People/Things that really annoy you(get it off your chest thread)

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Well-Known Member
Kids who run around rampid and start kicking baby birds you have named "Newton" while your friends are riding the astro orbiter...grrr...

....ok..pycho moment over...


I can't stand when people bump you during parades to get a better spot or just walking or running to an attraction and someone basically pushes you out of the way cause there in such of a hurry. Its not a concert and there is no mosh pit. SLOW DOWN!

I also can't stand when your at a parade or stage show when someone justs stands up and blocks your view on purpose and there rude when you ask them to sit down.


New Member

I really don't think anything can ruin a trip to WDW for me except myself.

But, I agree with the parents who aren't understanding with younger children, and (somewhat) the picture taking thing.

I have always thought they should have platforms, with lines if necessary, for people to use for picture taking. This way they get a perfect picture, and don't disrupt traffic flow. I realize this would mean a lot of people with similar pictures, but oh well - if you buy a picture package from DIS they probably take you to the same spots as everyone else.

And how about people in standby lines who give you dirty looks when you walk right on using Fastpass? It's like "Read your d4mn brochure already!" I mean, it's not like I am some privledged VIP or something - they could be doing the same thing!

Lastly, and I hope not to offend anyone, but there are always "Larger" folk that rent the motorized wheelchairs. I'm not talking about the elderly, either. I'm talking about husbands and wives, 30 - 50 years old, who easily weigh 300 a piece, seem to have nothing wrong with them, and then buzz your ankles as they zoom past on their way to the ice cream stand. I always think - "if anyone needs the exercise of walking through the parks, it's got to be you!"

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
People who are idiots and get off rides when they are moving or do dome things on rides, that eventually ruin it for the good people following the rules.


I know exactly what you mean on the fastpass thing. It's like they think that I think that I am better than them and I have some special privelage because they think that is a VIP line or something. This has happened to me in the Big Thunder Mountain line and Space Mountain when I was buzzing by and all the other people were not moving. It has probably happened more but I just don't notice because I am going so fast. They may give me dirty looks but I'm always thinking "na na na na na I'm going to the front of the line and you have to wait!" I wish everybody would learn what Fastpass is but then again, The more people that use it the longer the lines would be and the Faster the Fastpass machines run out of Fastpasses. So I geuss I'd rather have a few dirty looks or comments rather than longer fastpass lines.


Well-Known Member
I hate it when groups of preppy girls scream on Wedway and act like it's a roller coaster. Just SIT DOWN and SHUT UP already! Ya look like a bunch of idiots!

I hate it when people form large "clumps" or "wads", especially in front of the Mexico pavilion, around characters, or anywhere that I may be walking. Thank God for shortcuts.

I hate it when people notice that I walk fast, rush to get in front of me, and then move at the pace I like to call a "slow stop".

I hate it when our group is waiting for Tap and people walk unbelievably close to the benches. They give us nasty looks as they kick and step on us, though they have plenty of space to walk.

I just hate people that give nasty looks. "If looks could kill..."

And most of all, I hate people who have NO COMMON SENSE WHATSOEVER!!!!!! (sorry for yelling)

Boy, I feel better now.


New Member
What do I hate most?

Other than a zero tollerance for inconsiderate people, I usually go with the flow at WDW ....

Here's my TOP TEN list of real life issues that I passionately HATE.....

2. Fatal disease
3. War
4. Inconsiderate, moronic people of ANY age
5. Rap music
6. Morally bankrupt, liberal celebrity know-it-alls
7. People who act with depraved indifference
8. Government fraud and waste
9. Political correctness
10. The over-use of the word "HERO"


The chipping away of traditional values and culture upon which this GREAT nation was founded and flourished.

(thanks for letting me get that off my chest)


Active Member
I can't stand..............

Smoking in the parks

Line Cutters

The Brazil groups(haven't seen a polite group yet)

SLOW PEOPLE(I want a fast walking lane, and a take your sweet time lane)

Baby Swaps


New Member
Here's my list:

- people who don't know jack sh*t about the parks but insist on giving their opinions and suggestions

- people who abuse wheelchairs (this includes fat people being lazy and people wanting to use the handicap entrance)

- unsupervised middle school kids terrorizing the parks

- large tour groups who think they are special and can get away with anything

- people who complain about Fastpass only because they don't know how it works

- people who "camp out" by the Fastpass return areas waiting for their time to ride (creates traffic jams for those of us who spend our time wisely while waiting for our time slot)

- people who create a mess while eating and don't do anything to clean up after themselves

and finally

- the media people back at home who are very biased towards Six Flags over Georgia, White Water and Stone Mountain (these morons try to bash Disney and Universal whenever they get a chance, and they actually think that SFoG is a cleaner park and offers better and cheaper food (all lies!!!))


New Member

I know exactly what you mean as far as your last statement. I was raised by a good, moral family. My grandparents were very "old fashioned", if you will, and since it was such a small, rural area I was able to get a good feeling for how things used to be, such as in the early-mid part of the 1900's. I am sad to say that there are fewer and fewer young people (I'll turn 22 tomorrow) that share my views and moral barometer. I can honestly say that I don't even like being from the same high school as the kids that graduated only two years behind me. They have no respect for anything or anybody, including each other. Hopefully this is just a specially bad group that I have known, but I'm afraid it is indicitive of our society as a whole and that is just sad.

Lance :

Just wanted to share a Brazil tour group story. During the summer of '95, I was in EPCOT - and 15 years old at the time - wearing my World Cup '94 USA T-shirt (I went to a game in Chicago and was playing soccer in high school - but unfortunately I lost the shirt). Anyway, a group of the younger - maybe 12? Brazillian girls surrounded me and apparently thought I played for the USA team. LOL I couldn't have been more than 4 years older than any of them. Anyway, I didn't know enough spanish to convince them otherwise so I ended up signing autographs for like 3 minutes and have never had any kind of problem with any tour group since - apart from some annoying (at the time) singing in lines.

