phone cells at disney?


New Member
Another thing I'll do is that, since I'm a cast member, if I have an afternoon shift, I'll go into the park in the morning, and wait around until my shift starts (in civvies, of course!). If I get bored, I'll call my location and ask if I can just come in early.


New Member
DisneyJill said:
Some people are talking to family members, or being contacted for an emergency, so I don't know that an anti-cell phone rant is necessary. And some people have jobs that even though they are "away" they might still need to be contacted in some way-because sometimes the rest of my work world can't live without me, frankly. So I apologize in advance if I'm ever next to you in line and bothering you, but you're free to leave your cell phone at home and ignore me on mine. :wave:

you put it perfectly:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
People carry cell phones with them for a variety of reasons, and none of those reasons are any of my business. Let's just all take the high road and assume that if someone's carrying a cell phone with them, they need it.


Well-Known Member
I apologize if I gave anyone the impression that phones shouldn't be allowed in the parks.
I own a cell phone and use it daily.
However, I don't talk on it while driving, walking around a store, a mall, a restaurant, or anywhere else where I might be bothering someone else.

It's called being polite.

Apparently there are a LOT of impolite people who own cell phones.

Unfortunately, when you purchase a cell phone you don't have to pass a test like The Rules of the road test when getting a drivers license. I wish this was the case.

Perhaps the Disney company should hand out phamplets at the gates with strict cell phone use instructions for those in the minority who abuse cell phones.

1) No walking and talking...stop, pull over, and make your call in a discrete location so you don't slow the flow of traffic down, bump into people, or share your conversation with the entire park. We don't care if your Aunt Ethel is in the hospital for a hernia operation or that you're meeting your party under the "Big Golf Ball"

2) Don't talk on your cell phone while in a sit down restaurant, we don't want to hear your conversation and your loud obnoxious ring tone ruins our magical moment and our Disney dining experiance.

3) If you're in a Queue line and MUST talk on your phone, say what you have to say and hang up.

4) Shut off your cell phone before going into an attraction or ride.

5) No phone calls allowed during fireworks...all I want to hear is the script and the ooooohs and aaaahs or the park guests.

6) No profanity while using the cell phone please, there are kids all around
and people have a tendacy to talk louder on phones in a park than they do home due to back ground noises.

Thank you and have a magical day! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Scooter said:
2) Don't talk on your cell phone while in a sit down restaurant, we don't want to hear your conversation and your loud obnoxious ring tone ruins our magical moment and our Disney dining experiance.

If you are just talking on a phone, how is it different from talking to someone at your table?

Scooter said:
3) If you're in a Queue line and MUST talk on your phone, say what you have to say and hang up.

How is this different from talking to the person you are in line with?

Scooter said:
4) Shut off your cell phone before going into an attraction or ride.


Scooter said:
5) No phone calls allowed during fireworks...all I want to hear is the script and the ooooohs and aaaahs or the park guests.

How is this different from talking to a person you are watching the show with?

Scooter said:
6) No profanity while using the cell phone please, there are kids all around
and people have a tendacy to talk louder on phones in a park than they do home due to back ground noises.

Profanity shouldn't be allowed, cell phone or not.

It sounds to me like you just want everyone to be quiet all the time. You know, most people who do use cell phones aren't loud or obnoxious. And those who are would most likely be the same way with or without a phone.


New Member
musketeer said:
If you are just talking on a phone, how is it different from talking to someone at your table?

How is this different from talking to the person you are in line with?


How is this different from talking to a person you are watching the show with?

Profanity shouldn't be allowed, cell phone or not.

It sounds to me like you just want everyone to be quiet all the time. You know, most people who do use cell phones aren't loud or obnoxious. And those who are would most likely be the same way with or without a phone.

:sohappy: I absolutely agree .It couldn't have been said better. thanks


New Member
TiggerRPh said: long as people aren't being obnoxious and rude with their cell phones (talking loud or not shutting them off on attractions/rides), I don't care and frankly it's no one else's business either.

Why people feel the need to make judgements on people that they know nothing about is beyond me. I don't get why seeing someone using a cellphone at WDW bothers some people so much.

It apparently is not ruining their vacation so why let it ruin yours.
Finally some common sense!


musketeer said:
It sounds to me like you just want everyone to be quiet all the time. You know, most people who do use cell phones aren't loud or obnoxious. And those who are would most likely be the same way with or without a phone.[/quote]

Excellent post, beat met me to it. Oh, and when watching the fireworks please make sure you do not talk to your friends and family, you may disturb someone.

Seems like an awfully stressful vacation even without a cell phone.


Well-Known Member
I think alot of this comes from long ago when cell phones were new and really a status symbol. I do think that at that time, people used them just to look cool or seem important. Things are very different now, everyone can afford one, and everyone has one (even my grandmother). But there are people who for some reason or another are still in that same frame of mind that only people who use cell phones are loud, obnoxious, trying to seem important, trying to look cool, whatever. You know what, that just simply isn't true.

