One Ride to Disappear....

Spaceship Earth

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Bye Bye

How could you say Spaceship Earth? It's one of the best rides at Disney World! I'm not a fan of slow moving rides, but Spaceship Earth is the best! Anyways, I would choose:

Magic Kingdom - I agree with the Tomorrowland Speedway, it has no purpose, it doesn't match the scenery

Epcot - Sea Base Alpha (The Living Seas) It belongs in Sea World more than Disney World

MGM - Sounds Dangerous - Dumb - What more need I say -

AK - Primeval World - AK is becoming more of a childish park then something for the whole family.

:lol: :veryconfu
Re: Bye Bye

Originally posted by Spaceship Earth
How could you say Spaceship Earth? It's one of the best rides at Disney World! I'm not a fan of slow moving rides, but Spaceship Earth is the best! Anyways, I would choose:

i dont like the ride so i picked it

General Grizz

New Member
IASW should stay. Just because YOU don't like it, that doesn't mean no one does. It's one of the most famous Disney attractions of all time and kids LOVE IT! It should remain - it's aimed at a specific age group .... duh! :rolleyes: :lol:

Anyway, here are my choosings:

Ariel's Grotto, Tomorrowland Arcade, Character Festival?, Tomorrowland Speedway

Test Track :)


Half of Animal kingdom can go including HESTER's AND CHESTER's:fork: conservation station is a waste and Camp Minnie and Mickey there is so much they could do there besides meet and greets.

MGM I would say redo Sounds Dangerous even though Drew Carey is the best, but then again I think Honey I shrunk the kids playground needs a major rehab and put in a Bugs life theme.

Magic Kingdom- Aladdin should go or get rid of Astro Orbiter, Snow White and those rides in Fantasyland needs a rehab although I think Pooh should stay it's a really good ride even though I don't like Pooh.

I think all of EPCOT looks like it's still in the 80s with it's aging films and attractions.


New Member
If I could choose one ride to dissapear, it would have to be It's a Small world. And hopefully, the music will un-engrave itself from my brain. :p


Originally posted by Beauty and the
MK Tommorow land speed way, its dated and boring

Agreed, I've said this before,speedway needs to go. Loud, smelly, slow, ride that takes up a lot of valuable space. You want a go-kart rice, put one outside the parks some place (like the put-put golf courses), like near a water park.

And while were at it, lets clear out Ariels hood, and remove or move Tea Party. This would free up a lot of space for several high quality attractions.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Silent Rascal,

like grizz said, IASW is aimed at the youngins, not you. I'm sure when you were young you loved this ride or at least found it entertaining. AAAAAAAAAAAAAND, even if theyare dumb to most they need to stay for the same reason COP and CBJ should always be there.


New Member
MK- ariel's grotto. nuff. said.

Epcot-can't tell, i like it all, even though i'm not a fan of underwater creatures i love seeing sharks! (and who wants to spend another 50 dollars to go see sharks at sea world? not me that's for one thing!) so nothing in Epcot.

DISNEY studios :lol: - Hoiney I shrunk The Kids movie playset-it's always closed off! why don't they just replace it with something?

AK- Nothing that i know fo yet. i've only done some much. (CTX-i refuse to call it dinosaur, Kilamanjaro, allt he trail thingys, the lion king thngy and the monkey thing in asian thing of the thing thingy! :) )

yeah it's kinda hard cause i love it all.


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Original Poster
Originally posted by Main Street USA
like grizz said, IASW is aimed at the youngins, not you. I'm sure when you were young you loved this ride or at least found it entertaining. AAAAAAAAAAAAAND, even if theyare dumb to most they need to stay for the same reason COP and CBJ should always be there.

Well grizz would be wrong then, because it's not aimed at the youngins, it's aimed at all visitors of the park. I didn't enjoy this ride even when I was small, I found it boring and it made me want to move onto another ride rather quickly. It shouldn't stay just because it's old, it needs to be torn out for something more interesting.

General Grizz

New Member
CBJ or It's a Small World has no excuse to leave. They don't only bring in high crowds, but they also are classic attractions that make the theme parks what they are. CBJ brings in adults, too, mind y'all. Many many. In fact, there was a line for CBJ before it OPENED at 10:00 of mainly adults.