Sorry that was so long but I am longwinded most of the time. (Just look at that sentence for instance!)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by jcmayid
People who think AK is just a zoo
People who rush around the parks like morons
People who complain about the lines
People who complain about transportation

It is just sad, AK is gr8!!!, These parks are supposed to be soaked in, enjoyed to the fullest. Lines are inevitable, go in mid January if you want no line. Finally transportation is practically perfect, have you seen how many people are moved around on the monorails, buses, and ferries?

This is as perfect as it gets yall!!!!!



My biggest peeve is people who don't bother to read the signs. I can't tell you how many times I will be standing underneath the Express Monorail sign at the MK, and hear "Where does this monorail go?"... I want to look up, and say, "Exactly where that sign says... TTC/PARKING LOT!"


Account Suspended
What I can't stand:

- Idiot parents who let their obviously undisciplined brats yell and scream and cause a major scene while on line or walking around.

- People who walk around sweating up a storm and stinking to high heaven from lack of deodorant use.

- People who think Magic Kingdom IS Disney World. (i.e. while walking around Epcot, saying to someone "I'm going over to Disney World and then to Animal Kingdom".)

- Personally, I can't stand World Showcase. I feel it's all an incredible waste of time and should be (but I know never will) removed with more attractions put in along the lines of the ones found in Future World.

- Idiot teenagers who think it's cool to be all rowdy and dress like clowns.

- The length of the wait for buses at the hotels. (Sometimes the wait is 10 minutes, mostly it's 15-20.)

- People who are overdressed for the parks, or walk around dressed like they think that they hit the gold mine digging through a dumpster at KMart.


It annoys me when 1 person of a family waits in the line, and then when that person in the line gets to the end of the turnaround, and the rest of the family is waiting outside then jumps the rope to get in the line. Why can't they do the waiting as well.


Well-Known Member
Strollers are what I hate most at the parks. Moms just mow you down thinking they have the right-of-way!

I also hate it when you are in one of those narrow queue lines (like Space Mountain) and you have 1 or 2 slow people in front of you but no one is in front of them. They could walk faster or let you pass but they choose to make the whole line go slower just to be stupid. (I'm not talking about old people, but ignorant people!)

I hate it when a group of 4 or 5 will take up 3 tables when there are none left and also take like 20 feet of viewing space for Illiminations or parades.

I hate it when stupid, loud people take away from your magical expierience by being ignorant or cause problems with a CM or other guests.

The latter one leaves the worst lasting impression of WDW for a lot of first-time guests!

Raven/Scott º0º


Well-Known Member
Well there are many things that annoy me in life, but this is a WDW forum....

1) The fact that Disney will take any opportunity to sell sell sell. I know that its a business, and I have studied business for 4 years so I understand how important it is, but when you pay such high entrance fees, I feel that some things are over priced.
e.g. ride photos... expensive,
paying for towels at water parks,
as soon as the rainfalls.... ponchos come out,
CAR PARKING charges!!!!

2) Cushy, soppy bits in shows e.g. Tarzan at AK theres a lot of "can you feel it in your heart" and all that kinda stuff.... I don't feel it necessary, because its not truly meant at WDW anymore.

3) "Michael Eisner World" Walt would be turing in his grave if he could see what was happening.

That's my moans about Disney itself. Now with everything else:
1) People that push in and queue jump.

2) People that push their children to the front at parade time..... just because they're children, they shouldn't get special treatment. I myself am not very tall, I camp out for a good 30 mins in a good spot, its really annoying for someone to stand infront of me 5 mins before a parade is about to start and spoil mine and/or my camera view.

3) Seeing guests treat cast members like s**t. Technically the customer(guest) is always right.... but as we all know in reality they're not.

4) Screaming kids.

5) Guests that smoke in the no-smoking areas.

6) Strollers.

7) You have a nice photo all lined up.... someone walks right infront of you as you release the shutter! It's happened to us all.

8) Rain.... it can't be helped, but it's annoying!

9) Seeing parents treat their kids like s**t. It's a holiday and its at Disney..... it shouldn't happen.

I know I may sound negative, but WDW is a truly great place, the fun, excitment and happiness it brings greatly out-weighs any of the thinigs written above.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
People that push their children to the front at parade time..... just because they're children, they shouldn't get special treatment.

And heres me foolishly thinking WDW was special for children. You obviously dont have children or are indeed so vertically challenged that you cant see over a bunch of kids sat on a kerbside.
You dont like screaming Kids, I thought this is one place we could all scream without prejudice, if you mean unrully kids blame the parents.
Sometimes it is neccesary to discipline the kid regardless of location Just try not to make a big show of it.

Anyway thats that so time for things that peeve me:

1. Kid haters.
2. Q Jumpers.
3. Large mouthed listen to me im so important types.
4.misuse of wheelchairs.
5. Packs of marauding teenagers
6. Celtic.
7. People who "cut through" parades.
8. People who are in too much of a rush to savour the atmosphere.
9. Keyboard hardmen
10. Self indulgent dewey eyed sanatised moms apple pie type attractions.:hurl:


Well-Known Member
I apologise happy snapper maybe my choice of words was wrong, of course WDW is special for children and adults too. And your right, it proberbly is the "parenting" of the children that annoys me the most, not the actual children. As for the screaming kids part - we all scream, laugh, shout have fun. But its the screaming "unrully" child that really annoys me... again its down to the parenting.

You obviously dont have children

No I don't have children (I'm only 19), and I never will... and thats not because I don't like them.
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