Making a blanket statment that you aren't that important and your job can get by without you isn't true for everyone. On vacation last year (not disney), I received a phone call from a co-worker who was covering some of my stuff while I was gone, and he really really really did need to contact me. It would have put things back two weeks if I wasn't able to help him out. There are lots of people who have jobs that can't just be dropped at a moments notice. That doesn't make them bad, or obnoxious, nor does it mean they have a "holyier than thou" attitude. There are lots of jobs where you may be the only person in the office who does that job ( I know it is true in engineering), or maybe you have been the only person working on that project for the past several months, and no one else is familiar with it, and if you are gone, that project does stop, that can be a big deal sometimes.

Now, on the other side, I think EVERYONE on here would agree that there are times when cell phones are just plain inappropriate. I was on the Carousel of Progress, when someone's phone rang. It can happen, sometimes you forget to turn it off. BUT, this person actually answered it. That IS obnoxious because it DOES interefere with others. That being said, it is just as obnoxious and disturbing to others if that person was in a conversation with the person next to him, cell phone or not.

But talking during the fireworks, or at dinner, or in line...come on.


Well-Known Member
musketeer said:
It sounds to me like you just want everyone to be quiet all the time. You know, most people who do use cell phones aren't loud or obnoxious. And those who are would most likely be the same way with or without a phone.

One quick note... you must have missed one major part of Scooter's post. When people talk on cell phones, whether or not they intend to do so, they usually speak louder than a normal conversation. Such was the issue when we had the unfortunate opportunity to sit next to a family with 3 teenage daughters. Each of those teens must have felt the need for EVERYONE in the restaurant to listen to their high school drama queen stories.

But, you are correct, the rude / obnoxious cell phone users are usually the same culprits for other rude / obnoxious behaviors. :wave:


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
One quick note... you must have missed one major part of Scooter's post. When people talk on cell phones, whether or not they intend to do so, they usually speak louder than a normal conversation. Such was the issue when we had the unfortunate opportunity to sit next to a family with 3 teenage daughters. Each of those teens must have felt the need for EVERYONE in the restaurant to listen to their high school drama queen stories.

But, you are correct, the rude / obnoxious cell phone users are usually the same culprits for other rude / obnoxious behaviors. :wave:

I didn't miss that part, which is why I said what I said about those people being loud/rude/obnoxious with or without a phone. They would do it anyway.


New Member
MissM said:
People need to stop with the cell phones everywhere every moment of the day - not just Disney. Though I agree that it's exceptionally absurd to walk around Magic Kingdom chatting away into your cell. Give it a break is right! Jeez. Surgically remove the phone from your ear. You'll have a better time. Believe it or not, cell phones aren't a mandatory item in life and you can not only get by better without one, but you'll see everything you missed while wrapped up in one.
-m (happily cell-phone free for about 5 years and I'll never look back!)

What if you need to stay in touch with your family members who are in a different part of the park? Or ... what if you get lost from your travel group? That is the time that you would need it. There are legimate times for phone use. No problems with Cingular or TracPhone at WDW.
As for the annoying ring tones.....pick a Disney tune!


Well-Known Member
Cell phones, like many other pieces of technology, make life easier. True you don't need them to survive, but that is true with many other things (including much of the technology Disney uses to make you so happy). Should you give up your oven because you don't NEED it, you can just use fire. Should you give up your land line at home, you can just write letters. Should you give up your computer, your car, etc? Just because you don't need them doesn't make them bad to use.

And actually, when you think about it, the world's infrastructure is changing and you actually do 'need' a cell phone now more than you did before. It is really more than a convenience, it is a benefit much of the time.


New Member
If you think phones are bad, then what about me taking my Lap-top on Holiday. I always go to the AKL and now take my Lap-top as they got internet access last year. When my partner goes to bed after a long hard day in the park, then I get to work on my business, also to get my photo's emailed home.


Active Member
I love using my cell in the parks. Last weekend I meet these girls at Everest and then I went to MK at around 330 and I am walking down Main Street and I saw them again. They didn't want to see Family Fun Day and wanted to go around with me since I knew SO much about MK. So I gave them my number and after they got off of PotC I would meet up with them. If it wasn't for cell phones I would never had met up with them. Which was fun.


New Member
I love using my cell in the parks. Last weekend I meet these girls at Everest and then I went to MK at around 330 and I am walking down Main Street and I saw them again. They didn't want to see Family Fun Day and wanted to go around with me since I knew SO much about MK. So I gave them my number and after they got off of PotC I would meet up with them. If it wasn't for cell phones I would never had met up with them. Which was fun.
Still working at stitch?

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
People need to stop with the cell phones everywhere every moment of the day - not just Disney. Though I agree that it's exceptionally absurd to walk around Magic Kingdom chatting away into your cell. Give it a break is right! Jeez. Surgically remove the phone from your ear. You'll have a better time. Believe it or not, cell phones aren't a mandatory item in life and you can not only get by better without one, but you'll see everything you missed while wrapped up in one.
-m (happily cell-phone free for about 5 years and I'll never look back!)

Way to go!

( slaps a high 5)

Death to cell phones!

Remember when "pagers" were all the rage before cell phones became the "must have" accessory....or am i just showing my age now? :lol:

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