One Sentence Competition, Season 6, Episode 1 - The Soft Reboot



From Flight to the Moon, Mission to Mars, Alien Encounter, and Stitch's Great Escape, this building has seen a variety of changes since 1971 and is in need of something timeless that can be adapted to any changing climate; Walt Disney's Progress City. In this walk-through/theater hybrid attraction, guests will see the visionary direction that Progress City entailed, before embarking into an Oculus Rift theater experience that sees guests on a saucer flying through the environment. This attraction will now symbolically resonate with the Peoplemover's first tunnel scene and act as a timepiece attraction that, like the Carousel of Progress and it's a small world, add more of Walt Disney to the Magic Kingdom.


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Sonny Eclipse: The Cosmic Concert

Replacing Stitch's Great Escape and expanding the realm of Tomorrowland, Sonny Eclipse: The Cosmic Concert will takes guests into the Galactic Gateway Concert Hall to experience a memorable performance by Sonny Eclipse and the Space Angels. With guests entering "backstage," the queue is themed to the backstage of the concert, think Rock 'n' Roller Coaster's pre-show. The show itself utilizes another Sonny Eclipse animatronic (which at the beginning rises from below the ground) as well as an upper level with miniature animatronics representing the Space Angels and other Alien fans, not to mention a stunning display of laser projecting and laser mapping dancing along the walls around the guests, giving a full concert experience.

Pi on my Cake

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In the Parks
Scene One
A Greater Escape


You're an aspiring Imagineer in an elevator with Disney's CEO, Bob Chapek. You overhear him on the phone talking with Imagineers about a problem in the parks.

-The Problem-
Stitch's Great Escape has finally been officially closed for good, but any replacement project has failed to get off the ground. Now this prime piece of real estate right near the center of the Magic Kingdom is just going to waste.


There isn't much time left in this elevator ride, but now is your chance to impress the Big Cheese and propose a solution that will earn you a place in the Imagineering Hall of Fame!

-The Prompt-
Propose a solution!
A new attraction to fill the space left behind by Stitch's Great Escape
Remember, this is a small space, so the replacement has to be small scale too.

You may use between 1 and 3 sentences and up to 1 picture.
The deadline will be at 11:59 PM EST on Monday, October 5th


K.I.S.S - Keep it simple, silly.
This is an elevator pitch, not a full project!
It isn't about more detail, it is about the right details!

-Judging Criteria-
Is it creative?
Is it realistic?
Does it fit thematically/visually?


The first Scene ends tonight! 11:59PM EST! Just under 10 hours from now!

I have some household emergency plumbing issues that maaayyyyy delay things slightly (though to pre-write reviews if I have to clean 2 bathrooms and a kitchen all day). But reviews and Scene 2 will be up tonight as close to midnight as possible if not exactly at midnight!​


Well-Known Member
Horizon Jetpacks

Coming to the former Stitch's Great Escape building in Tomorrowland, guests will enter the Horizon InterGalactic Airport where they are introduced to a new technology the Horizon Group has invented- jetpacks!

Guests will board a KUKA arm ride system and remain stationary in a projection dome, with a few practical effects (such as lighting and mist), and test out the new jetpacks through one of 5 different adventures (each with a varying level of intensity/thrill) on a few minute ride through the land of Tomorrow.

The theatres will have 2 KUKA ride systems in each room (a total of 4), and the attraction will use a boarding group system to ensure low waits due to the low capacity.​


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Coming soon to Tomorrowland: SPAAAAAAAAAAACE - presented by Aperture Science (sponsored by valve)

Join SpaceCore and Wheatly from the popular puzzle-platform game Portal 2 as they explain the wonders of space, the dangers of portals, and the irrational fear of lemons. But be careful not to wake GLaDOS or this science lesson is about to get a whole lot more intense.


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This live show stars original animatronic Bitsy the Robot on game-show testing guests at their knowledge of Disney Parks and History: upon entry, guest sit down in a circular theater, surrounding Bitsy, and at each seat is a touchscreen in front allowing the guest to choose from one of four answers Bitsy provides alongside the (randomly selected out of hundreds) questions... whoever gets it correct and fastest earns the most points (Kahoot Style, though with more emphasis on the accuracy cuz Kahoot just wants you to guess super-quick) Bitsy is an incredibly animatronic, combining both the physical and digital for an enhanced experience: for example, Bitsy's chest is a physical spinner that will reveal the topic of the next question, Bitsy speaks out loud the names of guests in the lead (determined by their cards, not names they put in to prevent trolling) and Beather it is using outside isty can even specify what day/winformation... overall, this will make for an engaging and fun game-show between guests, with the highest pointed guest at the end earning a spotlight, some applause, and a much-coveted Fastpass for any Disney Ride, any time of day.​
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Pi on my Cake

