You NEVER ride an attraction without using a Fastpass? I call BS. If not, then you are, in fact, a poor planner, because it means you aren't utilizing the end of the night when much less Fastpasses are being used and thus the lines are moving significantly faster than what their wait times are posting, because the wait times are calculated by taking into consideration an 80% Fastpass return.
And here we go with the reading comprehension issues because you're fighting instead of attempting to understand what I'm saying.
Keep your call of BS for yourself, because I never said I "NEVER" ride an attraction without using a Fastpass. Here is your question to me:
So what do you do when you visit a park and your three allotted Fastpasses are used and there aren't any good ones left?
And my response was that it hasn't happened yet.
How do you take that to mean I never use a Fastpass?
First of all, it inherently acknowledges that I've used up my three for the day, so that's at least three.
The second part of your premise is that after I've used up those three, there aren't any good ones left. That has never happened. And so you would be less likely to misunderstand, I emphasized the point by asking "Which ones are not good ones?" indicating that to me, there aren't any or many that aren't good ones.
After I use my first three Fastpasses, I see if anything else interests me, depending on where I am in which park (so I don't go running around from one end to the other.) That might be an attraction with a Fastpass like Pirates, or an attraction that doesn't use Fastpass like Carousel of Progress. (Maybe that's "not a good one" to you? I happen to enjoy it.) We're not all here to go on top tier attractions all day. I've never sat down on a bench at 1PM and said, "Darn, if only I could get a Fastpass for Haunted Mansion right now."
So, I think I do plan quite well, because whatever 3 are truly important, I get the FP for. Anything else is gravy, not owed to me. There are times when I see things I expect to see, like 7DMT having none left, and there are times I see things I don't expect to see, like a long line for IASW.
Yes, I know full well about "the end of the night." I also know that almost every park day is a half day park day for two parks. I go to one in the morning, use my FP, go for lunch, back to the room, back out for dinner, and another park for the evening. (OMG, without 3 FP?! How does he do it??)