people who are rude to the cast members


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by TravisM
amen!!! what is up with society they are on friggen vacation and they act like totall

I know a few people who are that way, vacation or not! It can be downright embarassing to be in public with them!:hammer:


Active Member
Originally posted by BRER STITCH

When did spitting become a "cool" thing to do?

:veryconfu :lookaroun :veryconfu :lookaroun

This is one of the things I was wondering about...people actually *spit* on CMs? Human behaviour amazes me sometimes. :( I'm truly amazed that it's so bad that you guys get yelled at every day. I've worked in customer service positions off and on for years and have lots of experience with rude customers, but fortunately the screamers are a bit rarer than this. Maybe it's the dollar amount that brings this out more? Maybe they think the cost of a Disney vacation includes a license to be abusive?

I've been fortunate enough to have never witnessed a guest abusing a CM. It would have surely put a damper on my day as well to see someone treated badly.

Ever since my first customer service job, I've believed that there are people out there who abuse service employees because they are captive targets. If they take out their agression on their wife, boss, friends, etc. they might lose them, but if they abuse a random employee somewhere they can get it out without as many repercussions.

At any rate, a big thank you to all the cast members from all of us who appreciate the magic you make every day. As for the others....karma will catch up with them, if it hasn't already.


Active Member
Originally posted by HntdMansionFan
[B. Guests that do that should be taken backstage, and made to work at a lunch counter for CM's, while wearing a HUGE button that says "I was extremely rude to one of you.":D [/B]

Have them wear the button at the 50's Prime Time. Mom will take care of the problem:D


Well-Known Member
funny, however.

Thr rudeness i think is bad is always the basic ones i hear about.

(only 16 here, maby work at Disney while on break from callage in 3 years)

Where is the bathroom (Bathroom is right behind you,)
[Just for fun one time only, send them on the bathroom senic rout around the park. only once i swear]

what time does this 1:00 parade start,
[ok, it starts at 1:15,]


Once I saw a guest talking to a CM outside Space Mountain. It was obviously the guests first trip to WDW, and they were obviously a little ignorant because they asked what that ride was called (they were referring to SM, I say they were ignorant because there was a sign that said that 10-15 feet from them). The CM said "Space Mountain" and you'll never guess what the guest said then. It was something like "That's retarded, how can there be a mountain in space? You moron." (I toned down the language a bit, actually). The guy then flicked the CM off as he walked away. Can you believe some people? The guy didn't name the ride buddy.


New Member
I would have been happy to help out CM's and have a few words to those people who were rude to the CM's. So far though, I have never seen a bad experiecne before.


New Member
Aren´t we exaggerating a bit? Asking for the bahtroom and the parade time are not "rude" for me. I answered those questions (specially the bathroom one) thousands of times! They didn´t get me mad. I could do that too. I am very distracted and I don´t take that question as rudeness, I take it as a result of "distraction" and also being in such a hurry, that you can´t afford walking towards the wrong place! :animwink:


New Member
Originally posted by BUZZ BABE 34
you know after being a cast member for a year now you would think i would be immune to the rude and hateful guests we get in our parks. how good it would be to have one day go by where im not yelled at cussed at hit spit at called filthy names.a day when people actually say please and thank you and excuse me or pardon me. a day when im not accused of being mean when i tell you no for a valid reason. i would love just for you to realize the times i gave up holidays with my family to be there for yours.please remember im not being bitter just concerned that people forget cast members are human too and we are just following the rules set before us. i love my guests! you are the reason im there. come play in the park with me and lets have fun and laughter. its all about the magic guys!!!:wave:

Wow.. I had no idea people could be like that. You're on vacation, you're supposed to be enjoying yourself. What could make someone that angry, where they would spit at another person??? Ugh... When I am there, I expect the crowds, expect the lines, and expect some inconvenience. It's not a license to be rude, especially to all of the cast members that work so hard to make our trips enjoyable.

I apologize for all of the mean hearted people out there. Why would you want to go to Walt Disney World and act like that? It really ruins the magic..


New Member
Originally posted by Maria
Aren´t we exaggerating a bit? Asking for the bahtroom and the parade time are not "rude" for me. I answered those questions (specially the bathroom one) thousands of times! They didn´t get me mad. I could do that too. I am very distracted and I don´t take that question as rudeness, I take it as a result of "distraction" and also being in such a hurry, that you can´t afford walking towards the wrong place! :animwink:

I agree! It's funny though, because of comments on these boards I did think twice before asking directions. I asked directions once for a bathroom and once for the castle gift shop. I felt pretty stupid when I found out how close I was to it, but I had already made a mistake and ended up in Tinkerbells' shop instead. BTW a much better store, IMHO. Anyway this was the time I had my dd3 say thank you and the CM gave her a sticker. Made her day, too!

Originally posted by jenjie
I agree! It's funny though, because of comments on these boards I did think twice before asking directions. I asked directions once for a bathroom and once for the castle gift shop. I felt pretty stupid when I found out how close I was to it, but I had already made a mistake and ended up in Tinkerbells' shop instead. BTW a much better store, IMHO. Anyway this was the time I had my dd3 say thank you and the CM gave her a sticker. Made her day, too!

lol i managed to not ask directions last time *iam no good with directions so i doubt anyone could have helped anyways* although i came close ...i was looking for the liberty tree tavern for about twenty minutes reading my map and everything...the thing was i was only like 15 feet away ... i knew it was there somewhere but i just couldn't spot it .... yes i am a dumb bunny


Well-Known Member
During my college program I worked with a cast member who always seemed to have the strangest luck. She was a great person and very friendly! The first time I met her she had a sore foot because a guest had stomped on her toe. She caught a guest sneaking into the dinner package section of the Lord of the Dance show. when she confronted him, he got all ed and he stomped on her foot. She was sore for a couple of weeks. Another time during Candlelight, she had something similar happen to her again. A guest swung a metal clip (hangs across the benches) at her. At both incidents the guests were never caught! That really ticked me off! I would have wanted to personally escort the jerks off property myself!

As a habit, since working for WDW, I always thank every one I meet. If I goto a gorcery store, a shop, a fast food restaurant or anywhere with someone to help me I always say "thank you". The majority of the time they have a look of shock when I do it. I guess they don't hear it that often?!?! (other habits i still have include pointing with two fingers and picking up trash when I'm in WDW as a guest LOL)

In all, the good experiences always outweighs the bad ones. Seeing someone smile or have the time of thier life at WDW can really turn my day around!


Well-Known Member
Wow... what an eye opener!! I have only once seen guests being rude to the CM's... to each other, all the time, but the CM's? Unbelievable... the good news is... the rest of us guests who are aware of how people should be treated are allowed to say things that the CM's aren't! :D (my "rude awakening" was probably pretty typical... at the "merging point" of the regular line and FP line on kilimanjaro safari's... the guests didn't speak english, and the CM, try as he might, couldn't explain to them what was going on. )


Originally posted by MouseMadness
Wow... what an eye opener!! I have only once seen guests being rude to the CM's... to each other, all the time, but the CM's? Unbelievable... the good news is... the rest of us guests who are aware of how people should be treated are allowed to say things that the CM's aren't! :D (my "rude awakening" was probably pretty typical... at the "merging point" of the regular line and FP line on kilimanjaro safari's... the guests didn't speak english, and the CM, try as he might, couldn't explain to them what was going on. )

I also had a small problem with foreign guests at the merge point for Jungle Cruise.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DisneyCP2000
During my college program I worked with a cast member who always seemed to have the strangest luck. She was a great person and very friendly! The first time I met her she had a sore foot because a guest had stomped on her toe. She caught a guest sneaking into the dinner package section of the Lord of the Dance show. when she confronted him, he got all ed and he stomped on her foot. She was sore for a couple of weeks. Another time during Candlelight, she had something similar happen to her again. A guest swung a metal clip (hangs across the benches) at her. At both incidents the guests were never caught! That really ticked me off! I would have wanted to personally escort the jerks off property myself!

As a habit, since working for WDW, I always thank every one I meet. If I goto a gorcery store, a shop, a fast food restaurant or anywhere with someone to help me I always say "thank you". The majority of the time they have a look of shock when I do it. I guess they don't hear it that often?!?! (other habits i still have include pointing with two fingers and picking up trash when I'm in WDW as a guest LOL)

In all, the good experiences always outweighs the bad ones. Seeing someone smile or have the time of thier life at WDW can really turn my day around!

my girlfriend was in the college program and i still make fun of her for the 2 finger point, i keep teling her i would rather offend a forigner than look like a toolbox to somone from the US


I always try to be as nice as I possibly can be to the CMs. They're just trying to do their jobs, it's not their fault that Space Mountain has broken down. Give them a break and a smile.


Well-Known Member
I have the most respect for them though.

Thye have to meorize the big book, i only have 3 Cast study guides, those are heard to understood, I do klnow how to do Alien Encounter, Especially the CM whos up in the celing.

However whe i made those remarks earlyier, i meant them for Drummers, I know how they can be, some dumb, most avarage. Im smarter then 1/3 of the drumline and have a better apreaciation for music then they do.

They act dumb though, and know where everrthing is, and where the bathroom is when its naear by. (I did only say once though)


New Member
Wonderful CM's at WDW

I'm really surprised to read this!

We've been to WDW 3 times and DP California 2 and you guys make the magic!

I don't know how the CMs at Disney Paris get away will being so miserable - I don't know how many time you have to say to them - smile, you're in the happiest place on earth!!

Keep doing the great job that you do, the place wouldn't be the same without you.


Disneyland Ca 1979 offsite
DLP - Camp Davy Crocket 1993
WDW - CBR 1995
WDW - offsite (not recommended) 1997
DLP - Sequoia Lodge 1998
Disneyland Ca 2000 offsite
DLP - Hotel New York 2001
WDW - Port Orleans Riverside 2002
DLP Santa Fe 2003 - Nightmare!! Severe lapses in security - hassled by pickpockets on 2 consecutive days. Cannot recommend DLP any longer!!!


New Member
Re: Wonderful CM's at WDW

Originally posted by anniejo
I'm really surprised to read this!

We've been to WDW 3 times and DP California 2 and you guys make the magic!

I don't know how the CMs at Disney Paris get away will being so miserable - I don't know how many time you have to say to them - smile, you're in the happiest place on earth!!

Keep doing the great job that you do, the place wouldn't be the same without you.
heyyyyy, your thinking the same as I do,
American cm are the best
they are a very important reason why we love wdw so much,
and why we won´t return to dlp en a long time
:sohappy: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
My hat goes off to all the CM's, you are a big part of the magic!!

I actually had a CM rescue me one time, when going thru a fastpass line and some nutcase in the standbye line got mad and pulled my hair. Hello - I told nutcase that fastpasses are for everyone. Good thing they grabbed me and not my child.:zipit:

Knowing I will encounter NICE HAPPY people is one of the main reasons I frequent WDW so often.

Keep up the good work!!!:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
id have to say the cm that cleaned bird ________ off my shirt in DAK was a life saver. i just got the shirt the day before too!

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