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In the Parks

@TwilightZone - Technological Dreams
Thank you for starting this Episode off with a bang by creating a sci-fi version of Steps in Time! We've talked before about how one of the big tragedies with that show is how it had so much potential that was squandered! This seeks to take the premise and not just do it right, but do it in a new genre. Crossover experiences/shows are always a lot of fun and this would be a good way to do a show like that and include some of the non-musicals that usually get overlooked! My one complaint is that I'm not sure exactly what kind of experience this is. It's good example of what I mean when I say to use the right detail. You told me where props are stored, but I don't know if this is a Broadway extravaganza or just reskin of Stitch's Great Escape. But whatever form it takes, this sounds like a really fun and creative show and exactly the kind of optimistic/hopeful tone that Tomorrowland should be looking for!

@Evilgidgit - WALL-E'S Earthly Waltz
What a lovely ride and a delightful change of pace for Tomorrowland while still feeling right at home! The hovering effect would be relatively simple and a great plus to the experience. And I like how unique a Wall-e ride it is. Again, like TwilightZone, an optimistic look at tomorrow that I feel is exactly what we as a society need right now. There are some practicality concerns since trackless dark rides some of the larger ride types other than boats and the Stitch space is rather small. But realism has never been a large focus for the 1 Sentence Competition so that isn't really a big deal.

@NateD1226 - Lewis and Wilbur's Bubble Transport
I love Meet the Robinsons and I think it is a natural fit for a simulator! The 360 view bubble was something I remember being rumored back when Star Tours 2 was first being whispered about to recreate a podracer and I ave wanted to see this tech for a long time! With Galaxy's Edge, Star Tours's days are probably numbered. A new simulator ride is smart. And Meet the Robinsons is starting to hit a nostalgic stride. Honestly the only problem with this idea is that it isn't quite as outside the box as some of the other players, but there's nothing wrong with something mostly straight forward.​

Pi on my Cake

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In the Parks

@D Hindley - The Chicken Little Experience
Chicken Little is obviously Disney's best IP ever and the fact that they've been sitting on a movie that was bigger and better than Frozen and Lion King combined for years is insane! So, using that immediately puts you as a front runner!

Jokes aside, the film itself is decently fun. Far from Disney's best comedy, but it has a good light hearted tone. And while basic/cliched, the sci-fi designs in the film were pretty good. And as Magic Kingdom becomes increasingly crowded (2020 notwithstanding), filler attractions like walkthroughs become increasingly needed to help manage everyone. Stuff that can keep people off the sidewalks for a bit, but won't draw new guests to the park. The only real issue with this idea is that the majority of people heathens hate the movie.

@DashHaber - Inside Out: Emotional Support
This sounds like an amazing show! A great follow up to an incredible movie. I'm picturing this as a sort of spiritual successor to Cranium Command, but it manages to stand on its own even beyond the (potentially accidental) homage. The EITs could easily be a huge merchandising opportunity too. I would LOVE this show! It doesn't really fit into Tomorrowland though since it has no real sci-fi connection. Of course, M.I.L.F. doesn't either and that is right next door to where this would be. And the sleek, modern design of the command center would aesthetically fit into Tomorrowland even if it doesn't thematically fit.

@tcool123 - Big Hero 6: Rogue Robot
Oooooohhhh another walkthrough attraction! A great use of this space in my mind. Big Hero 6 is also a natural fit for Tomorrowland. The story you have is great! An exciting follow up to the film that build on the plot/characters in meaningful ways while still being simple enough to be understood with very few words. As much as I love walkthroughs, my only real criticism is that this action packed story feels like it would be better as a thrill ride of some sort or something else fast paced rather than a walkthrough. But saying something would be better a different way doesn't make it bad this way at all.

Pi on my Cake

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In the Parks

@Brer Panther - Mars Rover Racers
A simple small scale dark ride not tied to any IP but full to the brim with charm, character, and fun that both fits perfectly into the land and serves as an homage to what was there before? Fantastic! A great use of the space and a great throwback to the simpler style of dark ride that has all but been forgotten by Disney. But with one large creature there to help add an extra wow factor to the finale. I don't have too much to say beyond "great job" and that I'd love to see a Martian drawing in your art style if ya ever feel like you have extra time!

@DisneyManOne - WALL-E: Battle for the Axiom
Ooooohhh more Wall-e! Always a good choice for Tomorrowland. This is another really creative twist with the IP. It builds on the story, but it isn't so complex that it would be tough for guests to grasp quickly. The Motion Theater is a great updated take on a 4-D theater and a fantastic choice to make the most of a small space! The beauty and the message and the romance tend to take the focus in a lot armchair imagineering Wall-e attractions, but this leans into the oft forgotten madcap action and crazy adventure side of the film! Something that I think would work beautifully here!

