People Get Ahold Of Your Children!


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I won't go on too long about this but I'm getting sick of the kids who have absolutely no discipline whatsoever.

I love children and understand that kids will be kids but, something that happened to me has me furious!

I had a nice pair of pants on one night when going to the MK to eat dinner for our anniversary. A great little kid comes along with a nice chocolate ice cream in hand an literally gets it all over my khaki colored pants. Why? well because he was running circles around his mom with his little brother and she just ignored them and Whack, I get the brunt of it.

Know what's worse? The mom (AFTER THE KID HIT ME) says "get over here" to her kid and then keeps walking. Not one appology to me as I'm standing there with a napkin on stained pants. Not only that, she looks at me like I've annoyed her. Sheez! I see people like that all the time. They don't look where they are going, or stop dead in the middle of moving traffic and then act like you are annoying them, no appology at all.

I'm sick of it! People, if you don't know how to control your children, don't go. Also, stop using the freaking strollers as an excuse to get through crowds, my wife has a scraped ankle from that crap.

If I had kids like some of these parents out in that park, I'd shoot myself for not raising them better!


New Member
Reminds me of the time I was sitting at a Pizza Place and the waitress (older than the child you describe) dumped a couple of plates of pizza and sauce on me. I just laughed it off, wasn't that big of deal. Got me a free meal though!


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Originally posted by ArielLover
I wonder how long it will be before someone tells us we are being overly sensitive about the issue.

You are right, but I don't care. This stuff is rediculous. I cannot believe parents are not embarassed to even take their children in public when they act like that. It's not the kids fault, it's the parents for not taking care of the issue.


Well-Known Member
Nah, I won't get sensitive, my kids are well behaved. (Not just in my own mind, I've had other people comment on it.) ;)

However, this has been discussed ad nauseum in the "Pet Peeves" thread...

I love how people write, in all caps "DON'T GO!" like somebody sitting at home is going to say "Gee, ya know, they're right. We'll just skip it this year." The kids are gonna be there... my suggestion is run like hell when you see one with an ice cream cone!



Well-Known Member
This seems like something that CM deal with daily...just plan rude guest everywhere :lol:

But some how you get used to it. Going into CDS woundering what language you are going to be cussed out in today! :cool:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by ArielLover
I wonder how long it will be before someone tells us we are being overly sensitive about the issue.
I won't say I'm overly sensitive, but I will say this:

Wait until you are parents one day. I'm not saying your kids will be automatic helions, but you'll see it in a different light once you have your own and there's no way you see it differently until then. Are kids out of control today? Sometimes, yes. But parenting is not something you control with a magic wand or master from reading a book on child-rearing. Every child and every situation is different every time.

Sorry about your pants, civ. At least he didn't set fire to them.


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Originally posted by MouseMadness
Nah, I won't get sensitive, my kids are well behaved. (Not just in my own mind, I've had other people comment on it.) ;)

However, this has been discussed ad nauseum in the "Pet Peeves" thread...

I love how people write, in all caps "DON'T GO!" like somebody sitting at home is going to say "Gee, ya know, they're right. We'll just skip it this year." The kids are gonna be there... my suggestion is run like hell when you see one with an ice cream cone!


Oh, I agree, I'm definately not going to tell people to stay home. That's not it at all. It's really something that you can't avoid if you go. However, like I said, it's not the kids, it's just annoying that the parents are willing to let their kids get whatever they want and do whatever they want and never tell them "no" and never punish them.

Even more bothersome is that some parents refuse to acknowledge the mistake their kid made to someone like myself and appologize.


Active Member
To defend myself pro-actively. I am a parent and have never had a problem with my daughter. She was raised to respect other people. And in reply to a few other threads on here: she has never stared at people as they ate ( I also find it offensive), has never run around in a theatre or restaraunt, or screamed uncontrollably( the few times it happened I took her outside ). And in case you are wondering I have never even spanked her once. Maybe I am lucky and maybe its just how you handle things. FYI she is a senoir in high into every college she applied to, and intends to be an archeologist. She has an active social life and tons of school activities. So I guess I didn't scar her to bad. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MouseMadness
Nah, I won't get sensitive, my kids are well behaved. (Not just in my own mind, I've had other people comment on it.) ;)

However, this has been discussed ad nauseum in the "Pet Peeves" thread...

I love how people write, in all caps "DON'T GO!" like somebody sitting at home is going to say "Gee, ya know, they're right. We'll just skip it this year." The kids are gonna be there... my suggestion is run like hell when you see one with an ice cream cone!


Disney World = Many kids (especially the Magic Kingdom!)

Deal with it.

(was that harsh?)

*introduces civileng to "Stain-free pants"*


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Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
Disney World = Many kids (especially the Magic Kingdom!)

Deal with it.

(was that harsh?)

*introduces civileng to "Stain-free pants"*

Well I know what you mean and I know that there are alot of kids in Mk but to say "deal with it" is a little bit rediculous. I was a disciplined child and never did things like that. I was courteous to others and talked to always watch out for others.

Also, i bet if the same thing happened to you, you wouldn't just smile and loviling say "kids kids kids" and move on would you? Besides, more than anything I was upset that the parent failed to make an appology.

I'm sorry but that's not just a "deal with it" issue.


New Member
Re: well

Originally posted by civileng68
Well I know what you mean and I know that there are alot of kids in Mk but to say "deal with it" is a little bit rediculous. I was a disciplined child and never did things like that. I was courteous to others and talked to always watch out for others.

Also, i bet if the same thing happened to you, you wouldn't just smile and loviling say "kids kids kids" and move on would you? Besides, more than anything I was upset that the parent failed to make an appology.

I'm sorry but that's not just a "deal with it" issue.



Well-Known Member

I guess, to me, I just have to pick my battles. I can't nag on every damn thing they do "wrong" or I'd spend all day feeling stressed and bitchy. While there are some blatant examples of bad behavior, I've not seen anything that has caused me to think "WHOA! That is some BAD parenting, there!" Maybe I'm just picking the right time to go? Or maybe I am just able to let things roll off my back a little bit. :veryconfu


Active Member
Re: nope

Originally posted by civileng68
Oh , I won't be drug down there, but just hope we stay on topic.

I am so with you on this one but every time I have even remotely suggested parents have a little control ( this goes for the real world as well) I have been just taken to task. I hope you fair better than I did.


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i dont understand

Originally posted by MouseMadness

I guess, to me, I just have to pick my battles. I can't nag on every damn thing they do "wrong" or I'd spend all day feeling stressed and bitchy. While there are some blatant examples of bad behavior, I've not seen anything that has caused me to think "WHOA! That is some BAD parenting, there!" Maybe I'm just picking the right time to go? Or maybe I am just able to let things roll off my back a little bit. :veryconfu

I don't understand. I guess maybe I'm just the only one who feels the way I do.

I guess I just don't understand or believe that if someone had something like that happen to them that they would just be happy and move on. I just can't imagine it. Also, you mean it wouldnt even bother you if the mother gave YOU a sour look and then moved on like you were in her child's way?

I get over things easily but have to admit that I do often think of when I see bad parenting, because I see it so much. I do think of it. My first thought is, " my kid will never act like that with me."

I also am the type of person that if my child did something that like I would be so appologetic.

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