people who are rude to the cast members


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Original Poster
you know after being a cast member for a year now you would think i would be immune to the rude and hateful guests we get in our parks. how good it would be to have one day go by where im not yelled at cussed at hit spit at called filthy names.a day when people actually say please and thank you and excuse me or pardon me. a day when im not accused of being mean when i tell you no for a valid reason. i would love just for you to realize the times i gave up holidays with my family to be there for yours.please remember im not being bitter just concerned that people forget cast members are human too and we are just following the rules set before us. i love my guests! you are the reason im there. come play in the park with me and lets have fun and laughter. its all about the magic guys!!!:wave:


Well-Known Member
Hard to believe some people are so rude and ignorant that they feel compelled to act that way in a place like WDW. Too bad there's not more plainclothes security personnel wandering the parks to catch some of the idiots curse, hit, or spit the CMs. "Excuse us, sir/ma'am, Disney Security. Please come with us. We will not tolerate this type of behavior on Disney property. You have just forfeited your guest privileges due to your actions."

Oh, well. I can dream, can't I?


New Member
I understand your feelings on this. I see it all the time out here on the Pac coast.

When I see a CM being abused I either:
1. Step in a tell the guest to behave. I know the CM cannot say some of the things I say.

2. If the person has left, I go up to the CM and crack some joke about that person to let them know not all guests are a pain in the rear.

Hang in there, not all visitors are creeps (or worse.)



Active Member
Originally posted by BUZZ BABE 34
you know after being a cast member for a year now you would think i would be immune to the rude and hateful guests we get in our parks. how good it would be to have one day go by where im not yelled at cussed at hit spit at called filthy names.

In most states a couple of things you mentioned are crimes.:eek: I can't believe Disney expects it's CM's to be victims of crimes for $7-8 an hour. :( If so, it makes me very:mad:and very sad :cry:

On my last visit (this month) I saw Disney Security in twos and threes all over the parks and resorts. Sounds like the bean counters need to tell them to start strongly enforcing all rules and laws. By the by I also saw Orange County Sheriff Deputies in the parks everyday.

To all CM's , 99.999999% of us love you:sohappy: :D You, not the rides, make the magic.:cool:

Hang in there, I'll be back in mid-May and carry extra:) 's with me.:animwink:


i have had my share of irrate guests, but have done what every other cast member does, keep that smile on and try to please them in any way possible. one word...Test Track :animwink: :lol:

Space Ranger 1

New Member
Originally posted by BUZZ BABE 34
you know after being a cast member for a year now you would think i would be immune to the rude and hateful guests we get in our parks. how good it would be to have one day go by where im not yelled at cussed at hit spit at called filthy names.a day when people actually say please and thank you and excuse me or pardon me. a day when im not accused of being mean when i tell you no for a valid reason. i would love just for you to realize the times i gave up holidays with my family to be there for yours.please remember im not being bitter just concerned that people forget cast members are human too and we are just following the rules set before us. i love my guests! you are the reason im there. come play in the park with me and lets have fun and laughter. its all about the magic guys!!!:wave:

Well said Buzz Babe, how bout those guests you have to deal with at the "merge point"? (where the stand by line and the fast pass line meet) You want to see the nastiest of guests, just hang out at the merge point for a little while.


Well-Known Member
I can assure you that when MY family goes to Walt Disney World, we will ALWAYS treat the cast members with the dignity and the kindness they deserve.

I am not familiar with Disney Castmembers training procedures but from what I have seen in all my my past 10 visits to WDW, they are some of the most courteous and well-mannered group of people I have ever had the privilege to meet and deal with.

My Mickey ears hat goes off to all of you who make my familys experiance such a pleasureable and Magical one.

