phone cells at disney?


Active Member
Generally, I hate talking on a phone of any kind, but at WDW I do use my cell. I'm taking 27 of my teenaged students and I need to be checked in with periodically. I do try to limit my calls. I try to avoid talking loud and while near others. So if you see me on the phone know that I'm not a "look-how-important-I-am-that-I-NEED-to-talk-on-the-cell" person. I'm just an ordinary high school teacher checking in with my students who are scattered over MK, AK, MGM, Epcot, BB, DQ, or TL. Be kind to me:lol: Rant over. To OP: Cingular has always had a strong signal for us over the past 5 trips.

12 days until we are ºoºrlando bound with 27 teens on a school bus for 930 miles of smiles on trip #6 :hammer: :sohappy:


Oh, and just incase this thread was on how cellphone coverage in the parks is.

Cingular - Respectable - most place works well.
Verizon Wireless - Pretty good - works most places.
Nextel - Good, lets face it, Disney uses it.

I have carried these phone the last few times, and overall no problems. Now, if they would just have WiFi in all the rooms, I would be set. Heck, maybe I would need a monthly rate, new office.....



Well-Known Member
wired said:
Oh, and just incase this thread was on how cellphone coverage in the parks is.

Cingular - Respectable - most place works well.
Verizon Wireless - Pretty good - works most places.
Nextel - Good, lets face it, Disney uses it.

I have carried these phone the last few times, and overall no problems. Now, if they would just have WiFi in all the rooms, I would be set. Heck, maybe I would need a monthly rate, new office.....


T-Mobile works great on Disney Property


Well-Known Member
clarksfan95 said:
Cell Phones? You don't need're on vacation - leave it in the hotel room. I don't know why, but it bothers me to go Disney (or anywhere for that matter) on vacation and see people talking business on their phones. You're on vacation!!!! I'm pretty sure that the rest of the world can get along without you for a couple days. No one person is that important...if you want to talk to family...that's fine, but you don't need to be working while you are on vacation - that's why it's called a vacation - it's a time away from work.

Okay, I'm done...sorry about that.:rolleyes:

Cell phones come in handy when your teenager is off on their own or if there is a need to stay in touch with family back home.

I also agree that vacation time means no business and I remember one boat pilot who refused to pull away from the dock until the gentleman either left the boat or hung up... it was very obvious to all that it was a business call. Finally he and his family left the boat and we were on our way.

When carrying your phone please remember to either turn it off or put it on vibrate/mute when on rides and in a show. We have not had any trouble with reception around the parks or in the resorts. :wave:


New Member
clarksfan95 said:
Cell Phones? You don't need're on vacation - leave it in the hotel room. I don't know why, but it bothers me to go Disney (or anywhere for that matter) on vacation and see people talking business on their phones. You're on vacation!!!! I'm pretty sure that the rest of the world can get along without you for a couple days. No one person is that important...if you want to talk to family...that's fine, but you don't need to be working while you are on vacation - that's why it's called a vacation - it's a time away from work.

Okay, I'm done...sorry about that.:rolleyes:

We use cell phones to get a hold of each other if we've become separated....the walkie talkies never worked for us and it beats trying to find each other.

I often will go on a ride with one of the kids and my wife will take the other one somewhere else while we're on the ride.

I will also use the phone to make last minute dining arrangements.


Well-Known Member
robynchic said:
I will talk on my phone when I'm walking around the parks. Then again, I'm either talking to my parents (800 miles away) or to a friend that I'm trying to meet up with. There's also the occasional goofy thing I do, where I'll call the dining line to see what restaurants in the park I'm in have any reservations open. It's easier to do that spur-of-the-moment than to do walk-up :p

You are not the only to do that...we lucked into the Princess Dinner at the Akershus in Norway that way last August. :lol:


We have had Verision for years. It works in most places around the resort. I sometimes have a hard time talking from inside the hotel rooms. I don't mind talking outside the room and enjoying the scenery will checking in with my dad who we leave at home.

My favorite part is to call him while we are in line somewhere and ask him to guess what we are doing. He gets a kick out of it. He was able to go with us for Christmas this year so now he know what I am actually talking about.


Well-Known Member
We use our cell phones to keep in touch with each other in case we get seperated at the parks, or if one of us is off doing something else. I also used it to keep in touch with my boyfriend and send him picture mail of what I was up to. When I go in June, the boyfriend will be attending a couple of festivals (Wakarusa and Bonnaroo for those of you who are festival-savvy) so we're going to be sending a lot of pictures and sounds back and forth, so we can experience each other's activities since we both couldn't be at both.

