Parking secret

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Well-Known Member
What really bothers me about your attitude is that you feel that being financially disadvantaged is an excuse for breaking rules. That is an incredibly short sided arguement. It is an insult to anyone who is in the same financial situation as you. Why not just take resposibility for your own actions without blaming everything and everybody else? I have a sneaking feeling that even if you had all the money in the world you would still break rules and blame it on something else. Grow up.


Well-Known Member
Parking at a resort when not doing buisness at the resort is cheating the system....

"The system was created to maintaign the parking lots at the parks and even the resorts. In order to do this they have a price to use their lots. the resort guests pay for parking by paying for their room.... or eating at the resorts resturaunt....

If you are staying not on property and part at the resorts to get free parking for the theme parks you are robbing others of a chance to have reliable transportation, great surface on the parking lots, terriffic lights in the lots, and many others...."

Finally it is best to just pay the money and help pay for the things you are using than robb disney and have a chance at getting your car towed... Thank you and good day sir...

(please block his IP this time..)


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member

is it that cold and snowy in connecticut right now, that the strip clubs are snowed in, and you must pester us


Well-Known Member
domincfh69 said:
If i'm ruining someones vacation by parking at their hotel then thats pretty sad....its true that some people save up for a long time to stay there, but most people willing to shell out 300 + a night for a room are very wealthy to begin with....i dont think violating this rule is hurting anyone so seriously that they have to come on a website and bash me....its just not that big of a deal...let people park where they please....Disney is a symbol of America...and America is a symbol of freedom.....freedom to park wherever they want to!!!

It could hurt someone else's experience. How would you feel if you paid all that money for a deluxe resort stay and then couldn't find a parking space because some jack @sses took all the parking spaces. (That's not aimed specifically at you, but at the countless people who have tried to bend the rules to suit themselves.) Would you get a good impression of the hotel? Would you want to return to a hotel with no available parking? Would your vacation start off on the right foot if you had to park your car in some obscure far away parking space? I'm guessing not.

And here you are wondering how it could affect other people's vacations. :hammer:


Well-Known Member
Lauriebar said:
What really bothers me about your attitude is that you feel that being financially disadvantaged is an excuse for breaking rules. That is an incredibly short sided arguement. It is an insult to anyone who is in the same financial situation as you. Why not just take resposibility for your own actions without blaming everything and everybody else? I have a sneaking feeling that even if you had all the money in the world you would still break rules and blame it on something else. Grow up.

Great post!

This is similar to a current argument going on in my American Culture class. (Man, I hate that class :fork: ) Anyways, I don't believe that being poor is an excuse for breaking rules. I'm poor. What college student isn't? Anyways, I don't have much except countless bills, yet when I go visit the mouse I manage to follow the rules. Not being a millionaire isn't an excuse to break clearly posted rules.


New Member
tigger248 said:
Great post!

This is similar to a current argument going on in my American Culture class. (Man, I hate that class :fork: ) Anyways, I don't believe that being poor is an excuse for breaking rules. I'm poor. What college student isn't? Anyways, I don't have much except countless bills, yet when I go visit the mouse I manage to follow the rules. Not being a millionaire isn't an excuse to break clearly posted rules.

I agree. I'm 27, I work in Retail Management, I don't make tons of cash, but I seem to be able to save up the funds to go every year and pay for stuff like parking, because I would rather park at the parks themselves then having ruined someone else's vacation all because I decide to pinch a little of my purse strings here and there. Forget that. You play by the rules in life, good things tend to happen. And for the fools who break said rules, the Universe tends to un-spool on those unfortunate folk. :)


Premium Member
What I don't understand is when people are shelling out hundreds/thousands of dollars to go to Disneyworld, WHY are they so concerned that they have to pay for parking? It's like pennies when you look at the cost of the whole trip. I've haven't even been posting here a year yet and so many times I've seen threads just like this. It's pathetic.

Want another money saving secret? When you go out for a nice Disney dinner, simply don't give the server a gratuity. That will save you a few dollars too! Afterall, tipping is optional so why should you have to do it? (sarcasm)

Just because you CAN bend the rules doesn't mean you SHOULD.


Premium Member
BTW - You can't just "tell them you're there to eat". When we were at 'Ohana a few days ago the security guard checked our ID's and a list she had to be sure we had priority seating and then we were given a time stamped parking pass.


Well-Known Member
Laura22 said:
What I don't understand is when people are shelling out hundreds/thousands of dollars to go to Disneyworld, WHY are they so concerned that they have to pay for parking? It's like pennies when you look at the cost of the whole trip. I've haven't even been posting here a year yet and so many times I've seen threads just like this. It's pathetic.