CoP should always remain. However, basically expense of operation if anything, would kill it.


New Member
MK: Buzz Lightyear - I miss the old ride there.

AK: No opinion, only been there twice.

Epcot: Body Wars, but not the whole pavilion. What would I do without Cranium Command?

Studios: not sure


I know everyone is entitled to their opinion, but some of you are out of your frickin mind!!!!:)

Gid rid of Small World, AstroOrbitor, JungleCruise, Tomorrowland Speedway, Buzz!!!!!!!!

Here's the rides I can live without:

MK: Alien Encounter
AK: Conservation what ever they call it and the train ride that goes with
MGM: Sounds Dangerous
Epcot: Living with the Land- what a snooze


New Member

Magic Kingdom- 20,000 Leg (not use) Put in ride

Epcot - they need to redew Body Wars( Note Stop making people sick)

MGM - Need to not get Rid of but enhance the back part of the park next to Star Tours. NEW YOUR STREET AREA



Originally posted by Wishingtree

Epcot - Ellen's Energy Adventure

NOooooo! I love this one!!! I love dinos! Ellen, Jamie-lee Curtis and the Science guy are great!

I'd much rather see the Living sees fixed up

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
As they say theres no accounting for taste, luckily we dont all like / hate the same things, keeps those lines down!!
Any way heres my tuppence worth:

MK: Ariels grotty, no shes fine but thgat area is a complete waste of space. However its a non ride so itll have to be the arch poluter the Speedway.
AK: Too little to scrap, I even liked those boats that were on when it first opened, but if pushed itll be Boneyard sandpit thing,

Epcot:p scrap the UK pavilion its dross, a 1900s vision that never existed, the only thing of any merit is the pub and their beer is pants. bring in the curry houses, alcopops and add 25% to all the prices for greater realism.

MGM: I like the Drew Carry thing so id bin the backlot tour its a waste of time apart from the bit with tool time scenery.


New Member
Originally posted by happy snapper

Epcot:p scrap the UK pavilion its dross, a 1900s vision that never existed, the only thing of any merit is the pub and their beer is pants. bring in the curry houses, alcopops and add 25% to all the prices for greater realism.

Actually, they should do that with almost all the pavilions! However they try to represent the most characteristic things of each country (Germany only represents the babarian zone). What I remember, is that with the UK pavilion, they tried to represent 8 different arquitectural styles... that's why it's looks confusing... anyway, I'd leave the World Showcase just as it is. At Epcot, I'd have to agree with disappearing Body Wars.
AK.- Something needs to be done with Conservation Station... they already have the infrastructure, however it's very boring!
MGM- Re-hab on Star Tours
MK- I like Buzz Lightyear.. but if we compare it with Universal's Men in Black-.. then, it need to be re-done!


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Original Poster
Country Bear Jamboree is ridiculously dated and boring, Jungle Cruise is simply an awful ride, It's a Small World is another horrid ride (being an original ride doesn't meanit's worth keeping)......any one of these (or all) should be ripped out and replaced with something better.


Originally posted by SilentRascal
Country Bear Jamboree is ridiculously dated and boring, Jungle Cruise is simply an awful ride, It's a Small World is another horrid ride (being an original ride doesn't meanit's worth keeping)......any one of these (or all) should be ripped out and replaced with something better.

eventhough i dont fully agree on the rides that you picked.. i believe you have a good thing in there..the part saying "being an original ride doesnt' mean it's worth keeping".. i agree with this.. if disney is to keep up its popularity, it needs new things.. *reminder* this is my opinon and i dont want anyone coming after me :hammer:

el condor

New Member
A question

How can Buzz Lightyear stay when JIYI goes - they're both Omnimover, they're both too cheap for they're own good (The Buzz Lightyear cars are the Take Flight ones with a cheap Infrared gun set bolted onto them), and their closest rivals blow them out of the water (Universal's Men in Black is the definitive example of how an interactive shoot-'em-up ride should work).

Another thing, is Buzz Lightyear due for rehab - when I last rode it (about 6 months after opening) I did nothing for one scene and got 100,000 points.

Not that I care - bring back Take Flight - I need somewhere to have a rest!

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