People/Things that really annoy you(get it off your chest thread)

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Originally posted by jcmayid


Hey sorry to burst your bubble, but just because YOU can run around these parks doesn't mean everyone could. My wife is one who uses one of these wheelchairs because she has severely flat feet, she can't walk long without excruciating pain. Are you going to get upset with her cause she LOOKS like she can walk? How about this, we are going next Friday-Sunday, yet yesterday I stepped on a nail helping my brother fix up his house, are you going to get ed off at me for riding a wheelchair or not walking fast? Hey it might be a perk to get to the front of the line but I don't get a wheelchair just for that reason. SO, to sum this all off, are you going to get upset at us cause we look like we can walk fine but BOTH are riding wheelchairs. I am not cancelling my trip to the greatest place on earth just because I got a rusty nail stuck in my foot, or never go cuz my wife can't stand to walk w/out practically crying? Well hell no, I am renting 2 wheelchairs and ing you off whether you like it or not.

sorry but you sort of didn't think when you posted this one,hope you can have a bit of compassion just because some people that ride wheelchairs are not over 70 years old or with a broken leg, or just plain disabled.


We all come here to discuss things that get on our nerves. We are not here to argue. Peoples opinions differ. Please respect them. And please lets keep our posts civil.


New Member
Originally posted by Sansaarai

We all come here to discuss things that get on our nerves. We are not here to argue. Peoples opinions differ. Please respect them. And please lets keep our posts civil.

Okay, I'm sorry, but I thought I was being civil. Just wanted to let all these people know that some people, can walk, but need wheelchairs for long periods of time. Didn't mean to offend anyone but my intentions were to let others know that sometime when someone looks okay, they might not be. AND hey, maybe I feel like messing around when on the wheelchair, I am on vacation and feel like acting like a kid, isn't what this is all about??? AND FINALLY, you should be one to be civil, MY LITTLE LAST WORDS!!! You made Tnkerbell post her last message. are you just here to tell everyone what to do and not to do? This is my opinion and if you don't like it hey, I have the right to use this post as I please same way you are, SO LAY OFF!!!


New Member
Originally posted by Tom Morrow

Alright, before you jump all over me, (wait, too late... ) let me clarify what I meant. I'm referring to people, usually rude, inconsiderate teenagers, who rent wheel chairs only because of the benefits. I have seen it done many times. There will be a group of 3 of them, all in wheel chairs, doing all kinds of rowdy things with them. In fact, once, I even saw a guy pushing another guy (both about 20 years old) out of a ride exit. The guy in the wheelchair stood up, and they switched places!!! I've also seen another group of kids in wheelchairs each get out of their wheelchair, and walk perfectly fine into the bathroom.

Thats what I was talking about. People who rent wheelchairs only so they don't have to wait in line.

Hey Tom,

Sorry for JUMPING ALL OVER YOU, just took it a little personal and got tired of everyone getting annoyed of others on wheelchairs, wasn't to you in particular.

Also, I have shared an electric cart with my wife cause it makes our days much easier, neither one of us can walk for 8-10 hours. And by the way we're both in our mid-20s.

But really I'm sorry if I sounded a little worked up, but I was posting my opinion. :hammer:


New Member
People that complain disney is too much for kids and that it doesn't have enough thrill rides. I mean i love thrill rides but disney is supposed to be a place where the entire family can have fun together.

Plus i can't stand people line jumping.:hammer: :hammer: :brick:


New Member
Originally posted by jcmayid
AND FINALLY, you should be one to be civil, MY LITTLE LAST WORDS!!! You made Tnkerbell post her last message. are you just here to tell everyone what to do and not to do? This is my opinion and if you don't like it hey, I have the right to use this post as I please same way you are, SO LAY OFF!!!

I should probably keep my mouth shut, but I won´t... ;)
Regarding tnkrbel´s last post.... You have probably not read all of her posts yet, but tnkrbel made some "ruling" comments and always had to have the last word. I´m sorry she decided to leave, I like her, but you probably only saw Sansaraai´s last post, and not where all was coming from. She actually replied to a post from tnkrbel. Tnkrbel didn´t respect some member´s opinions and that´s exactly what Sansaraai asked her to please do and ended up in a sarcastic argument. Same thing that she is asking you now, please don´t turn it into an argument. I´m sure tnkrbel will be back and with a new attitude.

