People/Things that really annoy you(get it off your chest thread)

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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Buzzforprez
This will probably annoy alot of people. But once I saw a muslim woman, kneeling on the side of Space Mountain, doing her prayers. Now I am not overly religious but pleeze, can we find a more dignified place to do this? Was she praying not to heave on the experience (it is more than a ride you know). :lookaroun

That's about as funny as when I was at Epcot on Easter of 1998 and saw a mother take her kid on the grass for a BM outside of Horizons. We were all waiting in line and saw the whole thing... facing us! Even though the bathrooms were only around the corner.

I think she was from some other country too!

I'll never forget that one.


New Member
wow I always pray that I don't barf on Space Mountain. Hope you're not sitting behind me the day I forget to do it.:)


New Member
Originally posted by Buzzforprez
This will probably annoy alot of people. But once I saw a muslim woman, kneeling on the side of Space Mountain, doing her prayers. Now I am not overly religious but pleeze, can we find a more dignified place to do this? Was she praying not to heave on the experience (it is more than a ride you know). :lookaroun

Hey... it does not annoy me. I don´t understand why it would annoy others. I don´t know much about their religion, but I have friends who are muslims and they prayed at certain hours and they have to be facing "La Mecca". I seriously wouldn´t laugh about it. Respect is the word. ;)


Well-Known Member
When they do that praying thing, dont they like bring a cloth to neal on ?? Do they do it like near the edge of the walkways or right in the middle??

~ Justin...


New Member
I´m not really sure... I wish I remembered it! I know that they take off their shoes and wash their feet too. Cast members in Epcot, have a praying facility and a place to wash their feet in a trailer behind the Moroccan Pavillion.


New Member
Originally posted by Maria

Hey... it does not annoy me. I don´t understand why it would annoy others. I don´t know much about their religion, but I have friends who are muslims and they prayed at certain hours and they have to be facing "La Mecca". I seriously wouldn´t laugh about it. Respect is the word. ;)

Well put Maria. I agree that "Respect" is the key word here. We should all try to respect others and try to put ourselves in their shoes.

One thing though...If I ride a rollercoaster I'm going to scream. I can't help it. I love getting scared and having things get my stomach, but I can't control the screaming:D Sorry...but that's what happens if you go to an amusement hear people scream.


Active Member

I've been away for the past couple of days........

This thread just keeps going and going and going........

I'm glad to see a lot of people have experienced the NOTORIOUS Brazilian groups. I thought it may have just been me. I've had many encounters with THEM in both Universal and WDW!


New Member
One thing that annoys me........This Thread.

Actually "I'm" perfect and have NEVER done anything that would ever irritate anyone. ummmmm, yeah right LOL

So far I've realized that I am hated because I am fat, because I used to push my child in a stroller, because I carried her at times, that I scream on rollercoasters, I take pictures of my daughter, I've accidentally walked in front of someone taking a picture, my mother has fibromyalgia and needs a wheelchair, at times I walk too slow, other times I walk too fast, I was a kid at one time and I'm sure I wasn't perfect so I annoyed someone at some time. Let me see, what am I missing?

Anyway, just realized that what everyone pretty much hates can be summed up in ME at one point or another in my life.:sohappy: Yeah!!!! That is what I always wanted, a goal I had set. Oh wait, I forgot...I'm sure at some point I have sweated and smelled, even with deoderent, and when I was younger I was a cheerleader, when I got older I smoked (have now stopped). If anyone else can think of any other reasons to hate me let me know. I know this thread is just Really Boosting My Self Confidence. Thanks Everyone!!!!

I know..... being sarcastic is probably annoying to someone. Honestly, I do try to be considerate to other people but I am human and I will make mistakes (as we all do). I have done the best job I can and I try to give others the benefit of the doubt also. And when things do annoy me, I just ask for the strength to have more patience,(and the valium helps with that patience thing also..... just kidding). Hope everyone enjoys their WDW vacation if you are going anytime soon.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by tinkrbel
people that complain about how disney does everything ..if ya dont like it ..go some where else, watch something else, buy something else. :p

I totally agree with you, tinkrbel. If you're complaining so much, then why did you come here?

I also hate people that try to start trouble in the queue lines. UGH! They are so annoying! The crap with the "you cut me, you cut me." Stop it already! I also hate the smelly people at the end of the day. One tip for them: deoderant. :brick:

People have to learn to push strollers. They ram them into people and kill their ankles! Okay,. my brother is in a stroller, and I push him, but you never see me ram into people.

One more thing- the people that take forever! to make up their mind about what they want to eat! For example, I offered to by milk for my brother at Pizza Planet, that was the only place that had milk nearby. The person in front of em took 15 minutes to decide whether she wanted pepperoni or cheese, coke or iced tea... :hammer:

I love DisneyWorld, but people have to start acting like they are having fun with their families... Okay, lets all smile now!


