Trip Report Our 19-Day Mediterranean Adventure – Greece, Turkey and the Search for Free Wifi

Finally, right? It seems like I’ve been waiting forever to start this, but really we’ve only been back three weeks! And in that time I’ve lived in a hotel for two weeks and driven across the country from Washington DC to our new home in...wait for it...Las Vegas! For some reason I have chosen now, surrounded by boxes that need to be unpacked, as the time to start my trip report. Stalling maybe? :D So here it goes!

What: A massive 19 day (13 days on the cruise with 6 more including travel time and extra days in Europe) trip extravaganza. A 12 night Mediterranean cruise with a day in London beforehand and a few days in London and Barcelona afterwards. So yes. This is going to be a long stinking trip report. Oh, and I took 5239 pictures. On my camera! That doesn’t even count the Instagram/iphone photos you’ll see scattered throughout the report.

Great day in the morning.

Why: Because cruises are awesome mostly. But also because I was able to do a last-minute 11 night Med cruise back in April of 2010 with my daughter and some other family and friends, so this was a makeup cruise for my son and husband. It worked nicely as a graduation trip/present. :)

When: June 13-July 1, 2013

I booked this cruise the day it came out, back in January of 2012.

As time got closer we realized it was going to get crazy. My daughter was going to have to miss the last day of school, my son was graduating from high school the Saturday before the trip, we had a house full of family that whole weekend and a big graduation party on Sunday, he then left and was coming home one day early from his senior trip to make it on time, and we were moving across the country to Las Vegas so our household goods were all moved the day before we left. Then the kids were traveling with their youth group to Scotland 3 days after the cruise ended, so it really didn’t make sense for us to come all the way back home and we needed to stay in Europe for three more days before we dropped them off in London Heathrow. Got all that? Yes. Like I said, a little crazy.

Totally worth it though. :)

Who: Us! Here we are a few days before we left! This picture is a celebration of the whole Whiting family – but mostly Chase. The high school graduate. Also appearing in this photo are myself-Tammy, hubby-Stephen, and daughter – Ally.

My parents! My parents were on our last Med cruise, and have been in several of my trip reports. They had quite the trip in store for them. Here they are in Monaco:

My in-laws! My in-laws were also on my last Med cruise, as well as a few other cruises with us, so they may look familiar if you've ever read one of my reports. Here they are in Palo:

My brother-in-law! Scott has appeared in a few trip cruise trip reports as well. He’s the oldest of three boys with my hubby falling in the middle. Here he is in Mykonos:



Well-Known Member
OMG I am BEYOND excited for this trip report! :D I love your photography and I think your whole family is fabulous! That pinterest party.. :eek: I know you've already got many compliments so far, but I'm gonna add to them.. I LOVE IT! So clever! I can't believe that guy on the flight wouldn't switch seats with you! Thankfully that other couple was nice enough to switch with you guys! I love the goofy picture of you and your daughter sitting in your seats because that is totally something my mom and I would do and my brother would have no part in it! Haha!
Can't wait to read more! I feel like you guys are super humans juggling the graduation, move and trip all at the same time!
Oo and p.s.- I thought that picture on your Instagram of your kids doing the honors for you husband was soo cool and so sweet! I wanted to comment but for some reason held back, so I'm telling you now :p Haha I thought that was an awesome moment! Big congrats to your husband! :)


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So I come onto WDWmagic to post my trip report and find myself being SO EXCITED for yours. 19 freaking days? Amazing. Can't wait to read the rest!!


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Can't wait to read more! :)


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I've been watching so patiently for this report to start!!!! I wasn't expecting it until at least next week! You just arrived in Vegas! I thought you'd be criss-crossing the town...and unpacking the necessities... LOL!

You are a champ for handling the insanity leading up to your vacation. I remember the day the itineraries released and we talked and you were so all over not sure what to do or what to book and then you just threw caution to the wind and went for it! It was so exciting that day...and it's all built up from there!!! So stinkin' fun!

Your party prep is amazing! I'm sooooo taking notes! Okay, well, maybe not. Knowing me, when my boys graduate we'll be somewhere far from home doing what we do in whatever fashion to celebrate our happy. Loved your spread, though! I'm crashing the next one! Better yet, can I come help with all the prep work???? That looks like FUN! I knew you'd rock the party-hosting in perfect form. The announcements you did were so great. Can I send Chandler out to you for his announcements???

Every time you mention what your mom has in store for her I cringe. I just thought I had it bad. I wanna cry for Mom even now! Bless her heart. I'll shut up. I don't want to ruin your story. ((cringe))

Yay for graduation gift splurges! Go CHASE! Oh wait, he can't hear me with the Beats on, huh? LOL!

Booooo Hiiiiisssss to the guy who didn't want to swap seats. You shoulda let him receive the drool fest. Woulda served him right! I love that Chase was too cool for the group selfie on the plane but not too much that he couldn't sleep on his momma. Love that.

Bring on LONDON!!!! WooHOOOOO!!! We're going to EUROPE!!!!

I know! I was crazy to start it this week! But my sister is coming next week and I know I won't have much time then either. I'm sure we'll be playing tourist all week. So I figured why not now! :)

You should totally have crashed my party. And yes, send Chandler to Vegas! Haha!

