Ouch! New Universal Commerical Takes shot at Disney


Active Member
if you want to talk about bashing...

last summer Six Flags Worlds of Adventure tried to play hard ball with Cedar POint...

in the commerical they interviewed (it was so fake) a woman saying "we drove PAST Cedar POint just to get here" the backlash was amazing...that month the attendance dropped so fast that Six Flags publicly appolozed....it was great...

Cedar Point!!!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by AndyMagic
All of Lord Farquaad's Kingdom is a spoof on Disneyland. When Princess Fiona is singing to the bird.... that is a pretty big spoof of Snow White. There are many others.

:D i'm suddenly being reminded of my absolute favorite part...when Shrek and Donkey first arrive at Lord Farquaad's Kingdom and the guy with the oversized Lord Farquaad head sees Shrek and starts running and screaming...:lol: *sigh* i love that part! oh and i can't possibly forget the part where Lord Farquaad's trying to pick a princess and the camera goes to his three hitmen (or whatever you call them) and they're all cheering him on, and that one yells "Pick three, my lord!" :lol: the way he says it is too funny!
sorry for the drift....the mention of Shrek just got me to thinking.

back to the topic at hand...at hate that commercial as well! they've stepped to a new low, that's for sure. but AndyMagic, i do see you're point completely...they ARE telling the truth. but at the same time, was that really nessasary? i think we all agree that there's other ways (better ways) of getting people to your park other than verbally 'bashing' your competitors. and true, they didn't actually single Disney out on their commercial, but i think it's safe to say that most everyone that sees that commercial will know where the term "Pixie Dust" is associated, so we all know that Disney is who they were refering to. so my opinion is, while it could've been worse, it certainly wasn't called for!


Well-Known Member
Yes it's a blow....
But think about a teen watching that commercial....not a Disney teen...but non-obsessed teen watching that commercial....I bet you anything they'll think its funny....cause they did bash disney...and they don't need pixie-dust and fairies anymore

Universal appeals to the young adult crowd.....who don't need the pixie-dust....any more....there tired of Dumbo and pooh....and they've already gone on TT and RRC...one times good for them....(not me)......

And a universal vacation can be week long....you just have to venture out...sea world and wet and wild are right there....as well as a day at disney....

It may have been a blow....but it wouldn't suprise me if the universal website did get a couple of looks after the commercial played....

Low blow for Disney....and Universal if u ask me.....:mad:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by antoinebusby
Folks keep talking about this Tower of Terror 4 commercial. I have never seen it, and believe me when I tell you I watch enough television to have the chance to gander at it. I sure would love to see it though!

You've never seen it because you live in LA. Its not just commercials they are advertising, tow4r is in the paper, billboards, and even those thin on taxi-cabs...
It's just an advertising campaign, for goodness sakes! Their marketing department probably decided some gentle ribbing of WDW may help with their prime demographic.

Just relax and go to the park you prefer. Getting mad isn't worth your time.

Besides, it's more a backhanded compliment than anything else. Much like the Pepsi ad from a few years ago that was an archeological dig from the future, where everyone is drinking Pepsi, and a classic Coke bottle is unearthed. The archeologist is asked what it is, and he looks confused and says "I have no idea..."


New Member
I think just like any company as long as they are not personally attacking anyone or saying something really horrible, Universal has just has much right to campaign against Disney as Disney as to campaign against Universal. I bet if Disney if pulled the same stunt against Universal a lot of you would be whistling a different tune, thinking it was the best commercial and how Disney is genius. I love Disney but I hate how everyone on this board feels that Universal is the big bad enemy. Just because Disney was here first dosen't mean that other people can't be as successful or as creative in the theme park industry as they are. Are we getting a bit bitter because Universal is actually some kind of competition? I love Disney, but if I just had Disney as the one and only theme park I'd get to go to ALL my life...I'd get a little bored.


New Member
I Agree!

I agree with you and I do not like Universal taking stabs at Disney. "If stupid rides and fake shows with dumb characters isn't your thing then visit Walt Disney World."