New Member
Originally posted by Goofette
One thing that annoys me........This Thread.

Actually "I'm" perfect and have NEVER done anything that would ever irritate anyone. ummmmm, yeah right LOL

I know..... being sarcastic is probably annoying to someone. Honestly, I do try to be considerate to other people but I am human and I will make mistakes (as we all do). I have done the best job I can and I try to give others the benefit of the doubt also. And when things do annoy me, I just ask for the strength to have more patience,(and the valium helps with that patience thing also..... just kidding). Hope everyone enjoys their WDW vacation if you are going anytime soon.

It didn´t annoy me! LOL :lol: :lol: Well said! :lol: ;)


New Member
Originally posted by Goofette
One thing that annoys me........This Thread.

Actually "I'm" perfect and have NEVER done anything that would ever irritate anyone. ummmmm, yeah right LOL

So far I've realized that I am hated because I am fat, because I used to push my child in a stroller, because I carried her at times, that I scream on rollercoasters, I take pictures of my daughter, I've accidentally walked in front of someone taking a picture, my mother has fibromyalgia and needs a wheelchair, at times I walk too slow, other times I walk too fast, I was a kid at one time and I'm sure I wasn't perfect so I annoyed someone at some time. Let me see, what am I missing?

Anyway, just realized that what everyone pretty much hates can be summed up in ME at one point or another in my life.:sohappy: Yeah!!!! That is what I always wanted, a goal I had set. Oh wait, I forgot...I'm sure at some point I have sweated and smelled, even with deoderent, and when I was younger I was a cheerleader, when I got older I smoked (have now stopped). If anyone else can think of any other reasons to hate me let me know. I know this thread is just Really Boosting My Self Confidence. Thanks Everyone!!!!

I know..... being sarcastic is probably annoying to someone. Honestly, I do try to be considerate to other people but I am human and I will make mistakes (as we all do). I have done the best job I can and I try to give others the benefit of the doubt also. And when things do annoy me, I just ask for the strength to have more patience,(and the valium helps with that patience thing also..... just kidding). Hope everyone enjoys their WDW vacation if you are going anytime soon.

I wasnt going to every open my mouth on here again ..then I read this ..and Goofette you are my hero :sohappy:
most of these post have manage to offend just about everyone breathing.
maria I dont have a new attitude, sorry I am an old granny so I have earned my attitude. but I would love to know what "ruling" comments are?

as for Sansaarai and his remarks about respect ..that doesnt carry much wieght from someone who has none for age and experience, and my age and experience has taught me that respect is earned.
if you want to say i am not staying on topic ..well the topic says "get it off your chest"

other then that .. Goofette said it so well ..your all perfect people and you shouldnt even have to share the world with the rest of us .. maybe some day you will have your own planet of perfect people to live on and the rest of us can just go about enjoying WDW as we have been with out ruining your vacations.


New Member
AND since another post opened up, it just reminded me.

One of the things that es me off is that Disney does nothing to warn guests that are coming to spend their hard earned cash about GAYDAY. You can think what you want but it is crude to see two men kissing in the line to Peter Pan while one grabs the others crotch. I'd knock the living daylights out of him if I had a child and they were subjected to that.


New Member
Originally posted by tinkrbel

I wasnt going to every open my mouth on here again ..then I read this ..and Goofette you are my hero :sohappy:
most of these post have manage to offend just about everyone breathing.

Do you really feel offended by these posts? Why do you take it so seriously? We are all different, we don´t have to like or dislike the same things! I don´t feel offended, I laugh about it because as Goofette said, I had walked slow, I had screamed in rides, I had taken my time in front of a mirror, etc. I find it funny, because at some point, we have all been annoyed by the same things we sometimes do. ;)

maria I dont have a new attitude, sorry I am an old granny so I have earned my attitude. but I would love to know what "ruling" comments are?

I honestly don´t remember now where your "ruling" (please excuse me, English is my second language and that probably wasn´t the proper word) comments started because they were in another thread that I´m not in the mood to look for, but I remember thinking that many of your posts got me thinking that you were trying to convince others that your opinion was the valid one and the way you did things was the correct one, and not the other´s way. I understand that that also comes from age, because my grandma does the same.

as for Sansaarai and his remarks about respect ..that doesnt carry much wieght from someone who has none for age and experience, and my age and experience has taught me that respect is earned.
if you want to say i am not staying on topic ..well the topic says "get it off your chest"

I may not be as old and experienced as you are (I am "only" 31... hehe), but I do try to respect other´s opinions. If I don´t think they have the experience to advice on something, I simply don´t follow their advice. Yes, respect is earned by respecting others too.

other then that .. Goofette said it so well ..your all perfect people and you shouldnt even have to share the world with the rest of us .. maybe some day you will have your own planet of perfect people to live on and the rest of us can just go about enjoying WDW as we have been with out ruining your vacations.

