People/Things that really annoy you(get it off your chest thread)

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New Member
I was the one who wrote the comment about your attitude towards FL. Tink. I wrote it because you wrote on another thread that all FL is to you is WDW. To me that disrespects everyone and everything else in FL that is not WDW related and it bothered me. That really, really bothered me. We had it out on that other thread, I vented, I assume you vented and it was over. I just wanted to let you know that I was the one who wrote it and I have forgotten it. I don't agree with all of your opinions and I'm sure you don't agree with mine, but I respect your right to have your opinions. I hope that you respect my right to mine and everyone else's as well.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Theres an old saying my drill pig instructors used to say.
"if you cant take a jpke you shouldnt have joined". trust me nothing on here is that important, a bunch of people from mixed backgrounds arguing about people in animal suits anmd a few fairground rides. EEHHH if only that was all that was wrong in the world.


New Member
Originally posted by Smitty
I was the one who wrote the comment about your attitude towards FL. Tink. I wrote it because you wrote on another thread that all FL is to you is WDW. To me that disrespects everyone and everything else in FL that is not WDW related and it bothered me. That really, really bothered me. We had it out on that other thread, I vented, I assume you vented and it was over. I just wanted to let you know that I was the one who wrote it and I have forgotten it. I don't agree with all of your opinions and I'm sure you don't agree with mine, but I respect your right to have your opinions. I hope that you respect my right to mine and everyone else's as well.

yep .. I agreed too that your right about me and thinking that WDW and disney are prefect .. I didnt really understand your point .. because I wouldnt go to florida at all if not for WDW :) but you didnt follow me around bringing this up ..and I only brought it up here in defense of my post ya'll dont got to agree with me dont even have to respect it if you dont feel its worth it :) I dont care


New Member
I just thought of another thing that really, really bothers me as both a CM and a Guest. When people jump over ropes, fences, barriers, anything that blocks you from going someplace. I was in Tower of Terror one day and these people jump over the rope, run to the chairs in the lobby, sit down, jump on the couches, get their pictures taken, and then jump back in line. To top it all off, they complain that the CM working there made them get back in line, (should have kicked them out but that is another whole can of worms), and then they complained that their clothes got dust all over them and that Disney should have to give them new shirts! How stupid can some people be? That just about sums up stupidity right there! I have also seen people do this sort of thing at the other parks. If you were supposed to be in that spot, there wouldn't be something blocking your path to get there!


New Member
Originally posted by tinkrbel

Maria thank you ..actually I have noticed really that your a very sweet and beautiful person ..I dont think in reality you would ever hurt someone's feelings. I dont feel you must respect my opinion though .. heck I aint that bad :) in fact reading back over what you wrote your right ..some of it was in fun .. but you have to admit it could be hurtful too :(

Thank you.:) I meant it though... I respect your opinion. I know you are not bad, but even if you were, I would still respect your opinion! ;) I hope the things said in this thread were not hurtful to people, and if they were, I do appologize, I´m sure it was not the intention of the ones who posted there or the one who started the thread. At least for me, it was mostly fun, and as I said in my original post there, things will only bother me when they interfere with my vacation, otherwise I don´t even notice them! ;)

When people deliberately stop in the middle of the row in theaters just so they can have the best seats....ugghhHH.....:mad:

People who criticize other theme parks (namely Universal) for everything when they haven't even visited them.


Well-Known Member
How about Brazilians? They are soooo far from northern hemisphere countries on what is acceptable in public. I have seen young male children act like war lords in line, subjugating the females in their family. Then I have experience the females being just as rude and talking at full volume during an entire show.

I am not talking about just one or two instances here, I am talking about dozens of Brazilian interactions, and each was unpleasant.

Now before you flame me on this, know that I realize that this is a cultural thing, they simply have different norms. I hope that the new wireless translation devices that Disney is issuing will help, but anymore, I take a good look around me before getting in line.

Also, those darn motorized scooters that you can rent now. Those people need their own lanes in the park. I guess if I ever decide to let myself go and reach that 400lb mark, I am covered at WDW.


New Member
Originally posted by fngoofy

Now before you flame me on this, know that I realize that this is a cultural thing, they simply have different norms.

Don´t worry... we won´t... we already discussed Brazilians, wheelchairs and ECV´s in this same thread. :rolleyes: ;)

BTW, where have I seen that avatar before? :lookaroun


I dont understand why people have to take these conversations too seriously and get upset.
I see no point in posting annoyed or unpleasant messages. Why cant we treat these boards as light hearted, adult discussions without getting defensive and offended. This thread was simply asking for opinions. We all have them and should be adult enough to tolerate others.
Its really very simple, if you dont like what people are saying then just dont come here, there are many websites that say things I dont like, I just ignore them, I dont keep going back and arguing.
I am not trying to cause another argument, its just getting boring reading through threads that are just petty people getting at each other.
Come on people, play nice!


New Member

hello - just trying to bring some much needed positive ++++++++++++++++:):):)+++ energy to this thread !!!

Life is to be lived and enjoyed!!!! Have fun, relax, and try to remember that your perception determines your reality - translation - if you think that something or someone is rude, they will become rude in your eyes - and it is very hard to unlearn these perceptions or prejudices. Love everyone, and if someone chooses not to love you, then continue being nice - either they will see and understand your point of view or go away - either way, you never got angry or upset, and that is better for you in the long run.

i have to say that I am slightly ashamed of myself for contributing previously to this thread in a negative fashion:veryconfu

Like throwing a stick into a small fire that ends up burning down an entire forest.