New Member
Re: I Agree!

Originally posted by ClopinFan
I agree with you and I do not like Universal taking stabs at Disney. "If stupid rides and fake shows with dumb characters isn't your thing then visit Walt Disney World."

Exactly! Disney doesnt have to put other parks down to advertise, cause its just soo good!


New Member
They don't really need that but it's business. They want it to look like if you get bored of Disney or think it's stupid, go there. It could work, but for a lot of people, magic and fairy dust is their thing.


New Member
Um, OK, our nit-picking is getting to the point of ridiculus. Universal should compete with Disney, and that's exactly what they are doing. The only reason I could see that you would not like the comercial is because it is threatening Disney. Honestly, this is exactly what we should want to be happening. The more Universal starts pushing Disney and being successful, the more better things will come out of it on both sides. This is an age old tactic in advertising, really people. :rolleyes:


New Member
Originally posted by jaimjaim25
Universal probably paid Dinsey to say the "pixie dust..." line..:lol:

If anything, Universal is promoting Disney as well. Anyone see the comercial with the soy based cheap Pixie Dust that will fix anything. First thing I think of is Disney when I hear Pixie Dust, so it has a little bit of a counter effect.
Originally posted by spider-man
The more Universal starts pushing Disney and being successful, the more better things will come out of it on both sides.
EXACTLY - competition is a GOOD thing for consumers (us). Frankly, I want Universal to spend oodles on their parks, and oodles more on advertising. Even if I never go to Universal, it's a good thing for me - it'll force Disney to "keep up with the Joneses."

Mary Ellen

New Member
Hi - this is my first post here, and I hope not my last, but I really like the commerical. To be honest didn't even hear the comment about pixie dust, I was too interested in the pictures. My family likes both Disney and Universal. We split our vacation time between both, love the Hard Rock Hotel. Universal has the front of the line option when you stay at their Hotels. Disney can't do this because it is so much bigger. It really is a great perk. My daughter, 17 years old, likes Universal better because the rides are more geared to her liking, i.e. HULK. I say, enjoy both, they each have a uniqueness all their own.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by FourFourSeven
- it'll force Disney to "keep up with the Joneses."

true! but, it would be bad (at least in my opinion) if Disney began 'keeping up with the Joneses' by building all kinds of big time thrill rides. i'm sure Disney would theme them well (as they always do) but, i just don't want the classic Disney dark ride to become a thing of the past.


Disney Commercials

Why oh why can't Disney show ALL their commercials up north? We get the pixie dust one once in awhile but not enough for my standards. They should show the TOT commercial, etc. They would probably get more families to come if the also appeal to the teenage set. TOT would do just that and RNRC. They don't show enough of that and I think it's a BIG mistake. So Disney, start paying for more air time like that, it might be worth your while!!!!!


well im a disney fan big time

so slap me with a haddock and call me mandy

but that made me laugh

its a joke and a jibe - and to be honest - they are in direct competition and it wasnt offensive

it just a giggle - and quite true

there haddock slappin over thank you :)


Well-Known Member
I am shaking my head at how worked up you people are getting about this commercial. Maybe it is because I have moved 'past the point of Pixie Dust' and have worked at Uni (and as a entertainer at Disney, and see that Uni is a much more enjoyable place to work), my mouth dropped at the commercial, and then a smile crossed my face. I thought it was great because, hey, it caught my attention and I didn't even need it taken. Spider-man, is right on the money with this. A lot of people on this board need to tone down the hatred to Universal because I feel it ruins the atmosphere. Signatures like 'Universal SUCKS' is WAY out of line in my opinion. I don't like clowns, and I am sure that if I went around saying 'Clowns SUCK' I would get looked at like a completely, childish idiot (jab intended). There is no need for the hatred people, because in the long run it is all for the better good. Realize that people.

There was a time a related phrase for WDWMagic would read,

"Close-mindedness and childish not your thing, check us out at www.WDWMagic.com."

From what I am reading in this (and the other Uni competition thread), that isn't true anymore.

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