Poor mom. :(

Lol! He can't hear a thing with those on!

I should totally have let that guy get the drool. :)

He's not too cool all the time. Just some of it. :D

London coming soon!

Woot woot!! Count me in as another person who has been waiting for this TR to start!! You have me beat by a mile! Still not done my Sept TR and not even close to starting my May TR..... Sigh.... Some many TR's, so little time!!!

Can't wait to read all about your adventures!!! :)

PS - I'm going to have to send you a toes pic for your blog! Toes visit Portland Head Light, the most photographed lighthouse in the USA! :)

I am beating you, Darolyn! Haha! But you know there's no time limit on them apparently. One day old, one week old, six months old. They're still fun to read!

Oh you do need to send me those toes! I just realized I forgot to post today's toes!! Oops..


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I have been telling myself all week not to send any messages to you asking when your TR would start as i knew you were super busy!!! :D

Now my patience has paid off and i cannot wait to read all about your trip!

That party spread looked AWESOME, you huys have much better treats than we have here!

Bring on London and the cruise will be waiting patiently(ish) for the next part ;)

Crush! You have been so patient!! Haha! Hopefully I will get more up tonight.

You probably don't have fried chicken there, huh? :)

This will be EPIC!

I hope you got some good stadium pics with Chase!

BTW: Congrats to General Whiting and your family! And now I know someone that lives in Vegas! Good luck with the new homestead!

We did, Bill! We toured Camp Nou! It was awful cool.

Thank you so much! It was a big summer. :)

Hooray! So very excited for your report! You are my hero for handling all that has been going on - and still smiling while you talk/type/photoblog it later! Party looked a-maaaaaz-ing! Congrats to Chase and best of luck to all in the new home! I'm in for the full report :):)

Thank you cfry! I was smiling because I knew what was coming. :)


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She chants, "I am going to Alaska next summer, I am going to Alaska next summer" , I will stay the course no matter how convincing your pictures are going to be. Your pictures of the Coliseum last European trip report convinced to do a Med cruise though, so I am weak and easily lead astray:cool: .

I can imagine the stress you must have been under, and totally impressed with what you accomplished. We just came back from vacation on Sunday and I had to get my daughter packed for a 2 week camp leaving Monday and it got a little tense at times, almost disowned a few members of the family:arghh: .

Lol! You can do it, Mkmommy. You are going to love Alaska. And then you can try Europe in 15! :)

I'm sure I'm forgetting how stressed I was at times, but I knew it would all work out one way or another. I just kept saying, "we are going on a cruise, we are going on a cruise..." :)

I can't wait.

More to come soon, Christina! :)

Always enjoy your trip reports. Can't wait to read more. That party set up was beautiful. So crafty. Mine would have been pretzels in a bowl.:)

Lol! The teenagers would have been happy with pretzels in a bowl I'm sure. :)

OMG!! I had no idea about your trip which is totally cool because I will be doing the same cruise in 65 days!!! My 1st out of the country trip.....well unless you count the Bahamas which I don't! So I just can't wait to read about all the fun you had, and maybe learn some stuff for my trip!!


Tell Chase CONGRATS!!! My middle child is a Senior this year, so I guess I better come kidnap "Ol Martha from outta your basement for his party! LOL

Oh yay for you, Tidbit! It's a great cruise!

I'll tell Martha you're coming. :)


Well-Known Member
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OMG I am BEYOND excited for this trip report! :D I love your photography and I think your whole family is fabulous! That pinterest party.. :eek: I know you've already got many compliments so far, but I'm gonna add to them.. I LOVE IT! So clever! I can't believe that guy on the flight wouldn't switch seats with you! Thankfully that other couple was nice enough to switch with you guys! I love the goofy picture of you and your daughter sitting in your seats because that is totally something my mom and I would do and my brother would have no part in it! Haha!
Can't wait to read more! I feel like you guys are super humans juggling the graduation, move and trip all at the same time!
Oo and p.s.- I thought that picture on your Instagram of your kids doing the honors for you husband was soo cool and so sweet! I wanted to comment but for some reason held back, so I'm telling you now :p Haha I thought that was an awesome moment! Big congrats to your husband! :)

That's so sweet, LeCellier! Thank you very much!

I was a little taken aback that he wouldn't switch, but I guess he had his reasons.

Your brother is like Chase then, haha!

Thank you for telling me now. I loved that picture too. It was a wonderful day. :)

So I come onto WDWmagic to post my trip report and find myself being SO EXCITED for yours. 19 freaking days? Amazing. Can't wait to read the rest!!

Oh yay! Did you start yours, Jess?

19 days!! Insane!

Can't wait to read more! :)

Thank you, Zman-ks! More is coming! :)

Yay!! The TR is officially started!! I've been waiting for this one :)

One of these days I WILL take one of the Med cruises...someday

One day you will, Joanna! :)


Well-Known Member

So excited for this.

Can you tell?

I wanted this cruise SO BAD, but I am broke and in school.



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So excited for this.

Can you tell?