@InspectorSpacetime - WandaVision: Trapped in Time
WandaVision is perhaps the upcoming MCU thing I am excited for the most other than maybe Thor 4 or GotG 2 and the trailer just made me even more crazy excited! IT looks incredible. It is clear a lot of thought was put into this despite just being 1SC prompt. The effects you describe and imply would be incredible yet simple. This show would easily be a fantastic fan favorite for sure! I worry it isn't a good fit for Tomorrowland though. It does have the nostalgic sci-fi like you say, but superheros and magic feel slightly out of place. Especially since both the tv show and your show seem to focus more on the sitcom homages and the magical illusions than any robots or aliens that may be involved. But as I said with the Inside Out prompt, this would be right next to M.I.L.F. which isn't a great fit either and this one fits more than that does lol. I would love to see it!


Pi on my Cake

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In the Parks

@spacemt354 - Walt Disney's Progress City
This is fantastic! I see this having a similar almost historical Walt History vibe to One Man's Dream (especially with the walkthrough leading into the movie), but with a sci-fi and fictionalization bend that makes it stand out and fit perfectly into Tomorrowland! A great optimistic look to the future which I've already shared my love for. Personally not a big fan of VR in theme parks, but I know they're taking off as a big trend and this is a good, simple use of it. I really like that instead of over explaining the attraction, you used your first and third sentences to explain why it is a good fit for the land both thematically and practically. Much like One Man's dream, this might not draw in a hug crowd, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. We need filler attractions especially with how crowded the parks can be.

@MickeyMousketeer - Sonny Eclipse: The Cosmic Concert
A full Sonny Eclipse Concert would be awesome! Who wouldn't want something like this? It would be a really fun idea for a non IP show and a good way to reuse much of the same set up without being terrifying like Alien Encounter or Stitch. This might be a bit of an underwhelming addition since it is just a more exciting version of what we already have in Cosmic Rays though. Great fun and fanservice, but I could see a lot of idiots general audiences saying "Well, I can eat chicky nuggies while doing the show at Cosmic Rays? Why would I wait in line here?" But I just see this being something super enjoyable as a show. A pure old fashioned good time!

@Disneylover152 -
Horizon Jetpacks
The Kuka arm ride they had at Epcot for a while was so much fun! I honestly think it is more "fun" from a purely ride perspective (not theming of course) as a simulator than as a flying ride like Harry Potter. The Horizon name is always a nice reference and some form of jetpack attraction is great for Tomorrowland. My biggest concern was capacity, but you addressed that with the boarding groups. I still worry that the groups would sell out the second the park opened just because this would be a very very low capacity ride hving only 4 arms in the busiest theme park in the world. But anyone who can get a pass will love it!

Pi on my Cake

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In the Parks

@pix -SPAAAAAAAAAAACE - presented by Aperture Science (sponsored by valve)
I adore Portal/Portal 2 and think it would be an awesome fit for a theme park! I could see this very easily doing a lot to take advantage of the space in the Stitch theater too. While being a brand deal always calls realism slightly into question (unless Disney used the money they saved from the layoffs to buy Valve and I missed it), Portal seems like a good fit for Disney to partner with if they were looking to break into gaming more. Especially with the movie that's been rumored for a decade. I loved the use of color in the presentation. @InspectorSpacetime and @Outbound used it in their titles too. Doing some fancy stuff with font colors and sizes and styles can do a lot to elevate a project.

Not that presentation counts in the one sentence comp. But I'm only human and I'm judging 10+ projects. Something pretty is gonna naturally catch my eye/attention more. The same way something posted earlier is gonna stand out more cuz I'll read it first. I try my best to not let those things effect me, but I'm human. Simple little biases are bound to pop up from time to time.

@Outbound - Robots Tonight
First off, I love the original art! Again, presentation doesn't actually count but it definitely draws my eyes and is a fun detail! Same with the font size changes to add some variety to writing. I absolutely loved the old Who Wants to be a Millionaire show and would love to see this evolution of the trivia show concept! The Tomorrowland connections seem a little surface level since other than the robot it could fit basically anywhere. BUT it does have a super cool robot. Plus, a lot of new tech to elevate the experience without any of it being unrealistic. Overall a really fun show with a fabulous prize!​

Pi on my Cake

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In the Parks
A fantastic first Scene!
Everyone who submitted something gets 1 point just for playing, but medal winners will get extra points on top of that!
And now for the awards!!!!


