People Angry Over Disney Dinning Plan


Well-Known Member
The changes to the DDP stink. Plain and simple. Took away the appetizer and the 18% auto gratuity....and the price went down $1.

The math doesn't work. So regardless if you thought the DDP was a bargain or not (because portions too big; don't get snacks; you share a plate; etc), the mathis that WDW took $20 of value off the price, but only passed $1 on to us.

and if they raised the price $10 or more per night, there would be dozens of threads on wdwmagic and other boards saying the price was too high.

Disney internet fans will always find something to complain about. :fork:


Active Member
First time using the DDP this past week. I can see why it can be frustrating for the server because they have to charge the totals, take it off for the allotted plan and then run another check for the tips. And sometimes people's math isn't all that great so they end up under-tipping.

But bottom line, we loved the plan. Maybe because we were always hungry! We actually maxed out on all our meals and ended paying on our own. :brick:


Well-Known Member
We've definately gotten more variety in quick service food in the last several years - just not at the same locations. It used to be you had a decent sized menu and it was available in nearly the same format at several placed, the only major differences being one place was "american" having the burgers as the main food and another being "italian" and having pizza as the main dish, and finally the soup/salad place.

Epcot had Electric Umbrella, Pasta Piazza, and the Land.

MK had Cosmic Rays and Pecos Bill/Tomorrowland Terrace and Pinnochios/Columbia Harbor House and others

MGM even had Commisary/Pizza Planet/Backlot Express

Bugers, Italian, Soup/Salad/Sandwich - that was about it.

Now they've made several places most distinct in their offerings, there is some overlap, but they really dont offer identicle menus anymore.

I will say this the CS food is alot better than it used to be in some aspects. I can remember the 80's when they had that god awful pizza, crappy burgers and blah chicken sandwiches. However, most places used to have fresh desserts now most places have that pre-packaged crap. That is one thing Busch/Seaworld does better than Disney. There CS restaurants are way better than Disney and there desserts are made fresh everyday. I really will only eat in a few places anymore. Pretty much Pecos Bill or CHH at MK, Seasons at Epcot, Flame Tree(oh, I am still ed about Tusker House) at DAK and I avoid eating at DHS.


Well-Known Member
The changes to the DDP stink. Plain and simple. Took away the appetizer and the 18% auto gratuity....and the price went down $1.

The math doesn't work. So regardless if you thought the DDP was a bargain or not (because portions too big; don't get snacks; you share a plate; etc), the mathis that WDW took $20 of value off the price, but only passed $1 on to us.

That just doesn't sit right coming from a place where customers are first....most of the time. :animwink:

This makes no sense to, if the dining plan will save me money now, I should not use it because it used to save me even more money? So if Best Buy starts selling HDTVs at 50% off because they want more people to come in and buy all of the extras that go with a new TV, and then after a while they reduce the discount to only 10%, I should not consider buying one at that point because the deal was better before?

I think that this just goes to speak as to how good a deal the dining plan was before - you could save literally hundreds of dollars over the course of a week long vacation if using the plan correctly. Yes, Disney was getting people to spend money on things that they maybe didn't before, but they still need to be able to cover their costs. Any considerations that I may make to use the dining plan again really won't factor in that I used to be able to save more money with the prior version of the plan...


and if they raised the price $10 or more per night, there would be dozens of threads on wdwmagic and other boards saying the price was too high.

Disney internet fans will always find something to complain about. :fork:

yeah i see alot of complaints on here that are ridicilous, (anyone remember the one about the lady that had to walk to far at a value resort?) but come on, excluding the app and tip and only lowering the price of the regular plan by $1? thats pretty wrong


Same here. I like the fact that you don't have to budget meals or carry around that extra money with you. I'm disappointed that the tip is no longer included and I'm also disappointed the servers had such a hassle with receiving the tips from the DDP. There is such an easy way around that "bonus check" crud and if you've ever worked at a restaurant, you know what I'm talking about. When a guest pays with a credit card and the tip is on there, they get it that night. Servers that cash out at the end of the night do quite a bit of math to figure out what they're supposed to give to the restaurant that night before they clock out.

I'm also one for the appetizer or dessert option. That said, we've booked the DDP for our May trip. We've never felt it was too much food because 1- we hit a lot of buffets so we get what we want 2- we don't feel compelled to eat every bite laid before us. We're on vacation so we sample different things. It's one of the few times I'm adventerous and TRY new things with an honest effort. I'm usually very picky and shy away from things I "might not like". After a few days of burgers/other CS food, we're burned out on it and look forward to our TS meals. If we have any credits at the end of the trip, we use them to get food/snacks for our drive back home. Part of the trip planning fun for us is sitting down in front of the computer looking over Allears's menu page. The DDP in it's previous form was great IMO. Saving money or not is not a factor in our decision. If we save money, great. If not, we would've spent it anyway. That's just my family. We enjoy being spoiled on Disney's food. We've never had a bad meal EVER there nor have we had bad service. In fact, for a few weeks after we return home, nothing sounds good because we've been spoiled.

we enjoyed the dining plan also, but the girl at planet hollywood wanted my roomkey(which was also linked to my credit card) at the beginning of the meal. that was kind of irritating


Well-Known Member
This makes no sense to, if the dining plan will save me money now, I should not use it because it used to save me even more money? So if Best Buy starts selling HDTVs at 50% off because they want more people to come in and buy all of the extras that go with a new TV, and then after a while they reduce the discount to only 10%, I should not consider buying one at that point because the deal was better before?

