phone cells at disney?


New Member
Cell Phones? You don't need're on vacation - leave it in the hotel room. I don't know why, but it bothers me to go Disney (or anywhere for that matter) on vacation and see people talking business on their phones. You're on vacation!!!! I'm pretty sure that the rest of the world can get along without you for a couple days. No one person is that important...if you want to talk to family...that's fine, but you don't need to be working while you are on vacation - that's why it's called a vacation - it's a time away from work.

Okay, I'm done...sorry about that.:rolleyes:

Hate to tell ya Clark, but some of us in the park are NOT TOURISTS, but are locals, and well, we are not on vacation. If you are really bothered about people talking on cellphones in a Disney park, DO NOT GO TO HONG KONG. Cellphones over there are a birth-righted apendenge (sp?). As for Orlando, again, hate to tell ya, but some people do run their business on their cellphone, and some of those people are annual pass holders, and well, gee, put the two together, and yep, you will eventually hear people talking business on their cellphone in the park. At least we are not as offensive as sweaty stinky cigar chopping tank top wearing tourists that love to blow their smoke everywhere.

As usual, have a bonederful day,
Used2BePluto, aka Mark


Active Member
Our cell phones were a lifeline when we were there. 1) our group would split up and call each other when we were done with whatever ride/show we were at and 2) my husband didn't go so I called him after we did certain things. In fact I called him while at breakfastosaurous so he could tell Goofy hello! Goofy loved it!
Anyone know of a cell provider and or a cell phone manufacturer that has signal inside the living seas? Partuicularly while on the 2nd floor observation level?:lookaroun
you know i use my cell phone alot in the parks. not because im doing business but becasue my family and i split up for whatever reason and we are trying to find eachother. or its just me and my kids there and they wanted to talk to daddy and then we started talking because we are 2000 miles away from eachother. another reason is i have a friend who loves the tower of terror and has been on it with me a couple of times. but however she cant afford to go to disney like i can so she made me promis her that whenever i am there i will call her just before i get on tower. i make sure she picks up the phone i hold it in my hand (i dont talk toher on the ride) and hang up w/ her as soon as the ride is over, then procede to call her later on that night when we are done at the parks. i dont see that as being wrong and im confused as to why people think that is wrong. people saying that this is wrong and it ruins their vacations need to stop and think. YOU ARE ON VACATION DONT WORRY ABOUT WHAT OTHER PEOPLE ARE DOING!!!! your prob. never going to see them again anyways so why talk badly about what other people do and the way they choose to live their life. we live in america, the land of the free. so why are you trying to change that. worry about yourself and your actions, dont ruin your vacation just because someone else has different beliefs then you. otherwise yoru are going to live a sad and boring life.


New Member
Anyone know of a cell provider and or a cell phone manufacturer that has signal inside the living seas? Partuicularly while on the 2nd floor observation level?:lookaroun
I can recieve text messages on nemo, Never looked at how many bars i had or tried making a call.
Verizon with a samsung phone.

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