Honorable Mention
@InspectorSpacetime - WandaVision: Trapped in Time

Honorable Mentions isn't necessarily "4th Place." This award goes to a project that excelled in one area, but had something else holding it back from the top 3. In this case, this was an incredible attraction and one that is definitely personally exciting! But just didn't quite fit the theme of the land well enough to get a medal.


Bronze Medal (1 Point)
@DisneyManOne - WALL-E: Battle for the Axiom
This was a very close race for the bronze and could've gone to a few people. (If I didn't have a personal rule against ties, there probably would've been one!) But you edged the others out just barely with the use of a new technology that fit the tight space perfectly and a new twist on a commonly used IP.


Silver Medal (1 Point)
@spacemt354 -
Walt Disney's Progress City
A fantastic blending of great Tomorrowland vibes with a continuation/successor for One Man's Dream! Part of what made it stand out is how well utilized every word you typed was. Nothing was over explained and there was no run-ons, but every letter gave new information and context.


Gold Medal (2 Points)
@Brer Panther -
Mars Rover Racers
A fantastic and classic feeling attraction! Cute, charming, fun, and original! It is exactly what I would want from a bus bar dark ride and would bring a great balance to Tomorrowland giving the land a brand new energy while still fitting perfectly into what we already have!

Pi on my Cake

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In the Parks
Scene Two
The Biggest Undeveloped Pit since Lot 48 from Pawnee, Indiana


You're an aspiring Imagineer in an elevator with Disney's CEO, Bob Chapek. You overhear him on the phone talking with Imagineers about a problem in the parks.


-The Problem-
Before Covid, Disney had bulldozed a huge chunk of the center of EPCOT with some big, ambitious plans to redo much of it. The grand highlight of this new hub would be a three story bar/festival center/bar right near where Club Cool and the Starbucks used to be.

Even before the shutdown, this was a controversial choice/design though. Now, budget cuts have put their plans on hold leaving the heart of the park as great big pit for a while. But perhaps this is an opportunity to rethink the controversial new building.



There isn't much time left in this elevator ride, but now is your chance to impress the Big Cheese and propose a solution that will earn you a place in the Imagineering Hall of Fame!

-The Prompt-
Propose a solution!
What should Epcot put in that large empty space right at the center of the park?
This could be a Festival Center, or anything else you'd like! It is just about half the space of an average pavilion and right in the center of the park.

You may use between 1 and 3 sentences and up to 1 picture.
The deadline will be at 11:59 PM EST on Thursday, October 8th


K.I.S.S - Keep it simple, silly.
This is an elevator pitch, not a full project!
It isn't about more detail, it is about the right details!

-Judging Criteria-
Is it creative?
Is it realistic?
Does it fit thematically/visually?


Good Luck everyone! Have fun! Go create!


Well-Known Member
The Imagintarium


The Imagintarium is a new interactive area themed to a colorful planetarium with many interactive zones based on a few of the Epcot pavilions (think Play Pavilion for older audiences), guests enter a small elevator like preshow area that explains the backstory to this fantastic Imagintarium: one day a young boy was looking outside after a rough day when suddenly out of the sky came Figment holding a magical telescope, using the telescope, Figment transported the boy to the Imaginatarium, a magical place full of wonder and fun, the boy loved the place so much he told Figment to place a portal down in Epcot for all to see and visit whenever they wanted. After seeing this preshow, guests enter the building and get the choice to experience the following interactive exhibits: a telescope full of stars and various displays of real space equipment, a mini indoor Autopia driving around the pavilion, a small area where guests can "paint" various objects in a room with Figment guiding you, a clone of Tokyo Disneyland's defunct StormRiders attraction with a post show that has an interactive area based on weather such as a machine where you can have a "hot air balloon race" using small hot air balloon models, a "nature arcade" with interactive trees and rock floor displays that light up and play noises when interacted with in a certain way, and a true arcade themed to Guardians of the Galaxy with Star Lord's personal collection of 80's arcade cabinets as well as a few VR games that serve as spiritual successors to the games featured at DisneyQuest. If guests look to eat, the new pavilion has the Carnival Center: a restaurant that has a double purpose as event space themed to a cybernetic carnival as a call back to Wonders of Life, guests can select various food items from a buffet and various Coke drinks that they can try out, such as the all-time favorite Beverly, yum!!
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Orange Cat

Well-Known Member



The World Theater Center brings even more cultures to EPCOT: with a food court that contains 12 stands (with a shared kitchen) which each represent a different culture’s cuisine that cycle seasonly, a gift-shop that similarly represents different cultures, & a VR experience that will show a different part of the world‘s landmarks that will cycle through a different part of the world every four months, with each of these attractions taking place on a different floor of the new building.

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