Active Member
I am surprised at everyone's disdainful dismissal of jt's and Kevin's concerns. I don't think they are claiming that the world will end or that "Big Brother" will truly come to fruition. (Although you all have certainly pushed jt into some extreme statements by belittling his opinion and making it sound outlandish.) I actually share some of their concerns. I obviously am not afraid of being called a spy or communist or put in jail by Disney's use of this technology. Those things, despite having historical basis, are certainly far fetched in this era. However, I dislike this on a far more personal level, such as Kevin Yee has described. I really don't enjoy being pigeon holed or labeled or categorized. It is unnerving. I don't want someone analyzing everything I do and steering me. I don't like Pandora radio for that reason. I change. I grow. I want options. I want to try new things. I want to do things I don't like. I want to experience things I don't expect. And I sure don't want commercial America of any sort - Disney or otherwise - to have information to a degree that they can screw with my head in an attempt to get money out of me. Do they a little already? Sure, and I know this. But I used to work at a zoo, and a rule that applies to most areas in life I learned there: I am willing to shovel ________; but I am not willing to shovel endless ________ all the time. So, I am willing to accept a little data mining because it isn't the end of the world and it is so far at a level I can cope with. But when you hear a number like $1.5 billion, it certainly brings on an uh-oh and makes one wonder how much ________ exactly you'll have to shovel. And yes, I am well aware that I can choose not to go to Disney. But obviously I like to, hence I post here, so having them adopt a new technology (potentially) that will make me choose them or succumb to a higher loss of privacy is a bummer.
Is that really such an offensive or outrageous opinion?
Is that really such an offensive or outrageous opinion?