Performing experiments on the Tower of Terror


New Member
Original Poster
It seems like every time I go on the tower someone puts a coin on the floor to watch it float for a second. Some try to make gum stick to the celling of the cart if there even is one. My popcorn bucket that I made my mom carry all day also ended up on her head in the ride. I tryed that with a nickel back in 2001 before I realized what comes up must come down so I dont do that anymore. Last thing I need is to get hit in the head and most of you probally know that :p.


Well-Known Member
Isn't there such a rule whereas you can't do that coin trick anymore?

As for other experiments, I would have to say trying to juggle bean bags would be interesting.....


New Member
It seems like every time I go on the tower someone puts a coin on the floor to watch it float for a second. Some try to make gum stick to the celling of the cart if there even is one. My mom lost a bucket of popcorn. I tryed that with a nickel back in 2001 before I realized what comes up must come down so I dont do that anymore. Last thing I need is to get hit in the head and most of you probally know that :p.

She took a whole bucket of popcorn on Tower of Terror?



Premium Member
Yep dont do the experiements, things like coins etc fall into the ride system, triggering sensors, which causes the ride to go down. Lots of times when ToT is down and your wait time goes through the roof its due to people doing such things.


Active Member
When people want to break/bend the rules, you'd be surprised how resourceful they can be... Popcorn can be snuck in via backpack or any large shopping bag. :shrug:

I guess so, but not the normal person is an idiot like that. I've never been on ToT, but don't you have to tightly secure bags?


God bless the "Ignore" button.
It seems like every time I go on the tower someone puts a coin on the floor to watch it float for a second. Some try to make gum stick to the celling of the cart if there even is one. My mom lost a bucket of popcorn. I tryed that with a nickel back in 2001 before I realized what comes up must come down so I dont do that anymore. Last thing I need is to get hit in the head and most of you probally know that :p.
Of course you know that by posting this you're making you and your mom look like inconsiderate idiots...

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
I guess so, but not the normal person is an idiot like that. I've never been on ToT, but don't you have to tightly secure bags?
Usually I just wrap my bag straps around one of my legs, but there's many different methods depending on the amount of stuff you're taking on board. They don't check to see if you've secured bags or anything of the sort before you're pulled up to start the attraction, but any number of things could be brought on with no issue (when carefully concealed) that we'd probably consider a 'No-No'.


New Member
Last time I went on ToT, I was carrying my parent's video camera bag onto the ride. I just placed it on the floor but when the first drop happened, I had to wrap the bag around my leg because it was jumping all over the place. But I agree that they don't check items on board. I know that eyeglasses tend to fall out of place if they are not secured properly, it happened to my sister.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Just remember Big Brother is watching you ALL the time in the ToT. All VVCs have cameras, and the 5th D and unload floors have cameras outside the AGVs watching you.

Kind of neat watching the different views as the ride cycles on the monitors; any AGV can be followed from load to unload if need be. And the Mouse Police can be waiting at unload with a big stick if you warrant it.


you know, it might sound cheezy, but i like to experiment with this too..but safely...i try to make my body go perfectly slack and just let my arms and legs kind of "float" its all in my head that it works, but it was made for some funny pictures! and nobody gets hurt...haven't lost an arm or a leg yet. :p


New Member
Original Poster
you know, it might sound cheezy, but i like to experiment with this too..but safely...i try to make my body go perfectly slack and just let my arms and legs kind of "float" its all in my head that it works, but it was made for some funny pictures! and nobody gets hurt...haven't lost an arm or a leg yet. :p

Ha Ha I never tried that but my stomach and my heart float and yes everything stays in my stomach so it isn't a bad thing.


Beta Return
Kind of neat watching the different views as the ride cycles on the monitors; any AGV can be followed from load to unload if need be. And the Mouse Police can be waiting at unload with a big stick if you warrant it.

You have any video or stills of this?

I always carry a sleeve of Dentyne Ice gum in my shirt pocket at WDW. During the drop sequence, it floated up out of my pocket and hovered in front of my face.

It took me a second or two to realize what it was, and I tried to grab it. It landed on the floor in the first row (i was in 2) and I retrieved it after the ride. Glad it didn't hit anyone....or maybe it did.


New Member
And the Mouse Police can be waiting at unload with a big stick if you warrant it.

What exactly would be the recourse? Considering the fact that there are no signs (that I've ever noticed anyway) clearly telling people this sort of activity is prohibited, it seems hard to imagine Disney punishing people for doing it.

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