Spectromagic had plenty for boys. I loved it when i was a kid and i'm a guy. Most of the floats were relatively gender neutral, including the first few with the trumpet playing Spectromen and Mickey's large float. Not to mention a number of the Fantasia floats were very appealing to males, such as the dark winged horses and Chernabog.
I have said this before and may have made some enemies in saying this- I am not the biggest Paint the Night fan, particularly its placement along Main Street. It is far too modern and pop music centric for my taste to begin with, but even on its own merits (which would probably work better at Hollywood Studios), it just doesn't feel appropriate for Main Street.
The lighting technology is very impressive obviously, there is no question about that. But the float designs underneath all the lighting are relatively uninteresting. There are some exceptions such as the Beauty and the Beast or Frozen floats, but the others are less interesting. Even the simpler ball floats (the ones with characters riding on top) are less elaborate in design than Spectromagic.
I went into far greater detail about my opinions on PtN, Spectro and other night parades and design choices in this thread-
There was a well thought out elegance in Spectromagic that is missing in PtN. Heck i would argue even MSEP and Dreamlights have this same elegance to an extent (though a lesser extent than Spectro). I would also group Fantillusion in this as well. Their style (again modern programmable LED lighting technology being ignored here in favor of discussing underlying float design and music) is more fitting to be travelling down Main Street than Paint the Night.
I am sorry to whom this may offend, I am normally critical of WDW (at least as it has been for the past two decades) and in praise of Disneyland or the foreign Disney parks. But Paint the Night is not something I would be entirely satisfied with having at Magic Kingdom. And I fully admit that our MSEP is an outdated mess that needs replacing.
Ideally again I would love to see a revival of Spectromagic made out with new lighting technology. Similar to how Dreamlights is to MSEP, i'd like to see a new Spectromagic redone with the same philosophies that went into keeping Dreamlights fresh.