I also hate when people use wheelchairs to get in front of lines or in the special seats in shows. I was a CM, and I´m telling this from experience... people do it! We had to ask "are u able to walk/stand up from the chair?", because for some shows, the special seats were very few and taken by people who didn´t really needed them, and could park the wheelchair outside and walk to a normal seat. Please, don´t take it personal when someone says they can´t stand that situation. Nobody is questionning if you need them or not, is the people´s behaviour what we don´t like, and I´m sure you have your reasons to rent them and I´m sorry that you have to do it, but please, we understand and I´m sure that if we see you in the park, we won´t even think if you need it or not because I´m sure you know how to use it properly. ;)


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Originally posted by Maria

I should probably keep my mouth shut, but I won´t... ;)
Regarding tnkrbel´s last post.... You have probably not read all of her posts yet, but tnkrbel made some "ruling" comments and always had to have the last word. I´m sorry she decided to leave, I like her, but you probably only saw Sansaraai´s last post, and not where all was coming from. She actually replied to a post from tnkrbel. Tnkrbel didn´t respect some member´s opinions and that´s exactly what Sansaraai asked her to please do and ended up in a sarcastic argument. Same thing that she is asking you now, please don´t turn it into an argument. I´m sure tnkrbel will be back and with a new attitude.

Thank you maria! jcmayid I'm just trying to let people know that we all have opinions. Be them right or wrong, they are ours. And some people just have to force their opinions on people. Thats what happened in another post. I was told I was wrong, dont know what I am talking about, just for expressing my opinion. It was not my decision that tink left. When people finally realize how they have been treating people, they cant handle it. I hope she comes back. I really do. I just had to point out that she has to embrace peoples ideas and views. But she does not have to accept them. Just respect them. And I believe thats what is wrong with the world today. If everyone could see the other persons point of view a lot of conflict could be avoided.

And as for your post jcmayid it just seemed you were shoving you opinion in or faces because of your wifes situation. I sorry she has to use a wheelchair. But to stop abuse of renting wheelchairs something have to be done. Its not a determent againts her. Its for her benefit.

And now to get back on topic...........

ANother things that bothers me is the SMELL of the Monorails. Can't they air them out or use somekind of disinfectant?

One more thing. I have a Y cromosome. I am a man.:D


New Member
I am very sorry guys for seeming a bit pushy with the subject, just had a bad experience once where someone said "I saw her walking in the BR, why can't she get her @ss up now", so that is what I am talking about. Some people are not compassionate of others situations, just because someone looks healthy doesn't mean they can very much walk. Really had a fight woth that woman that day cause she was just a jerk. This is why I got so ed at the wheelchaor talk. Hope you all can understand. Some people don't know that there are a few people who actually use it cause they really need it. Again sorry if I got a little offensive and sounded like I was pushing my opinions on you, but it is just past experience that erks me.




Well-Known Member
Blatant wheel chair "abuse" is usually pretty distinguishable from a real condition..for example...

About a year or so ago I was on line for Splash Mountain and a group of 3 teenage girls got out of the boat and as they were walking away they suddenly remembered "Oh! Our wheelchair!" and they giggled as one of them literally HOPPED in and they wheeled off...yeah...i guess that wheelchair is REALLY necessary seeing how they couldnt even remember they had the damn thing...

Another HUUUUUUUUUUUGE pet peeve of mine...and sadly this has happened more than a dozen times that I can remember...

Moms who change their kids on TTA. Yes..the seats are plastic..but its NOT a changing station. Do you know how disgusting it is to be riding thru space mountain and to smell that crap (literally). Grrrrr


New Member
The things i really hate when i go to WDW are:

1. The Brazilians in the summer. They are so rude and when u try to talk to them they act like they don't don't what you are saying but in reality they do understand you and don't choose to speak english!!!!!!

2. People in lines complaining!!!! Everyone has to wait in line so why don't u start a conversation with the people around u. You get to know them and it makes the line go so much faster.

3.People in wheelchairs that don't really need them. IMO they just use them to get in line faster and then i have seen some of them complain that the rest of their family has to wait in line while they just sit by the wheelchair ramp!!! This really irritates me!!!!!!! :brick:


Originally posted by tiggerlover55

3.People in wheelchairs that don't really need them. IMO they just use them to get in line faster and then i have seen some of them complain that the rest of their family has to wait in line while they just sit by the wheelchair ramp!!! This really irritates me!!!!!!! :brick:

How do you know they don't need them? Perhaps they are fine for a few minutes at a time or they can't exert themselves by walking all over the park, but they can walk fine to get from the wheelchair to enter the ride. Did you examine them and diagnose them? Just because they appear as healthly as the people standing in line, doesn't mean they are.

