Anyone remember the last time, "INCOMING!" from DINOSAUR actually had anything 'incoming'? There has never been a time on Dinosaur for me where that effect didn't work! I have had times when my car came to a and the audio stoped but I still saw the effect.Or how about the smoke in the time-travel room. Or how about the jumping rabbit in Splash Mountain Used to never ever ever work. Now I see every ride along with every effect in working condition.Used to be like the Mummy! Would work only 1 out of ten times when you ride but now works great!, the jasmine smell on Philharmagic Was removed becuase it was causing alleges to go off with the guest. It was replaced with another extra scent in the Be Our guest segment., the mist in Everest This was cuasing the safety sensors to malfunction so they cut the line so that the mister could never work again. Safety comes before show on Disney's list of priorities!, the simulated car crash on Test Track... Was also reworked to a new effect that works every time.I could go on. As could I! I can't think of one case on a Universal ride where the effects on opening day didn't get maintained and still work 10 years later. Even T2:3D still has every effect in perfect working order and there are a lot of little things that would go unnoticed to the majority of people if they just stop fixing them. I could say the same about Muppets! As well as the Great Movie Ride, and Tower of Terror, and RNR, or Space Mountain, or Mission: Space, or Ellen's Energy Adventure, or Malstrom, or MILF, or Buzz, Jungle Cruise, or, well you get the point. Bottom line: what crack are you smoking? End Rant Here.