What if that 50% off HD TV, that came complete with free cable for a year with no charge for tax, delivery and instalation, suddenly changed to a a 10% off HD TV but no longer included free cable and you not only had to pay for taxes and delivery, but also had to carry it downstairs to your basement, (because they only deliver to your front door) do your own set up, programming, installation, and it came with confusing instructions written in Japanese.

Would it still be a good deal? You still get 10% off.

Sometimes the discount isn't worth the hassle.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
So what does this thread teach us, well nothing new but the key points seem to be.....

1. The old dinning plan was value for money, and you didnt have to use a spread sheet to work out how to maximise this. The down side was busy restaurants and pressure to make sure you got your moneys worth buy eating every single morsel that had been allocated.

2. The old dinning plan was very bad because at gun point it forced people who would eat at counter service to eat at table service restaurants and it would make you have to plan, and worse of all if you missed an ADR Disney security takes away your tickets and kicks you out of the parks.

3. People who share meals are either promoting how healthy they are buy eating reduced portions or are just are promoting the positives of budgeting, or being tight arses as we say round here. Either way it is obviously a step to be proud of given the wording of posts.

4. Disney is prone to ripping guests off, well blow me down with a feather.

5. The new dinning plan can work well if you plan, eat deserts, dont like starters and have a fairly liberal approach to tipping. The Dinning Plan + packages are just Disney applying a different tack to empty the wallet but the result is the same.

6. Regardless of which plan is in use its harder to get the dinning you want, especially without long term planning, the menus have reduced in variety, in many venues quality of food and service has suffered.

7. Some people will look for positives because being negative about WDW is treason and results in Death by Its a Small World.

8. Just because you enjoy McDonalds or other processed mechanically generated food products doesnt mean that everyone else should be forced down the eat on the hoof route.

9. There are better places to eat off site at a fraction of the cost.

10. If you plan and do a few sums, you will know what option is best for you and everything Ive just written is just an opinion to be ignored.

And NO I wont be using DDP on our next trip, It does not reflect my dinning habits and I can get better value on a pay as you dine programme.


Well-Known Member
What if that 50% off HD TV, that came complete with free cable for a year with no charge for tax, delivery and instalation, suddenly changed to a a 10% off HD TV but no longer included free cable and you not only had to pay for taxes and delivery, but also had to carry it downstairs to your basement, (because they only deliver to your front door) do your own set up, programming, installation, and it came with confusing instructions written in Japanese.

Would it still be a good deal? You still get 10% off.

Sometimes the discount isn't worth the hassle.

Sure, but I wasn't really talking about that. My decision to use the dining plan again will focus on those other negatives that have been discussed. The post I was replying to was trying to make the point that because the dining plan is less of a dollar value deal now than it was before, we shouldn't use it, which just doesn't make sense to me.


New Member
I've seen other boards where there are entire threads devoted to snack credits, including stickies giving a comprehensive list of snacks and a snack FAQ. If that much information and knowledge is needed I wonder how you can actually enjoy your vacation. I envision people wandering around with a print-out of the snack list and their cards like they are on some sort of scavenger hunt. I just don't want to think about snacks that much.

And then they complain about what is included and what isn't. One poster wrote that their choice of snack was not allowed so they chose something else. So you save money, but you don't get what you want to eat. Just from reading the posts it seemed like there was too much consternation over the intricacies of the plan like it was a complex math problem. I just want to go and enjoy. If the plan is supposed to make dining worry free, it seems to me from reading some of the boards that it gives the exact opposite result.


Well-Known Member
I've seen other boards where there are entire threads devoted to snack credits, including stickies giving a comprehensive list of snacks and a snack FAQ. If that much information and knowledge is needed I wonder how you can actually enjoy your vacation. I envision people wandering around with a print-out of the snack list and their cards like they are on some sort of scavenger hunt. I just don't want to think about snacks that much.

And then they complain about what is included and what isn't. One poster wrote that their choice of snack was not allowed so they chose something else. So you save money, but you don't get what you want to eat. Just from reading the posts it seemed like there was too much consternation over the intricacies of the plan like it was a complex math problem. I just want to go and enjoy. If the plan is supposed to make dining worry free, it seems to me from reading some of the boards that it gives the exact opposite result.

In practice, it really isn't that difficult. Plus, all of the eateries note snacks on the plan with a dining plan symbol. I had no problems finding snacks that were on the plan.


