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Originally posted by jcmayid
Hey sorry to burst your bubble, but just because YOU can run around these parks doesn't mean everyone could. My wife is one who uses one of these wheelchairs because she has severely flat feet, she can't walk long without excruciating pain. Are you going to get upset with her cause she LOOKS like she can walk? How about this, we are going next Friday-Sunday, yet yesterday I stepped on a nail helping my brother fix up his house, are you going to get ed off at me for riding a wheelchair or not walking fast? Hey it might be a perk to get to the front of the line but I don't get a wheelchair just for that reason. SO, to sum this all off, are you going to get upset at us cause we look like we can walk fine but BOTH are riding wheelchairs. I am not cancelling my trip to the greatest place on earth just because I got a rusty nail stuck in my foot, or never go cuz my wife can't stand to walk w/out practically crying? Well hell no, I am renting 2 wheelchairs and ing you off whether you like it or not.
sorry but you sort of didn't think when you posted this one,hope you can have a bit of compassion just because some people that ride wheelchairs are not over 70 years old or with a broken leg, or just plain disabled.
We all come here to discuss things that get on our nerves. We are not here to argue. Peoples opinions differ. Please respect them. And please lets keep our posts civil.