People/Things that really annoy you(get it off your chest thread)

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Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Scooter
Perhaps you should REPHRASE your statement to read:

Large groups of PEOPLE that are annoying.

I've seen large groups of annoying Americans, Germans, French, Brazilian, Italian, British and all OTHER countries.

Maybe it's the fact that they're in LARGE GROUPS that makes them seem annoying to you.

See, the thing is, I've also seen foreign tour groups of germans, british, french, italian, and others, and none of them were annoying at all.

I don't mean to single out the Brazillians but they ARE the only large groups I have found to be annoying.


Originally posted by Tom Morrow
A reply to the two posts above:

Please read all the posts above about our experience with wheelchair abusers, especially NowInc's. You can definately tell when they don't need the wheelchair at all and are just using it so they don't have to wait in line.

You are right I didn't read all the messages, this thread is soo long and my boss wants me to get some work done. hehe I don't doubt people do it, just throwing it out there that *sometimes* people look healty and use them but aren't healthy. I don't doubt anyone's experiences, and any of the experiences in this thread. I didn't read the whole thread I just really responded to that one posting. my bad.

I know there are people out there who will always try to cheat the system because they are selfish and don't really care about anyone but themselves. :(


New Member
About the wheelchairs again... I just remembered I needed one in Sea World one time. I had twisted my ankle the day before and was in too much pain to walk. I could walk, just shouldn´t do it. My friends pushed me and sometimes used the wheelchair to sit down while I walked a little. Let me say this: it was NOT comfortable for me having to be pushed around the park!! ;)

Regarding the Brazilians... after more than a year being a CM, I can say that they are the only country that I remember who came in such big groups, that were loud. Japanese are the total opposite! Mexicans do go in the summer in groups, but they are not that big, they don´t dress the same and they are not so loud. I have brazilian friends who are not like that, in fact there is a member of this forum -I think Rodrigo is his name- who actually appologized on behalf of these groups because he couldn´t stand them either. I can´t say that only brazilians are unpolite, germans are also very strict and demanding, but what distinguishes the brazilians is that they are mostly young people, dressed the same, carrying their flags, and loud. I had my days with them in the mexican boatride and escorting the storytellers during Xmas time. They jumped once on the stage and pulled their beards. Since that day, when we saw them running to us, I had to cut the show short. Shame.... :(



Well-Known Member
I think we can sum up all of this wheelchair and Brazilian business with these words:

We all hate when our magical expierience is interupted by other guests. Brazilians, wheelchairs, screaming kids, cheerleaders or whatever. We are not trying to offend anyone, but we just don't like our day at the park to be ruined by foolish people. Next time you go, please try to understand the other guests and respect them. Meanwhile, have yourself a great time and we all will!

Simply put.


Originally posted by SilentRascal
I dislike people who actually find Alien Encounter to be scary or worth seeing.

I also dislike people who scream on rides like Space Mountain or Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. It just makes me roll my eyes and say "get a life" to people who do that.

Heh.. I usually don't like when people judge others for liking rides that they don't. :)

I think it adds to the fun when I hear someone screaming. It's no skin off my back and it's funny to see how scared they get.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by njchris65

Heh.. I usually don't like when people judge others for liking rides that they don't. :)

I think it adds to the fun when I hear someone screaming. It's no skin off my back and it's funny to see how scared they get.

yeah, i agree. Just picture this - Big Thunder Mountain - with no people screaming or making any noise. Eughhh!! that would be weird :lol:


New Member
Originally posted by Sansaarai
One more thing. I have a Y cromosome. I am a man.:D

I am so sorry!! I didn´t realize that before! :lol: but chiiiit... now it will take me a while to get that into my head! :brick: :D ;)


Well-Known Member
I actually know BRAZILLIANS who complain about the brazil tour groups..even they know they are annoying. I do not generalize them or stereotype them at fact..all people from Brazil that I know are REALLY cool people who also dont understand the phenomenon of what happens with them when they get into large groups. Its just one of the common traits that seem to keep popping up in complaints...

(I keep reading that paragrah I just wrote and it doesnt really make sence..does it?)


New Member
Originally posted by njchris65

Heh.. I usually don't like when people judge others for liking rides that they don't. :)

I think it adds to the fun when I hear someone screaming. It's no skin off my back and it's funny to see how scared they get.

This is a place for fun where we can all let loose and release our inner child. I don't think this is a reason to be annoyed. After all, they are not ruining your fun they're having their own.

Live and let live!!! :sohappy:


Account Suspended
HEHE thanks Maria!

Well I do think that the nature of this topic (people/things that really annoy you) lends itself to bad feelings between all of us. Some of us feel one way some of us dont. Lets be careful what we say.

Back on topic.......

Things that annoy me........

Topics that make us argue with each other instead of promoting harmony. I always say look toward the positive!


New Member
smoking in line
when they say no flash photography and they do it anyway
those stupid 2 way radios/pagers/phones ringing in attractions
people saving 10 chairs at 6AM with towels
people who don't use deodorant
parents who make their scared kids go on the rides


New Member
oh sumthing else

ok i know there is no smoking in the park excpets int he spesified areas.I do not smoke, but my father does. I dont think its right, but tough. He respects the stupid rule of the smoking destinations (can u say pain in the butt! we hafta stop at everyone..oye! hes soo annyoing sumtimes) but he asked a castmember if he could smoke outside by the buses in MGM. He said he could and so he did. And its not like he was blowin it in peoples faces he pretty isolated walking outside the park getting to the busses and this couple comes up behind him and says god, people these days cant respect the smoking rule! my dad was p/o'd but he kept his cool and didnt say anything. BUt i opened my mouth (totally unexpected) and i said smoking is allowed out hear, and he respects the rules of smoking in the park for people like u soo id appreciate keeping ur opinions to urself. and i walked away..the muttered sumthing..but i didnt have time to waste on them..oh it felt good!

that REALLY annoys me



New Member
I am truly shocked that nobody has said this yet, and I know you all have seen this happen at least once. This is the number one thing that es me off at the parks:

When you get a fastpass for a ride, and as you are going back and you pass by all the people in stand-by and they give you really snobby looks, rude comments or in the case of Space Mountain when I was there, try and trip you because you got a fastpass and they didn't. It's like, hey, you could have gotten one too.

I got one for Jungle Cruise once and this little kid asks his mom as we walk by "Mommy, why do they get to go that way"
MoM: "Uh, (snobby groan) becuase they got a fastpass."
ME : "Listen lady, you could have gotten one too, so shut yer yap."


New Member
P.S. The shut yer yap part, yeah, I decided to keep that a little cleaner than it actually was. I pretty much went into a swearing fit with this lady. Just thought you'd all like to know.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by jcmayid

This is a place for fun where we can all let loose and release our inner child. I don't think this is a reason to be annoyed. After all, they are not ruining your fun they're having their own.

Live and let live!!! :sohappy:

True. But, when your fun becomes disruptive to other guests and their expierience is disrupted, that's when it needs to stop.

Acting like a kid or not, your in public and there's always bound to be a confruntation if you act stupid.

Just make sure you don't become one of those guests!


New Member
This will probably annoy alot of people. But once I saw a muslim woman, kneeling on the side of Space Mountain, doing her prayers. Now I am not overly religious but pleeze, can we find a more dignified place to do this? Was she praying not to heave on the experience (it is more than a ride you know). :lookaroun
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