Well-Known Member
my ideas would be some of these below:

- allow option for appetizer or desert
- lower the price of the dining plan if keeping as is
- raise the price and go back to including the appetizer and gratuity
- add refillable mug

my preferred suggestion would be to raise the price ($45 to even $50 per day if necessary) and go back to including the appetizer and gratuity. It should go back to being a convenience of not having to worry about paying out of pocket here and there for additional things and having everything prepaid in advance. Maybe raise the price to $50, include a refillable mug and include gratuity and appetizer?

The 2008 dining plan changes in my opinion are a BIG step in the wrong direction. I understand Disney is trying to get people through dinner faster without giving appetizer, but they are also taking A LOT out of the prepaid plan and only decreasing the cost by $1. Also, now we have to be concerned about paying extra if we just want a small salad with our meal and also tips. I just want to sit down, order, eat, hand them my dining plan card and be done with it.

what are your thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Hundreds of posts on sites all over the web would seem to disagree.

I think people are over analyzing this whole thing. I took a group of 36 very diverse people...some who had never left the state of Illinois, some who had never flown on an airplane and some who had never ever stayed in a hotel or motel before. Only once did one person have an issue with the ddp. That was when they wanted to get a bucket of popcorn using a snack credit. I think people read these websites and get this mindset that makes them think: "Let's see, to get the best deal, I have to eat the most expensive items, so I have to track down snacks that are exactly $4.00 not $2.49 or $2.99, I have to order the most expensive dinners and desserts even if it's not what I want". Simply go, eat and have fun.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I think people are over analyzing this whole thing. I took a group of 36 very diverse people...some who had never left the state of Illinois, some who had never flown on an airplane and some who had never ever stayed in a hotel or motel before. Only once did one person have an issue with the ddp. That was when they wanted to get a bucket of popcorn using a snack credit. I think people read these websites and get this mindset that makes them think: "Let's see, to get the best deal, I have to eat the most expensive items, so I have to track down snacks that are exactly $4.00 not $2.49 or $2.99, I have to order the most expensive dinners and desserts even if it's not what I want". Simply go, eat and have fun.

Thats what we did in 07, and shock horror we didnt use up every credit and even paid for a breakfast :cry: Under the previous plan I would agree with that statement however as I said early Im not really a desert person so is it really that much of a convenience given the new changes?

I think the issue will be those (who will probably be a significant number) who have previously used the plan and havent taken in the changes in the literature. The eldest Sak is visiting in May and having used the on line menus decided against the plan, its definitely worth it for some, but I dont think you can say its the no brainier it used to be.


Well-Known Member
my ideas would be some of these below:

- allow option for appetizer or desert
- lower the price of the dining plan if keeping as is
- raise the price and go back to including the appetizer and gratuity
- add refillable mug

my preferred suggestion would be to raise the price ($45 to even $50 per day if necessary) and go back to including the appetizer and gratuity. It should go back to being a convenience of not having to worry about paying out of pocket here and there for additional things and having everything prepaid in advance. Maybe raise the price to $50, include a refillable mug and include gratuity and appetizer?

what are your thoughts?

In 1997 and 1999, they had something called the "Food and Fun Plan" or something close to that name.

You paid $50 per adult per night and $20 per child per night.
They credited you with a value of $55 per adult per night and $25 per child per night.

The 1999 plan may have cost $5 per night more.

To use the plan, you presented your card, and it was an even dollar for dollar payment - I believe it included tip, not sure about alcohol. You could eat whatever you wanted to.

It could also be used for selected recreation, such as Mouse Boats, etc.

In 1997 we came within $75 of using all of our money, but only because my parents joined us part way during the trip to have a large meal.

In 1999 I believe we had $200 left, AFTER spending a bunch on snacks to take home.

Both of those trips were 7 night trips, so with a party of 2 adults and 1 child, we were looking at spending at least $945 (1997), of which $840 was from our wallets, the rest was "free".

I believe that this plan then evolved into the Dream Make Silver plan, where the price point was about $68 per adult per night for food and recreation "points"...


Well-Known Member
Bottom Line seems to be that we need a choice between an appetizer and a dessert. Does Disney respond to online petitions at all? Just curious. There seems to be jsut as much discontent about this as I've heard on one thread in a long time.


Well-Known Member
To me the crux of the issue is the fact that they took away the tip without really adjusting the price of the plan. I would also say that most people don't want to be pulling out their wallet to pay a tip, when they have already prepaid for food. Isn't that really one of the main reasons for prepaying for your food?? I am betting next year with so many complaints they will add gratuatity back to the plan. Well I hope so anyway. If your truly ticked off about the new plan don't buy it on your next trip, and send Disney an email about how your not going to use the plan anymore. If enough people complain they hopefully will listen.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
To me the crux of the issue is the fact that they took away the tip without really adjusting the price of the plan. I would also say that most people don't want to be pulling out their wallet to pay a tip, when they have already prepaid for food. Isn't that really one of the main reasons for prepaying for your food?? I am betting next year with so many complaints they will add gratuatity back to the plan. Well I hope so anyway. If your truly ticked off about the new plan don't buy it on your next trip, and send Disney an email about how your not going to use the plan anymore. If enough people complain they hopefully will listen.

Hopefully, they'll just do away with the DDP altogether.

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