I wanted this cruise SO BAD, but I am broke and in school.


Kenzie! You can go one day!

Deets are coming! I need a break from unpacking so I'm going to work on it for a while! :)

Honestly fried chicken here does not compare!! ;)

I can imagine! :)


Well-Known Member
Waiting....kind of patiently...:angelic: Have to read more to get me through these next 12 days! sis loved the autograph book that KK sent for her daughter. Great touch! Hayden is very excited for her first trip and can't wait to meet the princesses!


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Waiting....kind of patiently...:angelic: Have to read more to get me through these next 12 days! sis loved the autograph book that KK sent for her daughter. Great touch! Hayden is very excited for her first trip and can't wait to meet the princesses!

I'm about to post more!

Yay! I'm so glad she liked it. I love the age when they still love autographs and princesses. :)


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Day 2: Layover in London

We were all so excited to be in London that we woke up pretty easily. Chase was picking out all the soccer stadiums as we landed. :)

The customs line was ginormous, but we didn’t care. We were in London!!! Once we got through we headed to the British Airways check in gates to wait for Stephen. Stephen was in another terminal and it took him a very very long time to get over to us. Here are some of our bags and mom looking at the screens:

If you notice, Ally is sitting on the floor by the bags. At one point she laid her head down in her lap and tried to sleep. This fascinated a little girl who walked by holding her dad’s hand.

She asked (in the most adorable British accent), “What is that lady doing, Daddy?”

He said, “She’s sleeping, Honey," and he tried to keep going.

She kept pulling his arm to stop and look and said, “But whyyyy? Whhyyyyy is the lady sleeping, Daddy?”

He said, “She probably flew on a plane for a very long time to get here.”

And I saw the corner of Ally’s mouth turn up as she (obviously not totally asleep) listened to the whole thing. It was so cute.

Stephen found us and we checked in for our flight that evening. Unfortunately they wouldn’t take our bags and we were left with a quandary. We needed to stay awake and adjust to the new time zone. We really didn’t want to sit in the airport all day, especially one with only 45 minutes of free wi-fi. (What up with that, Heathrow?)

So our best option was to tour London. We had plenty of time, but the bags were a problem. We obviously didn't want to be pulling luggage around London. We knew there was a place you could leave your bags, so we went off in search of that. Found it, but it was 8.7 pounds a bag. With carry-ons we were looking at 21 bags times approximately $13.00 USD.

No no no no no.

What to do, what to do.

Then I remembered! There was a hotel attached to the airport! The Sofitel. I left everyone and walked over to see what the rates were. They were sold out of day rates (oops, didn’t even think about that one) but they had a travel agent discount. It was a very nice hotel so it was still about 100 pounds, but we decided that was worth it.

We checked in to a room for two with 6 people and 21 bags. We were quite a sight!
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Stephen succumbed to the siren call of the bed and decided to stay while the rest of us put on some warmer clothes for touring.

I got on the phone trying to confirm our transfers for Barcelona the next day. It was taking forever so I told everyone to start walking and I’d meet them. I went out about 5 minutes later and started jogging towards the store in the airport where I told them I’d meet them.

I got about halfway there and realized –I FORGOT MY CAMERA!!

What on earth? It was like a recurring nightmare I have about being somewhere with the most amazing Kodak moments and my camera not working. :eek:

I’ll blame it on sleep deprivation.:D

I knew everyone was waiting (and let’s face it, I don’t jog that fast) so I briefly considered trying to make it with just my iPhone. We had two more days in London after the cruise or I wouldn’t even have considered it.

It was still a bad idea. I was in London for heaven’s sake.

So I jogged back! And then back to the store.

We all bought some snacks and then underground passes. The underground was quite nice! It’s a long ride from the airport, but cheap.

The kids used this time to nap.

I was quite amused by the driver’s voice on the metro. Partly because of the awesome English accent of course, but also because they were so polite!! In D.C. if you do something stupid, the driver is going to berate you, threaten your freedom, and perhaps ask you to get off.

In London someone opened the doors between the cars while the trains were moving. The driver came on and said (you have to read this in a very refined awesome accent or it doesn't work), “Please please do not open the doors between the cars while the train is moving. It’s just really not safe! It’s really not! Thank you.”



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We asked a security guard for a restaurant suggestion and he pointed us towards a nearby pub.

Here we are!

Toes on the iPhone in a British pub!

The food was okay. We wanted fish and chips, but they only had cod and chips? We thought that would be similar but it wasn’t really what we were thinking. It was still neat to be there. Oh, and they had free Wi-Fi! Woot!

Here's mom trying to decide if fish and chips is going to be the same as cod and chips:

Here’s our fish:

Chase had shrimp:

Ally had a hamburger that I forgot to take a picture of apparently.


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Buckingham Palace was beautiful:

Family shot with a random little boy!

While we were facing the statue out front, we heard the crowd scream behind us. I turned around and saw 2 cars entering the palace. A lady passed us and said to her daughter, “I can’t believe we saw her!!”

Ack!! Her?!! That was the car that the Queen or Kate was in!!

Yay!! That totally counts as seeing them right?

Here’s the car leaving with no passengers:


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