Park security checks


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Original Poster
This is not meant as a put-down by any means, but has anyone ever had anything refused or removed from a bag at the security checkpoints at the parks?


New Member

I have never seen or heard about that. However I do think that it is waste of time. I mean come on if some of those crazy people out there in the world want to do something @ WDW then they will do it. The bag checks are just a false sense of secuirty there. I mean what is stopping a terrorist from doing something on a bus. God forbid anything like that will ever happen again but we all know that it is possible. I would not mind walking through a metal detector before going into the parks. It would make me feel safer I know that. Sorry to go off on the bag checks but it is a complete waste of time.


Bag Checks

Im sorry Evil, i totally disagree with what you are saying, i mean yes they can blow up buses but you dont get 100's of thousand people all in one place on a bus. after spending time in the armed forces i know about the threat of bombs whether they be mobile or carrying. The suicide bombers cause more of a threat to anyone than car/bus bombs. The bag checks are needed nowadays with all the idiots out there. But i do agree on walking through metal detectors but how can they notice a bomb made of high explosive afterall they dont contain metal?


New Member
masonp said:
Im sorry Evil, i totally disagree with what you are saying, i mean yes they can blow up buses but you dont get 100's of thousand people all in one place on a bus. after spending time in the armed forces i know about the threat of bombs whether they be mobile or carrying. The suicide bombers cause more of a threat to anyone than car/bus bombs. The bag checks are needed nowadays with all the idiots out there. But i do agree on walking through metal detectors but how can they notice a bomb made of high explosive afterall they dont contain metal?

I agree, it may not seem like they're really "checking" the bags sometimes but they are. I feel better knowing that security is in the front of the park checking bags. You'd be surprised what some people want to bring into the park. It's not even just bombs too, but knives, maybe guns etc. People in Florida can carry guns on them, and i'm sure they've had to send a couple people off before and told them they couldn't come in the park. Granted we've been lucky not to have any threats towards Disney, but I still agree with the bag checks.


New Member
Bag checks are both good and bad. It is very necessary for bags to be checked, but what about people carrying guns and weapons on themselves? If people are adament about bringing a gun into the park, they will regardless of bag checks..


New Member
I personally feel it is more of a 'people' check than bag check anyway. Looking for out of the ordinary people who wear jackets is the summer, etc...

Since a lot of suicide bombs have the strapped to their person, a bag check would not catch anything like that.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
If I am not mistaken one of the cast members on this site said that you would be surprised on how much stuff they find. In todays society the bag checks are a necessary evil. Quite honestly I have no problem with them installing metal and explosive detectors at the entrance. The bag checks are a deterrent in spite of what most people think. Five minuets out of my day is a very small price to pay if it prevents one psychopath from bringing a bomb into MK and killing a bunch of kids.


They took beer out of my cooler at Blizzard Beach - it really was an oversight - we had it in there from the night before and my DH just put in some extra pop and ice. Oops... :eek:

On the park security - I feel better just that they're looking. Disney seems better looking in each pocket. At IOA, the security guard didn't even hardly glance at my backpack - I had it open and he just waved me through.


New Member
I think the bag checks are a great thing. I don't know if i agree with the metal detectors though. Metal detectors have a sense of forboding (imo) and can seem scary. I think the bag checks are working just fine so lets just leave it at that.


Well-Known Member
Master Yoda said:
If I am not mistaken one of the cast members on this site said that you would be surprised on how much stuff they find. In todays society the bag checks are a necessary evil. Quite honestly I have no problem with them installing metal and explosive detectors at the entrance. The bag checks are a deterrent in spite of what most people think. Five minuets out of my day is a very small price to pay if it prevents one psychopath from bringing a bomb into MK and killing a bunch of kids.
I agree Master Yoda!!! I work and live in NYC. My office is about 8 minutes from Ground Zero. As Master Yoda says if it is 5 minutes out of my day to bring a bit more safety into my day at Disney then so be it!!!! Recently there has been bag searches implemented up here in the NYC Subways due to the bombings of the London subways. Some people have a problem and say that this impedes their personal freedoms and takes up too much time. My question back would be so what should be done? Nothing? It may not be perfect ( nothing ever will be) but if it is one more deterrent Ill go with it!!! Belle


New Member
EvilEmperorZurg said:
Sorry to go off on the bag checks but it is a complete waste of time.
I'm sorry you feel this way.

I agree these security personel don't appear as if they serve a useful purpose and yes, if someone really wants to terrorize a Disney Park, they can and will, but having these bag checks WILL help eliminate whackos on a whim. These checks will help prevent a casual effort to envoke an act of terrorism. These checks will keep out smaller weapons that may cause only minimal tragedies. These checks will keep out pranksters and small time idiots looking to gain attention. These checks will keep out someone walking in the front door with a knapsack full of explosives.

If the trade off of these check points is a half hour of my time, I'll gladly spend that time in line if it only minimally increases mine and my families safety. I'll wait 2 hours in a line to go on a ride yet I won't spend 10 minutes in a line inspecting bags? Amazing.... :brick:
I was at Epcot Yesterday (8/21/05) and while I do not mind bag checks usually, but the ones at Epcot seem to take more time thanm they need to. I mean it was 15 minutes just to get through bag check and through the gates and into the park.

I like the bag check stations at MK because they are separate from the turnstyes. But at Epcot they bag check stations are right before the turnstyles and they cause alot of congestion.

As for needing them, I do not think we have a choice. They will always be there because of the world we live in.

But unfortuntely I do think that if a terrorist wanted to sneak something into one of the parks he/she could with ease.

Keep the bag checks just make them quicker.

Just my 2¢.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
tigger_rox00 said:
I think the bag checks are a great thing. I don't know if i agree with the metal detectors though. Metal detectors have a sense of forboding (imo) and can seem scary. I think the bag checks are working just fine so lets just leave it at that.
From what I heard Disney is working on metal detectors and when they are perfected you will never know you went through it.


Well-Known Member
I think they are a good idea but I think the ones at Epcot are misplaced. They are right infront of the ticket machines and cause a major backup. The ones at the MK are well placed.


Well-Known Member
Master Yoda said:
From what I heard Disney is working on metal detectors and when they are perfected you will never know you went through it.

But that would not work as you would be stopped because of cameras etc setting it off.


New Member
I feel safer now that they do bag checks. I had water bottles wrapped in newspaper to keep them cool and they made me unwrap them to see what I was carrying. I don't mind waiting the extra 5-10 mins if it will keep me safe.

As someone else said...i'm sure they also use the bag check as a profiling system. Although I know they aren't suppossed to profile, it seems to be a necessary action as WDW is a possible terrorist target.

Huge Dreamer

New Member
I'm in favor of the check points and feel that they are needed, but they don't do a good job checking bags at all. When I go to disney I always have a backpack but they have never check all the pockets and the one pocket they check they don't even check they just glance into it.


New Member
Gucci65 said:
Here is the horrible thought I've had about bag checkpoints ever since they were implemented:

IF someone wanted to harm guests, the early morning crowd going thru the bag check would be a prime target.

How come no one else has thought about this???? Or do I just have an over-active imagination?

good idea.

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