the rest. I've never accidently bumped somebody, when I'm on a cell phone or not, without saying sorry, and I always have it on vibrate in public. Point is the problem is not the cell phones, it's the idiots that are obnoxious and rude.


New Member
wdwishes2005 said:
I hate it when a idiots ruin something for the rest. I've never accidently bumped somebody, when I'm on a cell phone or not, without saying sorry, and I always have it on vibrate in public. Point is the problem is not the cell phones, it's the idiots that are obnoxious and rude.

110% RIGHT!!!


I never had a problem with Sprint all last week. Usually had 4-5 bars. We only use them if we get separated or are trying to meet up, and it's usually" Hey, where ya at, Bye." And I always turn the ringer off when i'm in a show.


Well-Known Member
wdwishes2005 said:
I hate it when a idiots ruin something for the rest. I've never accidently bumped somebody, when I'm on a cell phone or not, without saying sorry, and I always have it on vibrate in public. Point is the problem is not the cell phones, it's the idiots that are obnoxious and rude.
Very true!

Also, I've had great reception with Verizon. (when I actually remembered to take my phone out and check for voicemails! :lol: )


New Member
Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between a cell phone user and a crazy person that is just talking to themself. :D


Well-Known Member
mkepcotmgmak said:
Sometimes it's very important to have your cell phone, so that when you are riding "it's a small world" you can call your closest "disney" friends that are 1,000 miles away, and rub in the fact that you are wdw, and they aren't! (or disneyland... :p )

Hmm...I must have missed that call :rolleyes: :lookaroun :kiss:


Well-Known Member
Well My husband is self-employed and needs his phone 24/7 but he limits his calls during our trips to when I take our son to the bathroom or while we are waiting to be seated for lunch.

But when we travel to disney with several people we do use our cellphone to contact our family to meet up at certain areas of the parks!

Vacations are a time for friends and familys to bond. It's a time to forget about your job and relax and hav some fun.
Nobody HAS to have a cell phone at Walt Disney World...some people just THINK they do.

If you have to worry about losing your business or your business failing while you're on vacation, well then you either shouldn't go on vacation or you have left the wrong people in charge while you are gone.

I know plenty of people who go on vacation who own their own businesses who leave their cell phones and lap tops at home. They do it so they won't be bothered and can enjoy a stress free vacation.

So unless your husband is the President of the United States, I suggest he leave his ittinerary and his Resort phone number with someone whom he can trust in case of an emergencyand enjoy his vacation.
He will thank himself later in life when he realizes that he lived longer because
of his stress free vacations.:animwink:

I can't imagine what people did 15 years ago w/o cell phones, but every time I go to WDW now, I wish we could go back to that time. Back when family's roamed the parks together, ate together, did things as a family, and arranged a meeting place in case they got separated.

I think people some people are addicted to cell phones, and think they can't survive w/o them. To those people I say, I am truly sorry because you don't know what a real vacation is like.


Well-Known Member
Scooter said:
Vacations are a time for friends and familys to bond. It's a time to forget about your job and relax and hav some fun.
Nobody HAS to have a cell phone at Walt Disney World...some people just THINK they do.

If you have to worry about losing your business or your business failing while you're on vacation, well then you either shouldn't go on vacation or you have left the wrong people in charge while you are gone.

I know plenty of people who go on vacation who own their own businesses who leave their cell phones and lap tops at home. They do it so they won't be bothered and can enjoy a stress free vacation.

So unless your husband is the President of the United States, I suggest he leave his ittinerary and his Resort phone number with someone whom he can trust in case of an emergencyand enjoy his vacation.
He will thank himself later in life when he realizes that he lived longer because
of his stress free vacations.:animwink:

I can't imagine what people did 15 years ago w/o cell phones, but every time I go to WDW now, I wish we could go back to that time. Back when family's roamed the parks together, ate together, did things as a family, and arranged a meeting place in case they got separated.

I think people some people are addicted to cell phones, and think they can't survive w/o them. To those people I say, I am truly sorry because you don't know what a real vacation is like.
Huzzah and agreed!! :sohappy::sohappy::sohappy:


New Member long as people aren't being obnoxious and rude with their cell phones (talking loud or not shutting them off on attractions/rides), I don't care and frankly it's no one else's business either.

Why people feel the need to make judgements on people that they know nothing about is beyond me. I don't get why seeing someone using a cellphone at WDW bothers some people so much.

It apparently is not ruining their vacation so why let it ruin yours.


TiggerRPh said: long as people aren't being obnoxious and rude with their cell phones (talking loud or not shutting them off on attractions/rides), I don't care and frankly it's no one else's business either.

Why people feel the need to make judgements on people that they know nothing about is beyond me. I don't get why seeing someone using a cellphone at WDW bothers some people so much.

It apparently is not ruining their vacation so why let it ruin yours.

TiggerRPh, thank you for some common sense.

I have avoided responding, but honestly some of the high and mighty responses that choose to lecture those of us that need/choose to stay in touch needs to be respond to. In an age where everyone decries the "lack of personal responsibility" people are chastising those of us that take that responsibility for whatever job we do very seriously. Do you know what I do for a living or what my job requires?

Yes, I do take my cell phone with me. Yes, my boss or the person covering for me can get in touch with me if need be. I really don't care if you think I should not have my cell phone. It is my vacation and I get to decide how I conduct it.

If me talking on my cell phone bothers you then I think the issue is with you not me.

If someone is being loud and obnoxious on a cell phone then these are most likely the same people that running everyone over with strollers, talking loudly and rudely in lines to the person standing next to them, pool hopping, re-using resort mugs and smoking in non- smoking areas.

In short, the problem is rude and inconsiderate people not people that have cell phones. I have more of a problem with a loud obnoxious person speaking to the people next to them than a cell phone user.

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