Inspired by the Honorary Floridian thread...Here comes this one
Sorry if this has been asked b4, because if it has I don't remember...But do you guys have any pets? if so what kinds? I have 2 dogs, Buddy and Hunny, and 2 iguanas, Zeus and Pita
my house used to be filled with lizards N things. I had a gekko (like form those geicko commercials) and he was sooo cool! his name was Gex and he's SO cute! Well, he was, anyways. He died a little more then a year ago, and I miss him. We also used to have an anole named Tiny because, well, it WAS Tiny, and another iguana named Athena. We also had a mouse, my brothers had turtles, we used to have 2 cats, and I think that's it...
Sorry if this has been asked b4, because if it has I don't remember...But do you guys have any pets? if so what kinds? I have 2 dogs, Buddy and Hunny, and 2 iguanas, Zeus and Pita
my house used to be filled with lizards N things. I had a gekko (like form those geicko commercials) and he was sooo cool! his name was Gex and he's SO cute! Well, he was, anyways. He died a little more then a year ago, and I miss him. We also used to have an anole named Tiny because, well, it WAS Tiny, and another iguana named Athena. We also had a mouse, my brothers had turtles, we used to have 2 cats, and I think that's it...