Oprah Winfrey


Well-Known Member
Not For Sale said:
$8,500,000. That's a lot of money gone to waste. Now I'm not the type of person that says stuff like this but that money could've gone to charity or a good cause. I think I'm gonna form an alliance. I'll get 5 people to attend the same show writing in letters about how much we need a new house and see what she does then.

Besides, who writes to Oprah complaining about their car? I think it was a set up.

I think it was great that she did this, for some famlies it is tough for them to afford things like that. I think it is great that she is doing this. It shows there are kind people out there to help people like that. It is in a way a kind of thank you for help supporting her all these 19 years. :sohappy:


New Member
shes gone to the top with publicty!!!!

well you might hate her or like her but giving 276 cars away made her ratings go sky high and you know when you have good ratings she makes more money like us pions we make maybe 40,000-60,000 a yr
oprah making well over 11 million a yr -:rolleyes:
makes me sick!


Well-Known Member
what that she makes so much money?

There are people who make more...and they don't even share. But most do.


Well-Known Member
Not For Sale said:
$8,500,000. That's a lot of money gone to waste. Now I'm not the type of person that says stuff like this but that money could've gone to charity or a good cause. I think I'm gonna form an alliance. I'll get 5 people to attend the same show writing in letters about how much we need a new house and see what she does then.

Besides, who writes to Oprah complaining about their car? I think it was a set up.
It is hard to take you seriously when you say how wasteful it is in one sentence and then in the following sentence you want to join in on the fun. Oprah is very generous with her wealth. She earned her money and has no obligation to share it at all. She is beyond wealthy enough to quit her show so publicity stunts to fish for ratings aren't needed. I'm sure the posters who are her wouldn't be doing so if THEY had been choosen for her audience today.


Well-Known Member
Not For Sale said:
$8,500,000. That's a lot of money gone to waste. Now I'm not the type of person that says stuff like this but that money could've gone to charity or a good cause. I think I'm gonna form an alliance. I'll get 5 people to attend the same show writing in letters about how much we need a new house and see what she does then.

Besides, who writes to Oprah complaining about their car? I think it was a set up.

Uhm...they money did go to a good cause. All the cars went to people who needed them & could not afford them. The young woman who got the scholarship would never have the money to go and the family that got the house really needed that too.

The Mom

Premium Member
Not For Sale said:
Ummmm...Still no cure for cancer.

She COULD have donated the money for cancer research, and it MIGHT have led to a cure. (But it certainly wasn't enough to fund a whole project) Then again, it might not have helped at all. What she did DEFINITELY helped the people in her audience.


Well-Known Member
The Mom said:
She COULD have donated the money for cancer research, and it MIGHT have led to a cure. (But it certainly wasn't enough to fund a whole project) Then again, it might not have helped at all. What she did DEFINITELY helped the people in her audience.

Oprah gives money throughout the year to many charities. Breast cancer Awareness is one of them. She is very generous with her money.

The Mom

Premium Member
tigger-wdw said:
well you might hate her or like her but giving 276 cars away made her ratings go sky high and you know when you have good ratings she makes more money like us pions we make maybe 40,000-60,000 a yr
oprah making well over 11 million a yr -:rolleyes:
makes me sick!

I'm sorry that the fact that a woman who grew up dirt poor was able to parley her talents into a multi- million dollar fortune makes you sick. It's not like someone GAVE her her fortune...she EARNED it.


Well-Known Member
The Mom said:
I'm sorry that the fact that a woman who grew up dirt poor was able to parley her talents into a multi- million dollar fortune makes you sick. It's not like someone GAVE her her fortune...she EARNED it.

Well put. She remembers what it was like to go without & hates to see so many others go thru that. Its her money, she earned it...let her spend it however she wants to.

The Mom

Premium Member
tigsmom said:
Oprah gives money throughout the year to many charities. Breast cancer Awareness is one of them. She is very generous with her money.

I'm well aware that she gives money to multiple charities. The poster I'm responding to seems to feel that every penny she gives away should go to something "important", and that helping people on an individual basis is somehow less worthy than helping a "cause."

I donate to "serious" charities; I also like to be generous to individuals; something like paying for a missionary's plane tickets to work at a hospital in Haiti, or buying children's books for a local elementary school.

It might not be a cure for cancer, but it makes life a little better for someone else.


Well-Known Member
The Mom said:
I'm well aware that she gives money to multiple charities. The poster I'm responding to seems to feel that every penny she gives away should go to something "important", and that helping people on an individual basis is somehow less worthy than helping a "cause."

I donate to "serious" charities; I also like to be generous to individuals; something like paying for a missionary's plane tickets to work at a hospital in Haiti, or buying children's books for a local elementary school.

It might not be a cure for cancer, but it makes life a little better for someone else.

I like you style. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Well I think Oprah did a great thing. Sorry there are those who seem to think that because it's not huge on a global scale it doesn't "count." It just goes to show you that the saying is true - you can't change the world without starting in your own backyard.

I wish I could afford to give even ONE car to one of the several people I know who desperately need a reliable vehicle and deserve a break. Hooray for Oprah!


Well-Known Member
I need a new car. Mine sounds like the bottom is going to fall out whenever you hit a bump in the road. Anyway, Oprah is an amazing person who gives her some of billions of dollars away (well millions anyway)


New Member
Original Poster
The Mom said:
The poster I'm responding to seems to feel that every penny she gives away should go to something "important", and that helping people on an individual basis is somehow less worthy than helping a "cause."

...frustrating, huh? Ya know what the real problem is with that poster? He was born in 1990. Very unusual to find such cynicism in a young person. :)

I think I'm gonna start using this often...


New Member
I don't see why Oprah gets all the credit for this. She certainly didn't buy the cars herself, although she easily could have.

GM is the real hero here, but they're getting pushed aside so Oprah's big ol behind can stand in the spotlight. Giving away someone else's cars for free is real humanitarian of you, Oprah.

If GM didn't donate the cars, would Oprah have done this? Doubtful.

Ed: The sad thing is that, even as I read through this thread, people still think that Oprah personally went out to buy the cars and give them away. It's clearly stated here and in the article that every single car was donated. Straight from the article:
The cars, which retail for $28,000, were donated by Pontiac.

"A little idea grew into a big idea," Mary Henige of Pontiac told The Associated Press.

She added that Pontiac will pay for the taxes and the customizing of the cars.

Yet Oprah gets ALL of the credit for this?!?!?!?!?!?!?


New Member
the mom and tigsmom...lol

both if you act i like oprah is a saint or god .she get to heaven for doing nice things , matter fact i seen her shows shes fake she cries its all a put on come on people wake upplus the fact when i say she no saint good works cant get you into heaven i know she a catholic not get personal here but that lady give all her money away she never get into heaven..lol


Well-Known Member
tigger-wdw said:
both if you act i like oprah is a saint or god .she get to heaven for doing nice things , matter fact i seen her shows shes fake she cries its all a put on come on people wake upplus the fact when i say she no saint good works cant get you into heaven i know she a catholic not get personal here but that lady give all her money away she never get into heaven..lol

Thats just wrong.

I think it is great that she did this, like I have said before. If you dont like what she did then you need to write her and tell her.

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