Please.... don´t take it all personal! See it from the fun site of it. Nobody was trying to offend somebody in this thread. I found it funny and maybe some of us realized that some things we commonly do annoyed many people and will try to not do them again. I promise Sillyspook I won´t take my time in front of the mirror if I think she could be around! Oh! And this is serious: I always flush the toilet and never fart on queues! :) :p



New Member
yes maria I find some of the comments very offensive. the ones about the Brazil groups... I have seen them ..they look to me like they are having a wonderful time. lets see the only post I have made that didnt set well were the ones about children/babies at WDW and why were people wanting WDW to be more like IOA and Universal. I had the experience of going to WDW with babies .. so I thought that I had the right to voice that experience, because thats what the thread had to do with. I prolly was over bearing about it :) I love my granddaughters and the joy I had with them at WDW is a memory I will have till I dont remember any more (which reminds me .. most of you will grow old and lose your memories some day so what is the point of you going to WDW if you wont remember it?) the other topic had to do with why I go to Florida ..I only go to florida because that is where WDW is .. and before I knew it someone that said he was a castmember at WDW was saying I should go tell the next CM I saw that I didnt care about them as a person. what someone else might be getting away with at WDW (like wheelchair abuse) doesnt bother me one little bit .. they havent done a dern thing to me personally, and if someone smells bad .. well that can sometime be better then someone that took a bath in a very strong not so great smelling perfum. And you say dont take it personal but I am not the only one that did. you are right ..we are all different and this is how I am :)


Account Suspended
Originally posted by tinkrbel

as for Sansaarai and his remarks about respect ..that doesnt carry much wieght from someone who has none for age and experience, and my age and experience has taught me that respect is earned.
if you want to say i am not staying on topic ..well the topic says "get it off your chest"

I have total respect for age and experience. I have respect when their points are valid, when they respect my views and when they try to have a civil conversation.

When I am told that I am wrong and my opinion has no merit then I lose some respect for that person. When I am browbeaten because of my opinion I lose respect for that person. When someone cant see my point of view I lose respect for that person. When someone cant act their age and use that experience I lose respect for that person.

We all dont share the same views. If you cant accept that then please dont force yours on others.


New Member
Originally posted by Sansaarai

I have total respect for age and experience. I have respect when their points are valid, when they respect my views and when they try to have a civil conversation.

When I am told that I am wrong and my opinion has no merit then I lose some respect for that person. When I am browbeaten because of my opinion I lose respect for that person. When someone cant see my point of view I lose respect for that person. When someone cant act their age and use that experience I lose respect for that person.

We all dont share the same views. If you cant accept that then please dont force yours on others.

this is where it started .. so where did I browbeat you? dont take your children to WDW if you dont want to were the one saying that other people shouldnt take them. I said that I did take them. you made the judgements about parents that take thier kids I will take it back that I said you were insulting werent were judgmental. And I might even agree that possiblely I was too. Also your right .. I dont act my age :) I prolly never will act my age :) I know we dont all agree didnt need you to remind me of this .. I get the feeling though, that thats your way of getting rid of me again.. well ok ..if thats what you want .. sorry I came back and disrupted the peace.

Maria thank you ..actually I have noticed really that your a very sweet and beautiful person ..I dont think in reality you would ever hurt someone's feelings. I dont feel you must respect my opinion though .. heck I aint that bad :) in fact reading back over what you wrote your right ..some of it was in fun .. but you have to admit it could be hurtful too :(


New Member
If you don't respect the oppinions of others you shouldn't be in this topic. While everyone has a oppinion some of the things you just can't avoid. For example, sweaty people at the end of the day. God! I bet after a long day at the park you smell too. If things like that bother you why do you go to Disney World?


Account Suspended
This will be my last reply on this subject. Thus you will have the last word. I'm sick and tired of arguing with you. I didnt start this. You did. I expressed my opinion. You didnt like it. Thats fine. IF you want to go somewhere where everybody is squeeky clean then go to Intercot. I'm sure everyone will bow to your wishes.

It is my OPINION that this topic has be detrimental to the community as a whole. Either it should be locked or outright deleted. Too many feelings have been hurt because of it.

We all come here to discuss WDW. If we cant embrace the spirit that Walt Disney used to found this place we all love then shame on us all.

Please lets all try and get along in the spirt of friendship.


Hey.. I never said what I didn't like..(and this thread reminded me of it.. hehe)

When families are fighting!! I've seen some dad's going ballistic on their kids.. they were so mad!! And the kid was crying.

I feel so bad for the kid... it's supposed to be a happy place!
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