Want another money saving secret? When you go out for a nice Disney dinner, simply don't give the server a gratuity. That will save you a few dollars too! Afterall, tipping is optional so why should you have to do it? (sarcasm)

Just because you CAN bend the rules doesn't mean you SHOULD.

Exactly. If you can't afford the $7.00 parking fee, then why on earth are you vacationing in WDW? If the parking fee is too much to pay, then perhaps another vacation destination should be considered.

And, for the record, I've seen more than one theme park with higher fees than that. $7.00 may seem high, but in comparison to other places, it's not.


Beta Return
Ok, well, I thought I'd chime in with my usual hatefulness and sarcasm:

1. Parking in a lot that is "reserved" for other guests is technically stealing.
2. Taking up a space in a lot for other guests is rude and selfish
3. This is America - we are NOT a Socialist or Communist country (one may argue this knowing our federal income tax structure, but that's another topic). If you make more money, or save more money, you get to do bigger and better things - period. You may not think it's fair, but if you want to stay in the Poly or GF or AKL, you should save a few more dollars or get a better-paying job, period. Heck, i went to college, have a great job, make good money, but after all my bills, I still only save enough to go once a year or every two years, and only stay in a Moderate Resort (and only if I'm using a discount code!). I don't complain. I'd LOVE to stay at AKL or GF or Poly, but I can't afford it right now and I accept that. I don't resent those who CAN afford it (I might envy them, but I don't resent them). And I'm not ABOUT to let my selfishness override my morals and ethics just to save $7 on a $1000 trip!
4. This person probably uses his cell phone on/in attractions; steals hotel towels; doesn't tip the maid; uses flash photography in/on attractions; parks in handicap parking spaces; and cuts in line - all without giving it a second thought. Sad society we're seeing develop.

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
I think that Disney caught on to this parking theft and discontinued direct busses from Downtown Disney to the parks.

The busses go to resorts only from DD.

If you choose to "save" $7 with this tactic, you will spend close to an hour getting from Point A (to Point B) to Point C.

And really, isn't your time worth more than $7 per hour?????????


Active Member
Yeah I was just wondering. My fiance and I did this once on new years eve 1999...the big one. We had annual passes at the time so we weren't cheating or anything but Downtown Disney was literally the only place to park.

We always stay at her grandparents villa which is only about a 7 min drive to any park. That day it took us 5 hours before we got to that spot at Downtown Disney. I must note that only 10 mins into that drive I had to tinkle. My fiance can't drive stick so I was stuck until we got to Downtown Disney. Honestly thought that was one of our best trips to date.



Well-Known Member
Interesting discussion, but one that needs a little additional context I think.

I'm not going to advocate for or against any particular position, but just simply add some facts.

Hotels & Restaurants in Florida (including all those on Disney property) are defined under state law as "Public Lodgings" - the operative word here being Public.

An operator of a "Public Lodging" may deny or revoke access to someone for a variety of reasons, including disorderly conduct, public intoxication, intent to distrubute illegal substances, etc, etc. Absent one of those obvious common sense reasons, public access means public access.

Disney certainly has the right to try to discourage parking by day guests, but the "rule" referred to in this thread has little or no legal standing. As for being towed, that's not going to happen. Unless signs are prominently and frequently erected announcing "Parking is for Resort Guests Only. All others will be Towed", no basis for towing exists. The "Rule" doesn't count.

Does Disney have the right to erect parking kiosks, and collect a fee from every day guest? Of course they do. But I'm quite sure they know the ill will that this would create wouldn't be worth it.

From a personal standpoint, I would estimate that in the last 10 weeks (which obviously includes Christmas), I have parked at Disney resorts 16 to 20 times. Without exception, the exchange went thusly: "Hello Sir. Checking in?" "No (handing over my local license), just visiting." "Thank you Sir. Valet parking to your right, self parking to the left. Have a nice visit."

I couldn't care less about the $7 - but I will continue to avail myself of the public parking that WDW makes available to me, and that I find most convenient.

Finally, I almost always spend something at the resort where I park, a meal or a snack, or a gift. I never park at the Poly because I recognize the limits of the lot. I was turned away from WL on Christmas Eve, 2003 because the lot was full - and I did the u-turn without complaint. And I never lie to get in a lot - I've never been asked if I'm going to a theme park.


Well-Known Member
fillerup said:
Interesting discussion, but one that needs a little additional context I think.

I'm not going to advocate for or against any particular position, but just simply add some facts.

Hotels & Restaurants in Florida (including all those on Disney property) are defined under state law as "Public Lodgings" - the operative word here being Public.

An operator of a "Public Lodging" may deny or revoke access to someone for a variety of reasons, including disorderly conduct, public intoxication, intent to distrubute illegal substances, etc, etc. Absent one of those obvious common sense reasons, public access means public access.