I use Cellular One and got good reception in WDW. But I think they use someone else's towers in Florida. I don't think Cellular One exists in Florida.


New Member
kurros said:
Assuming you are talking about wireless towers, the only company that has towers on property is Sprint Nextel. They are all providing Nextel service and some are starting to get Sprint PCS equipment. Depending on the devices PRL Verizon Wireless customers should be able to use the Sprint PCS equipment.

Cingular and others have sites just off of property though. That should hit most places. I have heard that there is something going up on Bonnet Creek Resort's property recently as well.

Although nextel did spend a butt load of money for the contract and to put towers up in the resort, there are other companies that have towers as well including T-Mobile who supposedly has one on top of Rockin Roller or TOT. Can't remember although it would make more since to put it on TOT


New Member
I carry a cell phone in the parks, but I never make any outgoing calls unless my party splits up and I use it to coordinate our next meeting or mealtime. I keep it on vibrate the entire time no matter if I'm in an attraction, or just sitting outside on a bench. I figure that if someone needs to call me for whatever reason, other nearby visitors don't need to hear the annoying cell phone ring.

I always check the callerID. If I don't recognize the number, I don't answer. That simple. I'll check the voice mail a little later on though when it's convinenent for me.

Mostly I just have it incase there is some sort of emergency and someone needs to get a hold of me.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes it's very important to have your cell phone, so that when you are riding "it's a small world" you can call your closest "disney" friends that are 1,000 miles away, and rub in the fact that you are wdw, and they aren't! (or disneyland... :p )


New Member
I've never understood the anti-cell phone argument. Unless you are in a movie theatre, library, WDW ride or some other place meant to be undisturbed or quiet, I really don't care how many people around me are using cell phones---honestly I don't really pay too much attention to them.

So, pertaining to cell phones and WDW parks...go for long as you turn them off when you are on a ride or in a sit-down restaurant.


Active Member
I have always had sprint service and I never had a problem in WDW. Granted there are some dead spots, but not many and it has only improved over the years.


New Member
I remember having to receive a few calls in 2004 with Verizon and never had any reception problems. Maybe I was just in the lucky good spots or something!

Stayed at the Pop Century and always had good reception in my room. Sure beats the fees for using the hotel phone!!


Active Member
WDWCP said:
I always check the callerID. If I don't recognize the number, I don't answer. That simple. I'll check the voice mail a little later on though when it's convinenent for me.

I find that that line of thinking is not a good one and can be very bad. How do you know if someone is trying to get a hold of you in an emergency and has to call from some other number because of where they might be or their phone doesn't work.


New Member
shoppingnut said:
I find that that line of thinking is not a good one and can be very bad. How do you know if someone is trying to get a hold of you in an emergency and has to call from some other number because of where they might be or their phone doesn't work.

Anyone calling for a true emergency will immediately call back again. If it rings again for the second time in a row, I tend to break my rule if I can. I also check my messages very often, so I'll hear things that way.

I give my cell phone number out more liberally than my home phone, so when I don't recognize a number, I hate to answer it not knowing what I'm walking into. I hate being blindsided and caught off guard. At least if I hear the message first, I can get an idea what the call is about and I can call them back.

You'd be suprised how many people don't leave messages. If someone doesn't leave me a message, then I don't worry about calling them back because it obviously wasn't all that important.

Keep in mind I'm also one who doesn't really like to just talk away to people. I don't usually use the phone unless I have a specific purpose. I call someone because I need to plan something, or ask a question, etc... I try to save all the "hey, how are you doing...?" kind of conversations for in-person gatherings whenever realistically possible...


New Member
With all hte anti-cell phone rants, how the heck else are you supposed to know if an emergancy takes place, you need to make dining ressies, ect. go back to the room and call? last time i was there a relative broke an arm and had to go to the hospital how the heck else would I have known to come back and grab their stuff so it wasn't taken?


Well-Known Member
wdwishes2005 said:
With all hte anti-cell phone rants, how the heck else are you supposed to know if an emergancy takes place, you need to make dining ressies, ect. go back to the room and call? last time i was there a relative broke an arm and had to go to the hospital how the heck else would I have known to come back and grab their stuff so it wasn't taken?
I don't care one or another. But seriously there was a time not that long ago when nobody had a cell phone. Funny thing is people got by fine for years without them.

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