Being that Disney is all righteous and political correct being a "family" entertainment company and all, I can't fathom how they haven't fired Warburton by now.
How is it they employ a super well known voice actor for their kids cartoons and even have him do the Soarin per-show ride, yet anyone age 14-25 probably better knows him as Joe from Family Guy: one of the most racist and politically incorrect show on TV...and on during prime time!
However, animation has that silver lining that real TV shows just can't get around. With animation/cartoons, I guess they can just say its "make believe" and therefore, ok to do a show like that. I guess that is why the Simpsons can have an Indian running the Quik-e-mart, the police chief is basically a fat imbecile resembling a "pig", the head of the nuclear power plant is a greedy anti-environement scrooge, and that Carl (the black guy) is an incredible basketball player. :ROFLOL: