Paint the night is not moving to Disney World. Stop bumping this.


Well-Known Member
@aladdin2007 and @Figments Friend

I agree with both of you about Paint the Night. Paint the Night has many problems, and they all sort of contribute towards the parade being fairly inappropriate for it travelling down Main Street. The floats designs and especially the music are far too contemporary. Perhaps it could fit at DCA or DHS, but definitely doesn't go with Main Street and its late 1800s to early 1900s theme. I made a much more detailed post about my feelings and logic on PtN versus other previous parades in this thread-

Lighting tech aside (which also isn't without problems in the execution of color and choreography) and a couple of good float designs, I just can't get myself to like Paint the Night. It feels far too modern and techno (or as you said rave-like and garish) for something that travels down an elegant early 1900s town. The music, lighting choregraphy and even underlying float designs (and movie choices used for that matter) just clash horribly.

I'm not going to suggest we need to continue running dilapidated parades without upgrades or changes because that isn't a good solution either. But there are still very important design philosophies in those old parades that need to be adhered to in modern castle park parades. Dreamlights is a good example of how to pull this off correctly- it continually receives new or upgraded versions of old floats with similar lighting tech to PtN (much of the parade is now as advanced tech wise as PtN, and continues to get better every year). But unlike PtN, they mostly did not forego respect and integrity for the surrounding environments in the process.
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Well-Known Member
@aladdin2007 and @Figments Friend

I agree with both of you about Paint the Night. Paint the Night has many problems, one of the most glaring being that it is inappropriate to an 1800s or early 1900s setting. The floats designs and especially the music are far too contemporary. Perhaps it could fit at DCA or DHS, but definitely doesn't go with Main Street. I made a detailed post about my feelings and logic on PtN versus other previous parades-

Lighting tech aside (which also isn't without some problems) and a couple of good float designs, I just can't get myself to like Paint the Night. It feels far too modern and techno, or as you said rave-like and garish, for something that travels down an elegant early 1900s town. The music, lighting choregraphy and even underlying float designs (and movie choices used for that matter) just clash horribly. I'm not going to suggest we need to continue running dilapidated parades without upgrades or changes because that isn't a good solution either. But there are still very important design choices and philosophies in those old parades that need to be adhered to in newer projects so they still fit the environments they exist in. And as I have said before, Dreamlights is a good example of how to pull this off correctly- it continually receives new or upgraded versions of old floats with similar lighting tech to PtN. But unlike PtN, it did not lose any of its respect for the surrounding environments in the upgrade process.

I very much agree with your detailed comments. What also bothers me is the big semi truck float, just what main street needs; a semi truck. is this the mack float everyone was discussing a few posts back? because its really tacky for main street. I really miss the classy magical grandeur of spectro. And was really hoping management would want something of that type of caliber. But management today doesn't understand that any longer I dont think and whatever is the cheapest wins out. Maybe the pressure is on to do something sooner rather than later because its really not the same without a light parade. Nightfall Glow in Tokyo is stunning, music and everything, why cant we have something like that?


Well-Known Member
I believe someone brought up that MKs sounds system would need to be changed/updated for PTN?

Also, while it's not that important, both DL and HKDL have parade route lighting where the lights sync to the intro of PTN.. MK does not have this. with the exception of the hub light towers which may or may not be capable of syncing with the music. I don't see them installing lights along the rest of the route just for PTN lol. HKDL has the best lighting for their PTN intro:

DL did the same thing last night with MSEP. It's hard to see on the video since Main Street's lights are still on but it's there. IDK if it was just for the media night.
I very much agree with your detailed comments. What also bothers me is the big semi truck float, just what main street needs; a semi truck. is this the mack float everyone was discussing a few posts back? because its really tacky for main street. I really miss the classy magical grandeur of spectro. And was really hoping management would want something of that type of caliber. But management today doesn't understand that any longer I dont think and whatever is the cheapest wins out. Maybe the pressure is on to do something sooner rather than later because its really not the same without a light parade. Nightfall Glow in Tokyo is stunning, music and everything, why cant we have something like that?

Nightfall Glow is great but it's just a rain parade. Don't know how far you can go with the nightfall glow idea.

Pam Hates Penguins

Well-Known Member
I very much agree with your detailed comments. What also bothers me is the big semi truck float, just what main street needs; a semi truck. is this the mack float everyone was discussing a few posts back? because its really tacky for main street. I really miss the classy magical grandeur of spectro. And was really hoping management would want something of that type of caliber. But management today doesn't understand that any longer I dont think and whatever is the cheapest wins out. Maybe the pressure is on to do something sooner rather than later because its really not the same without a light parade. Nightfall Glow in Tokyo is stunning, music and everything, why cant we have something like that?

I'm sure you wouldn't be bothered with a Star Wars float going down Main Street.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you wouldn't be bothered with a Star Wars float going down Main Street.
Is that sarcasm? I think a lot of us would be bothered with a Star Wars float going down Main Street. I certainly wouldn't like it (I am a big fan of Star Wars but that sort of placement would be massively inappropriate and horrible) and I would bet aladdin2007 would probably agree...

That is the sort of thing a troll like Phil12 would argue in favor of, not the rest of the relatively sane community here.

Pam Hates Penguins

Well-Known Member
Is that sarcasm? I think a lot of us would be bothered with a Star Wars float going down Main Street. I certainly wouldn't like it (I am a big fan of Star Wars but that sort of placement would be massively inappropriate and horrible) and I would bet aladdin2007 would probably agree...

That is the sort of thing a troll like Phil12 would argue in favor of, not the rest of the relatively sane community here.

I'm serious. Many people don't care where it is, as long as they can get it.

That's one good reason Disneyland built a Star Wars land. To keep it out of areas not needed.


Well-Known Member
According to what I am hearing one of the Pinocchio floats has been removed from the parade since it was so badly damaged being transported across the country. Goes to show how well TDO takes care of it's parades.

one reason why they are probably getting rid of them left and right. only one left now, well the christmas and halloween ones if you count those...but use to be one in each park with two at mk. now were down to festival of fantasy and thats it. pretty sad.

Pam Hates Penguins

Well-Known Member
Not a good excuse for TDO's cheapness. Hell, the entire 6 years the Parade was here, they never bothered to change the drum on the first float from Disney's Electrical Parade (It's name for it's DCA run) to Main Street Electrical Parade. It only finally happened when it returned to Disneyland.

True. You changed my mind.


Well-Known Member
@aladdin2007 and @Figments Friend

I agree with both of you about Paint the Night. Paint the Night has many problems, and they all sort of contribute towards the parade being fairly inappropriate for it travelling down Main Street. The floats designs and especially the music are far too contemporary. Perhaps it could fit at DCA or DHS, but definitely doesn't go with Main Street and its late 1800s to early 1900s theme. I made a much more detailed post about my feelings and logic on PtN versus other previous parades in this thread-

Lighting tech aside (which also isn't without problems in the execution of color and choreography) and a couple of good float designs, I just can't get myself to like Paint the Night. It feels far too modern and techno (or as you said rave-like and garish) for something that travels down an elegant early 1900s town. The music, lighting choregraphy and even underlying float designs (and movie choices used for that matter) just clash horribly.

I'm not going to suggest we need to continue running dilapidated parades without upgrades or changes because that isn't a good solution either. But there are still very important design philosophies in those old parades that need to be adhered to in modern castle park parades. Dreamlights is a good example of how to pull this off correctly- it continually receives new or upgraded versions of old floats with similar lighting tech to PtN (much of the parade is now as advanced tech wise as PtN, and continues to get better every year). But unlike PtN, they mostly did not forego respect and integrity for the surrounding environments in the process.

This line of logic doesn't carry too far. In the last 25 years Disneyland has had an Aladdin parade, a Lion King parade, a Hercules parade and a Mulan parade before the trend of multi-film parades like Parade of Dreams and Soundsational took hold. None of these parades fit 1900 Main Street USA, and the MSEP certainly doesn't with its distinctly 70s moog soundtrack.

It's fine to say you prefer more stately processions in castle parks as opposed to high energy shows like PTN, but let's not pretend a single Disney parade actually fits the theme of Main Street USA.

I personally disagree that castle park parades must be grand and stately as opposed to fun and high energy. There's room for both if done well. PTN is gorgeous and done very well for the most part. Move It Shake It is hot garbage. Festival of Fantasy is great, Parade of the Stars was horrible.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
This line of logic doesn't carry too far. In the last 25 years Disneyland has had an Aladdin parade, a Lion King parade, a Hercules parade and a Mulan parade before the trend of multi-film parades like Parade of Dreams and Soundsational took hold. None of these parades fit 1900 Main Street USA, and the MSEP certainly doesn't with its distinctly 70s moog soundtrack.

Right. I can't think of one parade Disneyland has or has had in which the floats, music, and overall theme matched that of a turn-of-the century small town in the Midwest. Based on that logic, MSEP shouldn't work either. Or Soundsational.

This logic should be applied to everything that goes down on Main Street. We're supposed to be walking down an early 20th century town, and yet the stores along the area sell contemporary one complains about that. No one complains about the various characters that meet on Main Street, like Cruella and Pinocchio. Speaking of characters, I'm sure one wouldn't see Alice and Hatter, both originating in England, playing Musical Chairs with people in 1910 middle America, but it works.