Of course they may complain about waiting ALONE. How would you like to go with loved ones and have to wait alone somewhere?


First of all I really don't think we need to label all Brazilians as annoying! I am Irish does that mean I will be drunk for my entire vacation? No, I will not be drunk(except one or two nights at Pleasure island). Lets be reasonable here. We all have our pet peeves. Lets not be judgemental. I think all of these complaints boil down to selfish inconsiderate guests. Whether its someone pushing past you, not filling all the seats in the row and just plunking down in the center seats, the non use of deodarants and anti perspirants or simply being loud, these types of people are just inconsiderate. I have to put up with them at work, at the mall and at restaurants. Why should I expect different on my vacation. While I stroll down Main Street USA it will take more than a person screaming in my ear or cutting me in line to ruin my vacation. Vacations are so you can wind down. Not get wound up. Try not to let the man (or the Brazilians ) get you down. Just my 2 cents!

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
A reply to the two posts above:

Please read all the posts above about our experience with wheelchair abusers, especially NowInc's. You can definately tell when they don't need the wheelchair at all and are just using it so they don't have to wait in line.

We aren't labeling or judging the Brazillian tour groups. Its the truth. They think the rules don't apply to them. Anyone who has gone during "brazillian tour group times" knows that they are the loudest, rudest, most inconsiderate people to ever visit Disney World.


Thats like saying , "I am not a racist. I just tell the truth."
When you make gereralizations like that you get yourself into trouble. I guess I assumed that people who frequent WDW would be more open minded about other people and cultures.


New Member
Originally posted by Tom Morrow
A reply to the two posts above:
We aren't labeling or judging the Brazillian tour groups. Its the truth. They think the rules don't apply to them. Anyone who has gone during "brazillian tour group times" knows that they are the loudest, rudest, most inconsiderate people to ever visit Disney World.


I totally agree with you here. Don't get me wrong, I workin International Logistics and my biggest customers are in Brazil, very nice people. Just seems that when they come in these large groups, the rules do not apply to them AND they are just plain jerks about it all. I ahve been to WDW plenty and my experience with Brazilian tour grous is aweful. They sign their little songs as loud as they can, it get very annoying. It seems that everyone else feels thesame as we do about these groups, it's a shame cause these are the type of people that cause stereotypes.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by robbyk
Thats like saying , "I am not a racist. I just tell the truth."
When you make gereralizations like that you get yourself into trouble. I guess I assumed that people who frequent WDW would be more open minded about other people and cultures.

Alright, maybe I should just shrug off the countless times a group of brazillians have completely ruined my ride, cut me in line, pushed me out of the way, stole my seat, yelled at me for not letting them line jump or give up my seat to them, etc.

Yes, I know not every Brazillian is like that, but 90% of the tour groups I've seen are like that.


New Member

I agree with the point about some people not needing a wheelchair, but I think most do. I just got back from a trip with relatives and one needed a wheelchair. I think Disney has changed a lot of the policies concerning wheelchairs, especially at all of the parks except Magic Kingdom. Most rides now require you to use the fast pass line for wheelchairs and require you to have a valid fastpass to enter. There were only one or two instances during the week in which we were allowed to "skip the lines". That included them requiring us to have a fast pass for Splash Mountain. So it appears they are trying to make the process more equitable, which I agree with. We were not looking to skip any lines as a result of her disability, but just wanted access. I do not think anyone in a wheelchair should be allowed to skip the line, but should use fastpass like everyone else.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps you should REPHRASE your statement to read:

Large groups of PEOPLE that are annoying.

I've seen large groups of annoying Americans, Germans, French, Brazilian, Italian, British and all OTHER countries.

Maybe it's the fact that they're in LARGE GROUPS that makes them seem annoying to you.

I say CHILL OUT man....walk around them...go to a differant area and come back LATER if they bother you that much.

Complain to Guest Relations...send a letter to what you have to do but DON'T POINT fingers at a Race or NATIONALITY...point your finger at YOURSELF for letting rude people with bad manners get TO you.:p


New Member
things that me off

-annoying cheerleaders who cant stand in one line without cheering

-people who put there kids on leashes..thats juss doesnt seem right to me

-roudy teens who ruin the repution of teens alone in Disney for the good kids like me

-people who carry way to many things on the bus and take up seats when its crowded

-when people say "eww ur going to Disney World, thats for babies!" when my parents spend thousands and thousands of dollars to go there and soo Ill have fun!

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