Disney certainly has the right to try to discourage parking by day guests, but the "rule" referred to in this thread has little or no legal standing. As for being towed, that's not going to happen. Unless signs are prominently and frequently erected announcing "Parking is for Resort Guests Only. All others will be Towed", no basis for towing exists. The "Rule" doesn't count.

Does Disney have the right to erect parking kiosks, and collect a fee from every day guest? Of course they do. But I'm quite sure they know the ill will that this would create wouldn't be worth it.

From a personal standpoint, I would estimate that in the last 10 weeks (which obviously includes Christmas), I have parked at Disney resorts 16 to 20 times. Without exception, the exchange went thusly: "Hello Sir. Checking in?" "No (handing over my local license), just visiting." "Thank you Sir. Valet parking to your right, self parking to the left. Have a nice visit."

I couldn't care less about the $7 - but I will continue to avail myself of the public parking that WDW makes available to me, and that I find most convenient.

Finally, I almost always spend something at the resort where I park, a meal or a snack, or a gift. I never park at the Poly because I recognize the limits of the lot. I was turned away from WL on Christmas Eve, 2003 because the lot was full - and I did the u-turn without complaint. And I never lie to get in a lot - I've never been asked if I'm going to a theme park.
Wow, I've never seen such a level of rationalization applied to cheating the system. The first part of your post speaks to your sense of entitlement, then you get all soft in the last paragraph, as if to say "I know I'm cheating the system, but I'm doing it in an honorable way." Also, you're not technically lying to the CM at the lot, you're simply omitting key information.

Those are some mad rationalization skills you've got going for you there!


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
fillerup said:
Interesting discussion, but one that needs a little additional context I think.

I'm not going to advocate for or against any particular position, but just simply add some facts.

Hotels & Restaurants in Florida (including all those on Disney property) are defined under state law as "Public Lodgings" - the operative word here being Public.

An operator of a "Public Lodging" may deny or revoke access to someone for a variety of reasons, including disorderly conduct, public intoxication, intent to distrubute illegal substances, etc, etc. Absent one of those obvious common sense reasons, public access means public access.

Disney certainly has the right to try to discourage parking by day guests, but the "rule" referred to in this thread has little or no legal standing. As for being towed, that's not going to happen. Unless signs are prominently and frequently erected announcing "Parking is for Resort Guests Only. All others will be Towed", no basis for towing exists. The "Rule" doesn't count.

Does Disney have the right to erect parking kiosks, and collect a fee from every day guest? Of course they do. But I'm quite sure they know the ill will that this would create wouldn't be worth it.

From a personal standpoint, I would estimate that in the last 10 weeks (which obviously includes Christmas), I have parked at Disney resorts 16 to 20 times. Without exception, the exchange went thusly: "Hello Sir. Checking in?" "No (handing over my local license), just visiting." "Thank you Sir. Valet parking to your right, self parking to the left. Have a nice visit."

I couldn't care less about the $7 - but I will continue to avail myself of the public parking that WDW makes available to me, and that I find most convenient.

Finally, I almost always spend something at the resort where I park, a meal or a snack, or a gift. I never park at the Poly because I recognize the limits of the lot. I was turned away from WL on Christmas Eve, 2003 because the lot was full - and I did the u-turn without complaint. And I never lie to get in a lot - I've never been asked if I'm going to a theme park.


I have countless attorneys in my family, and not one could rationalize this as well as you. I hope you're disbarred.

This is just going under the assumption you're attorney.

Gail Hayden

New Member
Irrawaddy Erik said:
Yes.....but the boards are located in England..........BUBYE

Does not really matter where they are located. Freedom of speech does not apply to private boards. Rules are set up and expected to be followed.
BTW, I think that England is pretty free with speech. :)

Gail Hayden

New Member
domincfh69 said:
If i'm ruining someones vacation by parking at their hotel then thats pretty sad....its true that some people save up for a long time to stay there, but most people willing to shell out 300 + a night for a room are very wealthy to begin with....i dont think violating this rule is hurting anyone so seriously that they have to come on a website and bash me....its just not that big of a deal...let people park where they please....Disney is a symbol of America...and America is a symbol of freedom.....freedom to park wherever they want to!!!

Disney is a symbol of corporate America, privately owned. Your "freedoms" do not extend to private property. When on private property it is expected that you follow the rules. Do you think it ok to park in your neighbor's yard because you live in America, do you? Right,sure, wealthy and spend 300.00 a night. Probably not. They work, save and have a wonderful time on vacation.

Gail Hayden

New Member
wannab@dis said:
exactly what I thought... only an attorney could do so well at rationalization and cheating!

It appears our little unfortunate friend from CT does pretty well and I do doubt he is an attorney. :) Do you have a problem with attorneys?
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