I try in everything I do to respect others and their opinions, but I am human, and sometimes I forget to practice this philosophy. But I am not foolish enough to think that we as human community can continue to survive and flourish without trying our best to love and support one another - which makes this entire discussion that much worse because it discusses visitors to a place planned and dedicated to a man that truly tried to live by and spread the idea of this philosophy - Walt Disney.

So, I apologize for my comments in my previous posts, and also for this one being so long. It's just that I enjoy the conversations and people of this community very much and it is things like this that can cause people to become offended or upset, something that I don't think is necessary. <B> Speak your mind, but speak it through the mouth and with the sensibilities of those around you.</B>

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Maria

Don´t worry... we won´t... we already discussed Brazilians, wheelchairs and ECV´s in this same thread. :rolleyes: ;)

BTW, where have I seen that avatar before? :lookaroun

FNGOOFY...I asked you politely before to please not use my avatar!!!

Does anyone want to know something that really annoys me...SOMEONE TAKING MY AVATAR WITHOUT ASKING!!!!!!!!!!



New Member
Re: sorries

Originally posted by dwldzm9
hello - just trying to bring some much needed positive ++++++++++++++++:):):)+++ energy to this thread !!!

Life is to be lived and enjoyed!!!! Have fun, relax, and try to remember that your perception determines your reality - translation - if you think that something or someone is rude, they will become rude in your eyes - and it is very hard to unlearn these perceptions or prejudices. Love everyone, and if someone chooses not to love you, then continue being nice - either they will see and understand your point of view or go away - either way, you never got angry or upset, and that is better for you in the long run.

i have to say that I am slightly ashamed of myself for contributing previously to this thread in a negative fashion:veryconfu

Like throwing a stick into a small fire that ends up burning down an entire forest.

I try in everything I do to respect others and their opinions, but I am human, and sometimes I forget to practice this philosophy. But I am not foolish enough to think that we as human community can continue to survive and flourish without trying our best to love and support one another - which makes this entire discussion that much worse because it discusses visitors to a place planned and dedicated to a man that truly tried to live by and spread the idea of this philosophy - Walt Disney.

So, I apologize for my comments in my previous posts, and also for this one being so long. It's just that I enjoy the conversations and people of this community very much and it is things like this that can cause people to become offended or upset, something that I don't think is necessary. <B> Speak your mind, but speak it through the mouth and with the sensibilities of those around you.</B>

your right .. there were things I shouldnt have said your post wasnt too long either .. I think what you said was wonderful .. I thought this was a great place when I first found it and there were really nice people here but I have made too many of them upset ..and as someone said if I want a place where people are nice I do need to go some where else ..well I do want to talk to nice people and thanks to Goofette ( your the best!!) I found a wonderful disney board with out all the meaness :sohappy: :sohappy:


New Member
Originally posted by Goofette
One thing that annoys me........This Thread.

Actually "I'm" perfect and have NEVER done anything that would ever irritate anyone. ummmmm, yeah right LOL

So far I've realized that I am hated because I am fat, because I used to push my child in a stroller, because I carried her at times, that I scream on rollercoasters, I take pictures of my daughter, I've accidentally walked in front of someone taking a picture, my mother has fibromyalgia and needs a wheelchair, at times I walk too slow, other times I walk too fast, I was a kid at one time and I'm sure I wasn't perfect so I annoyed someone at some time. Let me see, what am I missing?

Anyway, just realized that what everyone pretty much hates can be summed up in ME at one point or another in my life.:sohappy: Yeah!!!! That is what I always wanted, a goal I had set. Oh wait, I forgot...I'm sure at some point I have sweated and smelled, even with deoderent, and when I was younger I was a cheerleader, when I got older I smoked (have now stopped). If anyone else can think of any other reasons to hate me let me know. I know this thread is just Really Boosting My Self Confidence. Thanks Everyone!!!!

I know..... being sarcastic is probably annoying to someone. Honestly, I do try to be considerate to other people but I am human and I will make mistakes (as we all do). I have done the best job I can and I try to give others the benefit of the doubt also. And when things do annoy me, I just ask for the strength to have more patience,(and the valium helps with that patience thing also..... just kidding). Hope everyone enjoys their WDW vacation if you are going anytime soon.

This may be a bit late but I just read this and I must say, BRAVO! You sure made a real valid point and made us think of some things & opened our eyes. You go girl!!! :sohappy:


Original Poster
Originally posted by robbyk
First of all I really don't think we need to label all Brazilians as annoying! I am Irish does that mean I will be drunk for my entire vacation?

It Means I Will Be!!!!!!!!!!KONGALOOSH:D :dazzle:


Well-Known Member
I did not realize that you had asked me not to use it,
I will change it,
please come in off the ledge.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by fngoofy
I did not realize that you had asked me not to use it,
I will change it,
please come in off the ledge.

Sorry, but I did mention it to you a number of times. Check this thread for starters...

Then on top of telling you nicely there I also sent you a private message that kindly asked you not to use my avatar. So when I saw it here again, I got upset.
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