If I see someone giving the Cast members a hard time, I make sure and get that Castmembers attention, then shake my head as if to say. " Sorry my friend, it's not your fault, there are just some Grinches in this world and that's a shame...if they are missing out on the's THEIR fault..not yours.";)


New Member
Unfortunately there will always be jerks. I wish I saw you this week! I tried to at least smile at each CM, say thank you as we got on and off the rides. One other thing I made sure to do was if we saw a CM cleaning in the restrooms, I would have my dd go up and say thank you for doing a good job. I'll bet those folks don't get a whole lot of acknowledgement from the guests.

Now that I think about it, do you CM's feel as if people treat you like you are part of the scenery instead of a person with feelings? The reason I say this is because one time when we stopped and asked a CM for directions, I had my dd say thank you with me and the CM gave her a sticker. We of course appreciated it but is it that rare for someone to say thank you? BTW my dd just turned 3 so yes she does still need prompting for stuff like this at times. ;)



New Member
When I get a magical CM, I ALWAYS make sure to swing by 'City Hall' and put in a good word. Sometimes at DL they are surprised that someone stops to make a compliment. It is funny to see their face when I have to convince them I want to say a good thing, not a complaint.



Well-Known Member
I have been to WDW 11 times in the last 6 years and I have NEVER been rude to a CM. Most of the time I am the Guest who stops and chats, jokes and smiles with the CM's
Also just a note from my friend Andy, He went to WDW recently with his daughter, who while she was there took up pin trading. She had a pin to trade and did so with a CM who had a whole vestful of pins. After much prompting from Mom and Dad she made a choice of a Pluto pin. The CM after trading with her was kind enough to give her a special pin given out only by CM's and it says "Keeping the Tradition" or something like that. Well you made that little girl's day!! Special thanks to you!! Belle


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: people who are rude to the cast members

Originally posted by Space Ranger 1
Well said Buzz Babe, how bout those guests you have to deal with at the "merge point"? (where the stand by line and the fast pass line meet) You want to see the nastiest of guests, just hang out at the merge point for a little while.
LOL! A close runner up would be working food and beverage at Animal Kingdom, trying to explain why you don't have lids and straws in the park without screaming HAVEN'T YOU EVER BEEN TO A ZOO BEFORE??????? Once a woman actually threw her drink on the floor and then proceeded to yell at me because she couldn't get a lid......:fork:

New Member
Rude people

My family and I were in the Castle one morning in the waiting area for our breakfast seating, and a man went completely crazy because his reservation was messed up--now, I do realize that we all jump through many hoops to get those ressies, but this guy was nuts. He was getting louder, and they were trying to calm him down, because, of course, that area is crowded with people at that time in the am--well, they bring in fairy godmother to talk calmly to him, and he shook his finger at her and actually said "Get the ---- away from me!!!" He cursed the Fairy Godmother! ---they escorted him out right away--a memory that wasn't pleasant, but one we talk about everytime we are there!:hammer:


New Member
I think it's terrible how CM's are treated sometimes. :mad: I've seen people be so rude over the smallest things. Often, rude people can twist things into outrageous accusations. Most know of the policy that "the customer is always right" but I believe this is only on occasion. For instance, if a person goes from the single-riders line to the standby line at Test Track and gets caught, they shouldn't make a fuss about it, because they knew they were wrong in doing so. If they say the CM who caught them was being mean in making them go back or kicking them out of the ride, then they are incorrect because in this case, the customer is 100% WRONG because it goes against regulations and basically fairness. I wouldn't want someone cutting to get ahead of me, therefore I am curtious and stay put.

Personally, I try to be as friendly as possible to CM's because frankly and whether some people like it or not, they are people as well and have feelings. Some of my friend's are CM's. How would YOU like someone jumping down your back just because of the stupidest little thing? Yeah exactly, you wouldn't like it and would be very angry. Now take a moment and think about what these CM's have to put up with, sometimes it's not easy to deal with people who aren't polite!

They do their best at what they do, and that's being a good person. Why don't you rude people take that challenge on, of trying to be a good person? Oh wait that's right, you are too stubborn! :lol: Oh well, at least there is more good in this world than bad, and that's what truly makes the magic of Walt Disney World.:D

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