Tom Sawyer's Island! I've never taken the time to actually go out to it.
I LOVE Tom Sawyer of my most vivid memories of my first trip to WDW at the age of 5 (1986) was on TSI. At the time, my mom had poor night vision, and somehow she got separated from us in the caves and couldn't find her way out. I remember getting out with my dad, brother, and sister, and we were all looking around for my mom! Some nice man lead her out by the hand! We still laugh about it - and my mom won't go back to TSI :lol:.
Although I went for more than 15 years without getting back there, a few years back I braved the raft and headed over (I don't know why that raft freaks me out :shrug
. I had a blast! I guess that stems from being a nerdy girl reading tons of books when I was a kid...TSI really brought the book alive for me (and I ended up with an English degree, go figure :lol:!).
Definitely be sure to check it out on your next trip, krankenstein!
A few years back I went on a solo trip, and I decided to do all the things I either had never done or hadn't done since I was a young child. I went on Swiss Family Treehouse, the teacups, and as I mentioned, TSI, plus Astro Orbiter.
The one thing I can definitely say I've never done is Conservation Station (I am definitely planning on spending more time at AK on my next trip). I also want to do the Segway tour at Epcot and an MK tour (I did the Walk in Walt's Footsteps Tour in DL and
loved it!). There's also a bunch of restaurants that for some reason or another I've never been to....I'm starting a list, even though my trip's a year away, so I can keep track of things I haven't done (especially TSMM!!).
I think that being an AP for the past 4 years and taking more than 12 trips in that time has made me get into a rut of family tends to do the same things and go to the same places. It'll be kind of neat to experience new things in WDW next time, whether they're actually new or new to us (like Mama Melrose...I can't believe we've never eaten there!).