Well-Known Member
I actually do think the Main Street shops should sell more period-appropriate merchandise, and less modern. These were my favorite souvenirs bought from the Emporium when I was little-

Disney has always played with the limits of what works with Main Street, mixing characters and locations from different periods (like the Castle). It works to a degree with some clever and talented imagineers, but there are limits to how far you can take it before it becomes a messy mishmash that doesn't work. Without talent, even seemingly compatible ideas can clash (Fantasyland at WDW). There is a certain disconnect/break to the immersion I would have with seeing Buzz Lightyear, the Incredibles or Darth Vader walking down Main Street that I wouldn't have seeing Mary Poppins, Pinocchio, Mickey and company or any of the Princes or Princesses.

There's a valid argument for MSEP fitting much better with Main Street (though I won't deny that it is a tight fit and stretches a bit at times) than Paint the Night (which makes very little attempt to fit and mostly just assaults the senses with overt modernness).

I never grew as fond of Baroque Hoedown as others. I like it somewhat and it's catchy/memorable/nostalgic, and it does indeed fit better than PtN's score, but I far prefer the Spectromagic and Fantillusion scores (both their quality as well as appropriateness). MSEP's score gets too repetitive and grates on me after a few loops.

But ignoring the musical score, there is also a lot of intricacy, elegance and class in the design of the floats and lighting for MSEP that is missing from most of Paint the Night (excepting a few of the floats or costumes). Spectromagic, Fantillusion and Dreamlights felt like a natural evolution of MSEP's float designs.

Day parades have never really interested me as much as the night parades. Festival of Fantasy (though it is far too short) changed that somewhat. It fits with the environment with some really well designed floats, with great/appropriate music. It has probably one of the finest and most appropriate soundtracks i've heard in a day parade (surprised Disney is capable of this anymore). Unfortunately the end briefly shifts to a modern "rave" version of the song, souring the experience a bit.
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Well-Known Member
It's fine to say you prefer more stately processions in castle parks as opposed to high energy shows like PTN, but let's not pretend a single Disney parade actually fits the theme of Main Street USA.

Bingo. Since Walt Disney put Vice President Nixon in the VIP box for the 1959 Disneyland parade that featured mermaids and astronauts and polka-dancing Swiss misses, no parade at any Castle park has ever themed correctly to circa 1905 Marceline, Missouri.

There's a valid argument for MSEP fitting much better with Main Street (though I won't deny that it is a tight fit and stretches a bit at times) than Paint the Night (which makes very little attempt to fit and mostly just assaults the senses with overt modernness).

I can't think of any valid argument for why the 1970's groovy turtle-mod MSEP fits, but 2010's PTN does not.

If this type of modern cartoon visual can roll down the Magic Kingdom's Main Street USA for years (with a giant LED swathed fantasy castle looming over the town) and still have the concept of Disney themed entertainment survive...

Then something tells me that if TDO could scrape together the funds to buy the third copy of Paint The Night, that Main Street USA and Disney themed entertainment would not only survive but the tourists from Ohio and Brazil and England would go crazy for it. Just like everyone went crazy for it at Walt Disney's Magic Kingdom of Disneyland the past few years.


Well-Known Member
As I said, i'm not filled with overwhelming adoration of MSEP's music, but it fits a little better than PtN due to the kind of beat used (rather than the synthetic instruments). Baroque Hoedown is also a better song. But I much prefer the scores for Spectromagic, Fantillusion or the orchestral alterations made to Tokyo's Dreamlights.

I also don't dislike LED technology at all, you just have to get the design and colors right. For the Castle lights, had they just scattered a basic square grid pattern onto the castle full of random neon like colors used in cheap LED strands (which people commonly do with their shrubbery at Christmas), then I would have a problem. But the light curtains are quite elegantly strung, similar to real cascading icicles.

The color of the Castle Lights could potentially benefit from a more warm white or amber color like classic incandescent lights (which can now be replicated with LED, though they would look slightly less like real ice and more like the trim lighting lining the Main Street buildings) but they still look quite good.


Premium Member
That is not true, The Dragon and Whale float from FOF can make it, And the Dragon is 53 feet and Mack is 54 Feet So it could prob make it

Part of the dragon length however is a tail that is controlled and moved around by a human.

I think Mack could make it tho

Just wish Disney would invest in a new cutting edge wdw parade at night instead of getting hand me downs

Walter Elias Disney

Well-Known Member
Parades are still a show stopping production where they provide an opportunity for children to see their beloved character friends. Children do not match the aesthetics of Main Street USA and a parade float rolling down the street. We -as in adults- are tied up in what we want to see. If we can get Paint The Night...more power to Team Disney Orlando. Orlando needs a quick fix and this might be the solution for right now. I personally enjoyed MSEP when it was new technology. It was state of the art. Unfortunately, that state of the art technology is obsolete and the technology enhancements of PTN is expected with children today. RIP this apart..I know it is coming, but we need to remember that the parks can only continue to grow with new imagination. WE are not a museum for the world to see.

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